Leftist slut-shaming in the news

did anyone ask the person who "came across her account" what they were looking for when they found it?......

He's angry because it costs money to look at OnlyFans porn, and they ban stalkers and freeloaders.

Content creators upload their content to the site—it could be articles, photos, or videos—and their fans can choose to follow them, typically for a fee, which is decided by the creator. OnlyFans creators keep 80 percent of the money they make with the rest going to the site.

As a lot of OnlyFans content is of an adult nature, users have to be 18 and older and will need a government-issued ID for proof.

OnlyFans ensures that the content cannot be shared beyond the paywall as if a user tries to take a screenshot, it will show a black screen instead. Users can also be banned if they are caught trying to screenshot or record the screen.

OnlyFans said in a statement: "OnlyFans takes content piracy very seriously and has a designated DMCA team that issue formal takedown notices against all reported copyright violations.

I'm pretty sure Rolling Stone is leftist.

“OnlyFans is not fully transparent about its ties to the adult industry because it wants to profit off of its sex worker user base while simultaneously making room for itself to grow further by attracting mainstream influencers,” said E.J. Dickson, a culture reporter for Rolling Stone.

If that's not leftist slut-shaming, what is?

In an email response, a representative stated, “OnlyFans has and always will welcome all content creators.”

Leftists hate freedom. Leftists love censorship.


A mom who sells sexy snaps online was bullied by progressive parents at her kids’ school.

Known as “Ms. Poindexter” on the OnlyFans app, strong, independent Californian Tiffany Poindexter rakes in more than $150,000 a month selling access to artistic female empowerment.

Progressive puritans at her kids’ school, however, are not fans.

They started a campaign to get her three kids kicked out of the school when her account was discovered.

“Some women from my area actually printed out pictures I posted on my OnlyFans and mailed them to the principal of my children’s school,” she said.

“We were called a load of names; apparently it was ‘disturbing, disgusting, horrifying’ and ‘my children should be kicked out!’”

Prove that the parents were progressive, leggiecrite. Saying they're from California is not proof. :nono:

I’d be curious as to why you think it’s leftist that are complaining. I think she’s smoking hot. Her husband takes the pictures. I’m sure the boys know, and their is no nudity.

“However, the family live in an affluent area made up of a close-knit Catholic community and claim to have received considerable backlash from people who don’t approve of their OnlyFans account.”


Leggiecrite seems to think that because she's from CA, those criticizing her are progressive. Tsk tsk, bad leggiecrite.
That does not make sense to me.

I know exactly zero lefties in real life who are frothing-at-the-mouth outraged about a married couple taking pics of the wife in sexy dresses and sweat pants and sharing them on an obscure private website.

Exactly. It's more the kind of thing Mike Pence-type Christians would complain about.
He's angry because it costs money to look at OnlyFans porn, and they ban stalkers and freeloaders.

Content creators upload their content to the site—it could be articles, photos, or videos—and their fans can choose to follow them, typically for a fee, which is decided by the creator. OnlyFans creators keep 80 percent of the money they make with the rest going to the site.

As a lot of OnlyFans content is of an adult nature, users have to be 18 and older and will need a government-issued ID for proof.

OnlyFans ensures that the content cannot be shared beyond the paywall as if a user tries to take a screenshot, it will show a black screen instead. Users can also be banned if they are caught trying to screenshot or record the screen.

OnlyFans said in a statement: "OnlyFans takes content piracy very seriously and has a designated DMCA team that issue formal takedown notices against all reported copyright violations.


Sounds like a site to crawl and rip! LOL!

I used to do that, figure out how to get to all the content via internet and just download entire pay sites and post everything they had for free with a little bit of my spam you hadda click to get it all for free!..LOLO! You didn't have to buy anything attached to my spammage "Clicks 4 cash" banner to enter and get everything I hacked and posted for free.
Back before GoDaddy bought up so much of the internet and getting your own domain was easy.

Da law might be a bit tighter now, and I'm askeered nowadays. I had nothing to lose then, just a kid.