Leslie Millwee ‏was sexually assaulted by Bill Clinton multiple times in 1980.

You'll not get one liberal to discuss this, indeed the vast majority haven't even heard of her.

Leslie Millwee ‏was raped by Bill Clinton multiple times in 1980. Senators Schumer and Feinstein refused to listen to her, after they asked all women to come forward. She remembers every detail and has corroborating witnesses.

Bill Clinton was later impeached for lying about his sexual encounters in the White House. Democrats made him their keynote speaker in 2016 and nominated his enabler wife for president.

Bill Clinton should never be appointed to the Supreme Court and Hillary was defeated, good riddance. One party down, one to go.
Funny how all these charges against Kavanaugh never seem to have any evidence behind them!! What a truly colossal fucktard you are, will your buddy Jaded Lizard be along soon to defend you?

You've done an outstanding job exposing the disgusting puss filled sore of the liberal ideology.
No there isn't.

The Repugnant right-wing has proven time and time again that it is perfectly willing to engage in sleazy gutter politics going back to Richard Nixon.

Multi-billionaire right-wing zealot Richard Mellon Scaife led a cabal that was dedicated to destroying Clinton at all costs and using any means possible.

Therefore, we have no reason to believe any anti-Clinton bullshit they pull out of their ass now.

It is obvious you're not just a pathological lying dumbfuck, but delusional and stupid too.
The hypocrisy of the left could fill Lake Michigan. Their real concern about women; would fill a thimble.

Until it was outted, congress had a socialist taxpayer funded hush money slush fund, seems rather common doesn't it.

For anyone at all to be aghast at this stuff is utterly hypocritical. The fact is, america requires a great deal of hypocrisy to function at all. Always has.
This stuff was dealt with, Tommy Boy. Bill Clinton was only guilty of the Lewinsky tug. None of this other stuff had enough grounds for squat.

How was it dealt with? These women were called trailer trash. Did you support Billy Bob after these women stepped forward? Yes or no? Did you believe these women? Yes or No?
Bill Clinton should never be appointed to the Supreme Court and Hillary was defeated, good riddance. One party down, one to go.

That isn't the question is it you dishonest hack. Do you believe her, yes or no? I think President is a higher office isn't it?