Lemme ax you

I'm a Moderate, PMP.
You, on the other hand, are a Theocrat.

You don't believe in 'Separation of Church and State'. You are NOT an American, you more closely resemble ISIS. You support a Christian Ayatollah.

"Theocracy is a form of government in which a deity of some type is recognized as the supreme ruling authority, giving divine guidance to human intermediaries that manage the day-to-day affairs of the government. Wikipedia"

Neither did the Founders. They only opposed Congress passing laws respecting establishments of religion.
Neither did the Founders. They only opposed Congress passing laws respecting establishments of religion.

The Founders knew what happened in Europe as Protestants killed Catholics and Catholics killed Protestants. Each side KNOWING God favored THEM ... as they butchered each other.
You didn't have to be overly bright to figure out that was a bunch of dumbass shit that needed to be avoided.
Spliting wood, and probably pounding stakes because I'm too lazy to grab/pack a separate hammer for that.

'Splitting wood' sounds like something you would use a Ax for. Sounds like good exercise. Do you have a fireplace?
You need about 10 square feet for a fire pit. Every hobo with a empty oil drum has one.

Well, enjoy the Michigan fall, I have a feeling it may be a warmer one and than we're in for a plunge near the end. Good time to add some brandy to the fresh apple cider.
A fire pit. It's nice for the 15 hours of fall we get before winter.

:) I'm sure it's more than '15 hours'.
Nothing beats a fire pit in cool (or cold) weather. Fun, by yourself, with Family, or with friends. Good excuse to have some Drinks. Or good excuse to cook stuff. :thumbsup: