I'm Watermark
Leave the social issues to the different states. And when I say different states I don't mean your federal judges but the numerical majority of the people within them.
Because who needs judicial review?
Leave the social issues to the different states. And when I say different states I don't mean your federal judges but the numerical majority of the people within them.
Because who needs judicial review?
Screw federal judicial review. There are such things as state courts which are required to adhere to the U.S. constitution.
If not to create different interpretations, then why choose state over federal courts?
Leave the social issues to the different states. And when I say different states I don't mean your federal judges but the numerical majority of the people within them.
Well if that’s true, why are the neo-con RINOs, so-called “social conservatives" so hell bent on destroying the Tea Party? All you need to do is watch and listen to the likes of John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Carl Rove, Peter King, John Boehner, Chris Christie and the other RINOs who consistently bad mouth the Tea Party members in Congress and even the Tea Party in general?
Maybe they haven’t taken over the whole of it yet? Maybe they just want to purge the libertarians and others who oppose “business as usual” in Washington with balls and gusto, huh?
That's not what social conservatives want. Look at what your politicians and jurist have done on marijuana. They also tried to ban marriage equality federally.
But, I don't consider civil rights a States' rights issue.
Because there’s no recourse when federal courts ignore and violate the National ,Constitution, it’s next to impossible to throw the bastards on the courts out, but state courts still have to be in lock step with the National Constitution and the recourse when they’re not is the federal court. Akin to all of that is the fact that the federal government has no constitutional authority to do most of what they do today, but amendment 10 of the national Constitution guarantees the authority to the States to do whatever they want as long as they don’t violate the National ,Constitution or the respective State’s Constitution.
For the sake of discussion from a Libertarian perspective why not?
States do not have rights. They have powers. Rights only adhere to the individual.
States do not have any right or just power to violate the rights of individuals anymore than the federal government does.
The Libertarian Party supports the 14th amendment and libertarians champion the rights of individuals, not the rights of the state or States. The neo confederates who make a pretense of being libertarian are absolute frauds.
Yes, there is recourse for the federal courts. You can amend the Constitution.
That's not what social conservatives want. Look at what your politicians and jurist have done on marijuana. They also tried to ban marriage equality federally.
But, I don't consider civil rights a States' rights issue.
Which one of those guys is a social conservative?
The only libertarians who are identifying as tea party are the stupid ones.
So then when a “power” given to a State by the Constitution is ignored and or overridden by the federal government, you opine that no Constitutional “Right” Of Power is violated?
Who said they did?
The label “Libertarian Party” is an oxymoron. Political parties are all about collectivism while true libertarianism is all about individualism.
Political parties are nothing but collective hodgepodges of disagreeable yingyangs who’s only purpose to unite is grabbing at political power just for the sake of caressing their egos and or positioning themselves to financially rape the public and or the nation and in the case of their idiot party loyalist followers i. e. partisan voters, it’s because they want government to either give them something that belongs to somebody else or they want government to force everybody else to live by their personal moral standards. In short political parties are nothing but corrupt special interest.
Good luck with that! The Constitution hasn’t been amended since politicians found out that by putting the most partisan of judges on the court they could completely ignore the Constitution and do whatever the fuck they wanted. Walla! Obama-Care and The Patriot Act.
There is no right of power. I did not say anything like that. The state only has powers, justly acquired or otherwise. They can be granted or taken away. Rights are a completely different animal.
There is no need to put "power" in quotes. Many who are claiming the tenth don't seem to understand it. Read it. Does it mention rights. No, it does not. It says powers. Read the ninth amendment? Does it say anything about powers? No, it does not not. It says rights, because it is referring to those things that adhere only to individuals.
The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
States Rights is an oxymoron. Political parties are a necessary fact of democratic republics.
A judge that supposedly ignores the constitution will not make amending the constitution less likely. It would make it more likely.
You also evaded the fact that this notion of eliminating federal judicial review would do nothing but leave us with 50 different interpretations of the Constitution without recourse.
The people that complain about the federal courts don't want the Bill of Rights applied to the States. They are at war with the 14th amendment. They are against the constitution not for it.
That only equates with BIG fucking government taking unconstitutional ”LIBERTY” with the Constitution and taxpayer’s money.
RIGHT: a justified claim or entitlement, or the freedom to do something (Encarta English Dictionary)
Actually, you’re confusing “inalienable rights” with “granted rights.” Inalienable rights are individual, creator given rights and granted rights are the powers granted to government by the people.
Why are political parties a necessity to any Government?
“However political parties may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion."
What makes amending the Constitution less likely is the fact that Duopoly politicians have violated the Constitution so many times they’re totally comfortable now days to simply ignore it, get away with it, and do their corrupt business as usual.
Who’s promoting eliminating federal judicial review of State laws? I listed that as a recourse to State law.
Horseshit! The federal courts have allowed the federal government to trounce all over State’s RIGHTS with unconstitutional federal mandates forced on the States and taking on the federal government all manner of socialist programs and other powers and authorities granted solely to the States by the 10th Amendment.