Legal Question For Jarod

Yes seriously.
The FBI are interviewing known associates of Kavannah as part of a background check.
When you applied for a job didn’t you name references? Maybe you never worked in your life.
Since this is probably one of the most important jobs in the country, I’m sure the interview process is pretty thorough.
I’m sure the FBI went above and beyond the normal background checks.
Again it is hard for me to believe these allegations won’t surface. The allegations are he was at a lot of drunken parties.
I have conducted many interviews in the last 34 years. You don’t need a police report filing to learn of someone’s character.
It’s not a criminal trial, it’s a background check. They ask people about your character.

You guys really don’t get how stupid you are looking

So a woman makes an accusation that there was a two year history of GANG RAPES among high school boys.

Your supposed next best step is am FBI background check?

No the next best step is for these women to file complaints with the police department.

The fact that none of these accusers has filed a formal police complaint tells me that all this is is a delaying tactic

The left has convinced the,selves that they are taking back the Senate and all they have to do is stop Kavanaugh and then they block the seat for the rest of Trumps term. They think it gets revenge for Garland and saves the seat.

They are making too many false assumptions
You are assuming that an investigation wouldn't clear his name. Your last sentence seems to beg the same question I asked. Why do Republicans refuse to call for an investigation?

And why did Don skip right past that in his question to Jarod?

there has already been an are asking for another based on an accusation of one person who not only has no collaborative but every witness she has identified has said "h'uh?"....
I believe all accusations begin as he/she said. That's why law enforcement conducts an investigation. In this case, we're now finding that Kav was often drunk to the point of being incapacitated. He was belligerent when he was drunk, and now we find that his rape frat often tried to drug their victims, or at the very least, get them drunk.

actually those are all still accusations....
Obviously this is about Garland, rightfully so. Dems have a card to play in this hand, and they'll play it. As they should.

if you had the votes to carry it off without the lies, you would be right....if you play the card wrong it will cost you senate seats.....given your history, you will play it wrong....