Different masks serve different purposes. None of them serve the purpose of stopping or slowing the spread of viruses.Wow, how stupid is gfm/ITN? He still doesn't understand the purpose of a mask. After all this time. How sad.
Different masks serve different purposes. None of them serve the purpose of stopping or slowing the spread of viruses.Wow, how stupid is gfm/ITN? He still doesn't understand the purpose of a mask. After all this time. How sad.
YALSA.Awww, good to see the third personality emerge again, INT/IBDa/gfm.![]()
Yes, I am still gfm7175.You're still the same person
What's wacky about this thread of mine?with the same wacky mentality
What's wacky about any of the information contained in my signature links? I have more than one link proved by your signature link
It is not a faux forum. The forum exists. It is not being used for discussions, but rather for reference purposes (it has a bunch of various bits of information contained within a single website).to your faux forum.
Nope. I've heard that argument countless times already, mostly from lefties. Apparently most lefties are retards.Strawman. Only retards would think that.
Nope. I've heard that argument countless times already, mostly from lefties. Droplets are not viruses. The number of droplets is the same regardless of whether or not one is wearing a mask. The number of droplets is not reduced.Another strawman. The mask reduces the number of droplets as person talks or coughs.
Nope. I've heard that argument countless times already, mostly from lefties. Yes, I am free not to take it, and I will not be taking it. Did you know that taking the vaccine is also a risk?Another strawman. You are free not to take the vaccine. It is your risk and yours alone.
I do not watch Tucker Carlson. I have no idea what his positions are on this topic. I think for myself.Ditch your Tucker.exe programming from your mind masters.
Of course you are. I never said you weren't, INT/IBDa/gfm.Yes, I am still gfm7175.
Nope. I've heard that argument countless times already, mostly from lefties. Apparently most lefties are retards.
Nope. I've heard that argument countless times already, mostly from lefties. Droplets are not viruses. The number of droplets is the same regardless of whether or not one is wearing a mask. The number of droplets is not reduced.
Nope. I've heard that argument countless times already, mostly from lefties. Yes, I am free not to take it, and I will not be taking it. Did you know that taking the vaccine is also a risk?
I do not watch Tucker Carlson. I have no idea what his positions are on this topic. I think for myself.
I have heard all three of those specific arguments get made by countless liberals countless times.
The vaccine allows people to return to normal. Not taking it stops you from crowds and schools and normalacy. If your right wingship demands you do not take the shots, then accept the consequences without crying.
the vaccine allows you to BELIEVE you can return to normal.............nothing more, nothing less. try and stop those who don't follow you from living a life......see what happens
Yeah pretty sure that millions of scientists and doctors are lying.
it's not about scientists and doctors. It's about people thinking they can make others do things they don't want to know, like how you pro choicers don't want republicans telling women they can't have an abortion????
Yes I did.And you did not understand them.
The difference is that abortion doesn't pose danger to anyone.
i'm betting that unborn baby thinks differently, or the potential father of that unborn baby
An appeal to emotion fallacy. You can do better than that.
having been a potential father.........that's about the best anyone can do.