Let’s clear up the “grab ‘em by the pussy” Fake News once and for all

Funny thread. For the record, the media orgasm over the pussy grabbing thing got Trump votes, so liberals, keep at it.
Why did it do that, exactly?

Have you seen any polls lately on mistrust of the mainstream media? It's like 90-something percent mistrust. Most Americans know that this whole story is bullshit and the louder liberals and their media scream the more folks support Trump to spite them.
What? http://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-12-...s-access-hollywood-trump-tape-is-real/9224358 Damn it, it was on tape. Here it is. The story is absolutely fact. Can you do that? Ignore absolute, factual evidence and call it bullshit? What does it take for someone like you to see what a horrible pig Trump is? That is why Trump said" I could grab the Queen of England by the pussy and lose no voters'. You are proof.......Yeah, I know it was shoot someone. But it would make no difference to you.
Funny thread. For the record, the media orgasm over the pussy grabbing thing got Trump votes, so liberals, keep at it.

So you voted for him because he said that? Says a lot about you , and the Repub voters,and what your standards are for president.
Have you seen any polls lately on mistrust of the mainstream media? It's like 90-something percent mistrust. Most Americans know that this whole story is bullshit and the louder liberals and their media scream the more folks support Trump to spite them.

Not about the press. it is about the trend that started back in Reagans time. The government is the problem. Don't trust the press. 50 years of that has taken a toll on those who cannot see facts, like you. Fox hammers the press all day long. Fox admitted in court they are not a news service, but you think they are. Talk radio is on the same agenda. It wears people down . Pound the left and the press all day long and the propaganda works. Like it does on you.
I have a full grasp of reality. No one will grab your pussy even with your consent and you can't stand it.

I have to agree with you. It seems there are many people who actually think there's something wrong with a man making love to a woman with her consent. Trump says, "When you’re a star they let you do it.You can do anything! Grab ’em by the pussy..."
So what's the problem? The woman (groupie) wants Trump. She makes that clear. So he takes her to some place and they go to bed, and he has sex with her. During the sex, he grabs her pussy. She grabs his schlong - what's the problem? Then these do-gooders come along and start screeching "Pervert! Molester! Fiend" like a bunch of demented nuns. What is wrong with them? Are they seriously that hung up about Trump's love life?