The difference is: Police officers have made statements that Clinton sexually abused and raped women. They are on record. Clinton paid millions of dollars to the women accusing him in settlement - not to stop them talking > SETTLEMENT.
There is NO evidence to show Mr Trump did what you say. If so you show it. I am using the accepted method - evidence or hearsay?? If I ever see actual evidence Trump raped a woman, especially a young girl, I will drop him like a lead balloon.
My point is that despite evidence against Clintons YOU lefties still support them. Despite what George Floyd was and the BLM is (PROVE FACT) you still support that.
I also note you nicely avoided the Haiti crimes. Many people died because of the Clintons crimes against them. Do you accept that? is this what you admire?? I bet you oppose the iraq invasion << but not the Haiti scandal.

I didn't know I suddenly became a "leftie" now. Also, I don't know who George Floyd is.
I didn't know I suddenly became a "leftie" now. Also, I don't know who George Floyd is.
LOL... that you stoop this low. Floyd is the "cops knee on the neck" victim. Truth is he died from an overuse of drugs. If i "accused" you of being a Leftie I withdraw that accusation. It is a very nasty vile thing to accuse you of. Worse than a racist or a pedophile. So i do withdraw that. I have to say tho, wrong as I was to jump to the conclusion your are a leftie, you certainly showed all the hallmarks of being a leftie. I mean, who the hell in their right mind would even attempt to defend the Clintons. They are the most vile people ever to hold office in US history. It matters not if one is left or right or middle or black or white - it is a simple fact the Clintons are evil. The facts are there.
LOL... that you stoop this low. Floyd is the "cops knee on the neck" victim. Truth is he died from an overuse of drugs. If i "accused" you of being a Leftie I withdraw that accusation. It is a very nasty vile thing to accuse you of. Worse than a racist or a pedophile. So i do withdraw that. I have to say tho, wrong as I was to jump to the conclusion your are a leftie, you certainly showed all the hallmarks of being a leftie. I mean, who the hell in their right mind would even attempt to defend the Clintons. They are the most vile people ever to hold office in US history. It matters not if one is left or right or middle or black or white - it is a simple fact the Clintons are evil. The facts are there.

I'm definitely a liberal, but I've never heard of the term "leftie" until this forum. I figured it was some derogatory term that a simple-minded person might use to marginalize someone with whom they disagree, but I wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt. I see I was wrong in having given it, though.

As for this George Floyd, I don't care much for BLM or any of the "woke" stuff. I also don't care for the identity politics or the victimization that people on both sides avail themselves in. Truthfully ,I only care about advancing policies that promote liberal economic ideas, the protection of our environment, and the move to alternative energy sources.
All the threads crying about the mean old liberals bashing dead, rotten Rush are hilarious. Guess you guys forgot about RBG already, eh?
I despise Biden. No way would I publicly state the vitriolic nasty comments the lefties have published - taking account he has a wife and children. I might say; "i opposed his politics and can not cry for his death" - but there is a huge leap to - "rest in piss" ... but of course, you being a leftie I fully grasp that YOU would say that and actually feel very happy about that. Nice one.

For the last time, liberals, democrats, progressives, guess what? We're not some angelic cum by ya party of people who throw rose buds at satan. Rush was a cruel evil greedy bastard and deserves nothing less than the ire he's receiving after his death. As he gave the TIN MAN HIS SYMBOLIC HEART....THE WIZARD SAID AND I QUOTE " REMEMBER MY FRIEND, WE'RE NOT JUDGED BY HOW MANY PEOPLE WE LOVED, BUT BY HOW MANY PEOPLE LOVED US......
All the threads crying about the mean old liberals bashing dead, rotten Rush are hilarious. Guess you guys forgot about RBG already, eh?

Conservatives are the only ingrates on the planet with the worst short term memory in human history....and and and the shit they say and do, IS ALL ON F**** TAPE AND STILL THESE BRAIN DEAD F*** DENY IT. The only people who should be crying over that fat racist white pig are those left behind rednecks that have to find a new loser to follow to dumb shit land again
What a fine example of the evil lefties, so admired by the Dems. How sick are the people who will post such a vile comment on Twitter (or anywhere).
Note the Twitter does not delete such a nasty comment. Yet will delete and ban much milder comments but comments that happen to oppose Twitters leftie stance.
This is the level. This is the rot in society.

Such people have that same slimy grin as Ted Bundy had when he stood up in court to speak. A psychotic evil state deep inside projected via a smirk from the mouth with the truth - evil - in the eyes.

Shame on the people who make such comments and those who support them. You have evil in you.

I agree that "rest in shit" may have been a better choice.
Limbaugh was a malignant cancer on our culture.
One of 74,000,000, unfortunately.
For the last time, liberals, democrats, progressives, guess what? We're not some angelic cum by ya party of people who throw rose buds at satan. Rush was a cruel evil greedy bastard and deserves nothing less than the ire he's receiving after his death. As he gave the TIN MAN HIS SYMBOLIC HEART....THE WIZARD SAID AND I QUOTE " REMEMBER MY FRIEND, WE'RE NOT JUDGED BY HOW MANY PEOPLE WE LOVED, BUT BY HOW MANY PEOPLE LOVED US......
Ok, so you dont like him. Thats OK.
Conservatives are the only ingrates on the planet with the worst short term memory in human history....and and and the shit they say and do, IS ALL ON F**** TAPE AND STILL THESE BRAIN DEAD F*** DENY IT. The only people who should be crying over that fat racist white pig are those left behind rednecks that have to find a new loser to follow to dumb shit land again

There's little doubt that some other purveyor of hate will rise to take Limbaugh's place. The Reichwing seems to have a never-ending supply of propagandists and those who love them.
But the original post was profound philosophy for the ages, right?
I dont assume a slant upon my comments in order to encourage agreement with me. I am very happy if a person disagrees with me. I say what I say with conviction and thats that.
When you hear the clip clip clop of hooves - don't think Zebra - think Horse. A simple faulty 'O' ring destroyed a multi billion dollar space craft and killed several astronauts. Sometimes clear simple logical thought works.
What a fine example of the evil lefties, so admired by the Dems. How sick are the people who will post such a vile comment on Twitter (or anywhere).
Note the Twitter does not delete such a nasty comment. Yet will delete and ban much milder comments but comments that happen to oppose Twitters leftie stance.
This is the level. This is the rot in society.

Such people have that same slimy grin as Ted Bundy had when he stood up in court to speak. A psychotic evil state deep inside projected via a smirk from the mouth with the truth - evil - in the eyes.

Shame on the people who make such comments and those who support them. You have evil in you.

You mean to say that only the left post vile comment on Twitter, and also, the real rot in our society is from those who submit blindly to a psychotic narcissist, who preaches hate and bigotry, the likes of Donald Trump.
You mean to say that only the left post vile comment on Twitter, and also, the real rot in our society is from those who submit blindly to a psychotic narcissist, who preaches hate and bigotry, the likes of Donald Trump.
I challenge you to show absolute "hate and bigotry" which has its roots in Mr Donald Trump. And dont bother showing CNN reports or something thrice removed as Trumps.
You my also want to show vile comments from Trump supporters - remember a comment is only "vile" when it is untrue not portrayed as the truth.