Leftists: I challenge you

Hello, I am a conservative Republican. I am willing to argue any policy you leftist want, but I worn you I use facts, and facts don't care about your feelings. I will not argue for a politician I will simply beat all you leftists in an argument about any policy.

I hate to tell you this, but you appear to be new here; the leftist morons on this forum are not interested in debate, facts, the truth or honesty, they are only interested in parroting the shrill, dumb and moronic talking points they have been fed by the FAKE media and DNC.

It's better to just point at them and laugh. You have been worned. :rofl2:
I already said I will not defend a politician, but to answer your question Trump is not a conservative. Trump's policies are a mismatch of conservative ideas, protectionist ideas, and leftist ideas. In fact Trump supported Hillary Clinton in 2008 and he was a democrat until he announced he was running for office. Now if any of you leftists have a leftists or conservative policy you want to debate I am more than happy to crush you.

Well, if this is true, the lunatic left would embracing him.
LOL Another one, of course I am never sure what a lefty is? They should define before being pitied. Any policy huh? Well considering no conservative has ever put forth a policy that helps all Americans what would you know about policies? A few policies to consider, food safety regulations, banking regulations, child safety, handicap provisions, FMLA, minimum wage, labor laws, social security, to name a few. Conservatives are like puppies, money plays them and they bow wow with glee. Been there done that, conservative links below.

No nation was ever founded by conservatives, no positive policy was ever created by conservatives, in order to do something, anything, they'd have to stop whining and pointing fingers, but then what would they to be.

"What is conservatism? Is it not adherence to the old and tried, against the new and untried?" Abraham Lincoln Source: February 27, 1860 Cooper Union



Hello, I am a conservative Republican. I am willing to argue any policy you leftist want, but I worn you I use facts, and facts don't care about your feelings. I will not argue for a politician I will simply beat all you leftists in an argument about any policy.
Welcome, this should be different
Well if you believe in international military alliances then that makes you liberal on that issue. Not conservative. Conservatives believe in isolationism or unilateralism (America First). Liberals believe in liberal internationalism in which mutually beneficial multinational alliances are agreed to like the ones that won WWII and the Cold War. That's also true in trade.

Obviously, since you oppose conservative protectionism ( and protectionism is by definition conservative) and believe in liberal internationalism then you are liberal on this issue and not conservative.

I thought you said you were conservative but now your supporting liberal policy. So which are you liberal or conservative?

Well, Bernie Sanders is a protectionist and a proponent of the idea that economics is zero sum game. His ideas will ALWAYS lead straight to Trumpettes. It never fails to happen and yet the left entertains this shitstain who has done nothing for Democrats or this country.