Truck Fump / h1b
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You’ve been duped about their effect. They are hurting our economy and the trade deficit has increased.
no theyre not. lockdowns are hurting the economy, fool.
You’ve been duped about their effect. They are hurting our economy and the trade deficit has increased.
Yes, COVID is hurting the economy, but so we’re Trump’s tariffs, kitty lumpkinsno theyre not. lockdowns are hurting the economy, fool.
Yes, COVID is hurting the economy, but so we’re Trump’s tariffs, kitty lumpkins
They have to the extent possible. Filing suit doesnt permit but so much.
Yes. Fuck off.
You’ve been duped about their effect. They are hurting our economy and the trade deficit has increased.
Well if they have to the extent possible, then there must not have been that much, since virtually all of these cases have been thrown out. I think so far only one case hasn't been thrown out and that wasn't even about voter fraud.
They are not being refused for evidence by and large.
Whenever I ask why these cases have been thrown out in the courts, the Trumpcucks never give me an answer. They just get #triggered and start screaming about George Soros or China.
Because they have no proof. If you need further evidence of tRump retardism, look no further that EVmetro's psychobabble. According to him, Biden has to prove the election was fair as opposed to tRump having to prove fraud.
And when he gets cornered, he just copy and pasts the same paragraph for every reply.
These people are just too pussy to admit that they don't want Democracy, they want Trump to have the power to overturn the election.
Correct Biden is now the most popular person to ever run for office in the history of the world
he is so much more loved then any other candidate ever.
anyone that questions that is just part of the conspiracy theory.
no. tariffs are in place right now. trump did it.
We have over 12,000 tariffs in place. Trump did not invent them.
Lefties have to dismiss any and all evidence, allegations, or discussion of election fraud like a hot potato so that they can back their ONLY card.
have not seen any lefties post anything about the election fraud other than insisting that Beijing Biden won, election fraud be damned. No matter what the fraud is, how legit it is, or how much there is, lefties are going to say Beijing Biden won. No matter what comes up in conversation about the election, lefties have only one card they can play. We will see this card being played over and over, and it will never get old for them as long as it is the ONLY card that have.
wrong. ag barr is a swamp creature.
he's decidedly outside swampdom, as indicated by his opposition to globalist zealotry.