Let the Witch Hunts Begin.


JPP Modarater

"Harris said Friday that Jones could face charges related to the four deaths"

This is absurd that this man is going to take the heat for inept pilots & TV reporters who were clearly trying to exploit the police chase. They didn't have to be there. They chose to and that's the chance they took. There was no problem with the helicopters, so the problem was obviously with one of the pilots.
It doesn't break my heart. These cocksuckers get high from the TV time, and the news follows them like dogs to a bone.

That being said, I think they'll have a hard time pinning the pilots mistakes on this clown. It would be like blaming him if some lonely grandma had a heart attack while sitting on her vinyl covered couch watching it unfold on her TV.

If these pilots are so into the story that they don't even pay attention to the other helicopter a few yards away, that's their fault, not the dopey driver's.

I hope they pin it on him anyway. I'm sick of these pricks.
It doesn't break my heart. These cocksuckers get high from the TV time, and the news follows them like dogs to a bone.

That being said, I think they'll have a hard time pinning the pilots mistakes on this clown. It would be like blaming him if some lonely grandma had a heart attack while sitting on her vinyl covered couch watching it unfold on her TV.

If these pilots are so into the story that they don't even pay attention to the other helicopter a few yards away, that's their fault, not the dopey driver's.

I hope they pin it on him anyway. I'm sick of these pricks.

You hope they pin it on the suspect? I'm guessing that was a typo.

I agree, it doesn't break my heart either. It does break my heart that he's getting maligned and that anyone is even considering pinning their mistakes on him. That's insane.
Would he be charged if a someone was killed in a car accident caused by the chase?

Yes he would!

What makes it different because it was helicopters?
Would he be charged if a someone was killed in a car accident caused by the chase?

Yes he would!

What makes it different because it was helicopters?

a) The helicopters were chasing him.
b) If he caused a car accident, he caused a car accident directly and whether or not he was being chased by the cops, he'd be charged.
Would he be charged if a someone was killed in a car accident caused by the chase?

Yes he would!

What makes it different because it was helicopters?

Negligence comes to mind.

He didn't cause the copters to crash, negligence did.

His car/truck wasn't flying, thus causing the helicopters to try to avoid him or any potential crash as would have been the case of other cars.

It's an unfortunate accident, but they needed better pilots or a protocol that dictated how many copters can be in the air looking at the same thing at one time.
If you rob a store at the register and a clerk in the back room dies of a heart attack you can be charged with the death.

I believe the law goes " if someone dies in the commition of a crime the perpitrator can be charged".
If you rob a store at the register and a clerk in the back room dies of a heart attack you can be charged with the death.

I believe the law goes " if someone dies in the commition of a crime the perpitrator can be charged".

You could easily prove that robbing the store had a direct impact on the person's heart attack. The person who was in the store being robbed, had no choice or way of avoiding the robber and if given the option I'm sure would have stayed away.
This thread seems to be taking the track that those in the copters were somehow law enforcemnt or crime targets vs rubberneckers.
I agree with T and the rest. This happened where I live and the news stations are all over it and most are saying he should be charged with their deaths.

If it was a police helicopter then ya I could see that but these news helos were just gawking and not paying attention. His car didn't fly and make them crash.
This thread seems to be taking the track that those in the copters were somehow law enforcemnt or crime targets vs rubberneckers.

exactly. And they aren't.

I like that analogy. If you get into an accident because you are rubber necking, its not the fault of the persons who had the original accident. You can't hold them liable for your negligence in wanting to see what happened.

Another good point is that if the cops crashed in trying to chase him, he'd be responsible for that. But this? This outright exploitation of the chase is not sometihng that should be protected.
I agree with T and the rest. This happened where I live and the news stations are all over it and most are saying he should be charged with their deaths.

Really? Man. People are stupid. I actually feel sorry for the guy/criminal. It looks like he might get railroaded. I just hope the DA and judge aren't going to be driven by mob rule.
Last I heard was that the police want him charged for the deaths and that the DA is thinking about it. I doubt they'll do it though.
This thread seems to be taking the track that those in the copters were somehow law enforcemnt or crime targets vs rubberneckers.

They are people doing their job just like the stock clerk in the back room.

You could sujest the stock clerk should have eaten a better diet.

That law pretty much covers this , they may choose to change the guy who stole to cars and drove recklessly endangerig peoples lives.

The chopper guys were just doing their jobs which helps people avoid this asshole and keep from getting hurt.

It probably was pilot error BUT the pilot would have been somewhere else if it werent for this guy who didnt care who he hurt to steal cars and get away.
They are people doing their job just like the stock clerk in the back room.

You could sujest the stock clerk should have eaten a better diet.

That law pretty much covers this , they may choose to change the guy who stole to cars and drove recklessly endangerig peoples lives.

The chopper guys were just doing their jobs which helps people avoid this asshole and keep from getting hurt.

It probably was pilot error BUT the pilot would have been somewhere else if it werent for this guy who didnt care who he hurt to steal cars and get away.

do you think you should get charged and/or be liable if you have an accident on a highway and someone has a collision because they were rubbernecking to see your accident?
The Chopper guys were just after a scoop.

If I am driving down the roan and distracted by a good looking lady and cause an accident is it the ladys fault or mine for not driving safely ?
The Chopper guys were just after a scoop.

If I am driving down the roan and distracted by a good looking lady and cause an accident is it the ladys fault or mine for not driving safely ?
Well, that depends, were you trying to take a picture of her?
do you think you should get charged and/or be liable if you have an accident on a highway and someone has a collision because they were rubbernecking to see your accident?

The differance is what this guys was doing was a CRIME.

During the commision of a crime if people Die because you commited a crime youre charged.

The choppers would not have been their if he had not commited this crime.