Lefty reality check

If you happen to be one of the lefties who insists that Hillary won more of the kind of votes that count, just listen to Hillary's message above.

Trump kicked Hillary's ass. Hillary lost. Trump is your president. If this rubs you the wrong way, watch her message again until you get used to reality.

Why do rightys have so much trouble understanding daffy was sworn in Jan. 20th?
It's two years too late to be whining about the EC.

Hillary has an important message for you:

Maybe 100 years too late. I like almost all people think the EC is a terrible mistake ,at least in modern times. But I accept that is how we do it . I know that on 4 occasions the EC picked the winner in spite of the larger vote for the loser. However that does not change that hillary got more votes and more Americans wanted her to be president. But are rightys honestly too stupid to understand we know you idiots have infected us with a person who is completely unqualified for the job? Yeah, he is a president. The history books will talk about the horror of the 2016 election. There will be books written for centuries about the horror of what you guys did, assuming trump does not push the bigly red button.