Let trump lead the way

you poor low grade decrepit honkey of the porch, your kinds time has come to an end, you are the new minority :laugh:

" Your kind" never had a time. And by the look of you,....never will. Thousands of years have passed, and still only functional retarded. Thats the best it ever got for you, the farthest you could ever advance. LMAO! No....you will NEVER have a time. ;)
The hilarious part is how much trump loves the press and how he has convinced his minions that he hates the press. If the press ever stopped covering him, trump would scream bloody murder.

There is probably not a single better truism about trump.
Or the same fate as Mussolini

I can think of people from your tribe worse than Mussolini.

- Benjamin Disraeli ran Britain during the Victorian Holocausts 20 million died under him.
- Julius Popper orchestrated the Selk'Nam genocide, which lead to virtual extinction of Selk'Nam Natives.
- Genrikh Yagoda leader of the NKVD, 10 million died under him.
- Matvei Berman & Lazar Kogan, ran the GULAG which enslaved & killed millions.

I'm not a fan of Mussolini,
but to say he's one of history's greatest monsters, is factually incorrect.
I can think of people from your tribe worse than Mussolini.

- Benjamin Disraeli ran Britain during the Victorian Holocausts 20 million died under him.
- Julius Popper orchestrated the Selk'Nam genocide, which lead to virtual extinction of Selk'Nam Natives.
- Genrikh Yagoda leader of the NKVD, 10 million died under him.
- Matvei Berman & Lazar Kogan, ran the GULAG which enslaved & killed millions.

I'm not a fan of Mussolini,
but to say he's one of history's greatest monsters, is factually incorrect.

I think he's talking about them hanging Mussolini upside down and beating his dead body over and over again.
I think he's talking about them hanging Mussolini upside down and beating his dead body over and over again.

True enough, but going after Mussolini before Hitler was a major mistake.

It was known at the time from Witold's report, that the Holocaust was legit.

instead the allies d(cked around with Italy, allowing far more Jews, Poles & Gypsies to die in the Holocaust.
True enough, but going after Mussolini before Hitler was a major mistake.

It was known at the time from Witold's report, that the Holocaust was legit.

instead the allies d(cked around with Italy, allowing far more Jews, Poles & Gypsies to die in the Holocaust.

I suppose Italy declaring war on the US Dec. 11, 1941 had something to do with it.
He has a rally every day. As soon as he saw a press conference he could run for his benefit, he jumped in. His lying is so bad that he is harming himself now. Even rightys are seeing it and getting offended.

which righty is seeing it and getting offended?
The hilarious part is how much trump loves the press and how he has convinced his minions that he hates the press. If the press ever stopped covering him, trump would scream bloody murder.

When Trump insults CNN the reporter and the cameras should pack up and leave. He knows that he is getting free press and he loves it. They take all his rude insults. They should stop and pack their shit up and leave. Then, if other stations walk, Trump will panic. Even Fox asks questions he does not like. He mistreats reporters badly using"excuse me" excuse me, as a substitute for shut up, I will now talk over you... He is so condescending and rude. TV has a power they have not used.
When Trump insults CNN the reporter and the cameras should pack up and leave. He knows that he is getting free press and he loves it. They take all his rude insults. They should stop and pack their shit up and leave. Then, if other stations walk, Trump will panic. Even Fox asks questions he does not like. He mistreats reporters badly using"excuse me" excuse me, as a substitute for shut up, I will now talk over you... He is so condescending and rude. TV has a power they have not used.

I have thought the same thing many times. MSN did cut away from the daily CV briefing when trump went off on one of his lunatics' fringe binges the other day.
impeach Biden, obviously......

That will be AFTER trump goes to jail.

BTW, I keep having to tell you that I am not a Liberal. Unlike you, I don't HIDE behind a cloud of hypocrisy. That said, I do have a total and complete disgust for people who post constant insults, then put biblical quotes in their signature lines. Simply put, you are an example of what Jesus referred to as a "false prophet". If you are going to "play" Christian, at least do a better job of it.