Legal procedure: Critics cry foul as NFL defends nonprofit status

I wonder how much lil' Lukey Ravenstahl gets in kickbacks from Der Steelers in the Intellectual Capital of the World?

Bye-bye to Boy Mayor. Don't let the screen door hit ya, etc.

Don't. forget that if you are "lucky" enough to have an NFL team in your city, you get to subsidize their playground by building a multimillion dollar stadium, charge them 5% of market rent provide extra police for their games! clean up after their messes! and in return you get a couple hundred peanut vendor jobs and a few hotel rooms. Ever hear a football hero say, "Thank you, taxpayers!" And you can't even take a bottle of water to a game.

If you happen to have pro football, baseball, basketball, and soccer...oh lucky you. You get to support even more. Yep. That's me. I have not attended a pro sports event in over 30 years. Yet I get to pay to tear down "old" stadiums, build new, tear them down and build more. Yet the NFL is tax exempt.

No problem. Every city needs to charge market rent, charge for police, charge for parking. No subsidies. Next thing you know, the NFL WILL be non profit!

If you lived here you'd have two stadiums! One for football, one for baseball and everything else! One on either side of the bridge!


Sports is our religion.:cuss:
Houston gets the honor of four major sports edifices, all new or replacements for existing facilities within the last 13 years. Houston Astros play baseball in Minute Maid Park (opened in 2000), downtown Houston. Houston Texans play football in Reliant Stadium (2002), near the former Astrodome, 5 miles south of downtown. Houston Rockets play basketball, and the Houston Aeros play hockey, in the Toyota Center (2003), downtown. Finally the Houston Dynamo play soccer in BBVA Compass Stadium (2012), also downtown. Soccer being a primarily foreign professional sport, the Dynamo had to actually kick in some money toward their stadium. Of course, since this is Houston, all those facilities except the soccer stadium are air conditioned, with Minute Maid Park and Reliant Stadium both having a retractable roof.