Lesson on Socialism

they cant deal with facts so they heave imaginary red bricks and boring fucking insults.

really stupid voters that ronny courted to win elections
tell us why you fucks REFUSE to admit your party cheats in elections and then BACK shit that keeps voters from voting so you can win?

don't you care about democracy?
No wonder he finds political discourse boring. LOL!

He finds honesty and truth to be repugnant. That's how incredibly stupid these Liberal dunces are.

It is like his claim of winning; he thinks it is winning when people give up looking for work, drop out of the workforce and the only work for college grads are part time low paying burger flipper jobs.

I'm sure Democrats were doing the happy dance winning in Detroit too; how did that work out for them?

I'm sure the leftists were doing the happy dance winning in Venezeula too; how did that work out for them?

That's why I find ideologues devoted to nothing other than winning repugnant; because it places partisanship on a pedestal and everything else, people, liberty, prosperity, independence are ancillary.
tell us why you fucks REFUSE to admit your party cheats in elections and then BACK shit that keeps voters from voting so you can win?

don't you care about democracy?

This can't be directed at me because I have no party, but I'm interested if you can produce an incidence whereby an eligible voter was kept from voting by any party and some statistics of how often that actually happens in the United States, to whom and which party is the guilty party.