Legitimacy and Legality : The Colorado Screwjob

EVERYONE is required to accept facts

fuck you liar

Please present a "few" facts backed up by something besides the grand canyon MOUTH and we shall make a judgement, I am still awaiting the 1st FACT....just a few Objective Facts in writing might help....not some "linked" (parroted article) that just happens to agree with your ad homniem bullshit. 2 lies don't make a truth regardless of the parroted/pasted rhetoric.

Ad Hominem: Appealing to personal considerations rather to logic and reason..i.e., demonstrable truths. Like this nation was founded as a "democracy" and "mobs" should rule over contract law....I knew from this 1st ignorant lie who I was dealing with. Someone dependent upon BIG BROTHER that votes for a living, not asking "What you can do for your country but what the hell can the country do for me...I am special."

JFK would roll over in his grave. The last true Democrat to ever win a presidential election in this nation. A democrat whose first acts in office was to sure up the military, and reform welfare....today, JFK would be on the hit list of liberalism, classified as some far right nut job. FYI: As you can tell, I am a BLUEDOG...not a commie dimwit. I simply can't tolerate communists who don't even accept the fact they are communist. Remember? Everyone must accept facts.:)
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