Lefties likely to lament

REPORTER: "Florida has hundreds of thousands of undocumented immigrants ..."

GOVERNOR DESANTIS: "The statutory term, per the Trump administration, is ILLEGAL alien. Undocumented is like, if I forget my wallet when I go drive. This is intentional to come in illegally. They aren't just missing a document. They violated the law, and with the help of cartels in many cases".

REPORTER: "OK, I'll rephrase. Florida is home to hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants, illegal aliens..."

View: https://x.com/i/status/1882538510382751808

This is Cesar Augusto Polanco, a Dominican Republic national who was living free in Boston despite a criminal conviction for second-degree murder.

Boston is a sanctuary city and local law enforcement weren’t allowed to cooperate with ICE.

ICE just arrested him.