Lets look at some democrat districts , O my what a pardise they are .

It seems a Trump pandemic that spreads easily among people has made some Americans leave cities. Of course, so many businesses closing has resulted in people not able to afford NY rent. The city has not had a huge exodus, even in Trump virus days.
Once the Trump virus is gone, the people will return. It is where opportunity and excitement resides.

the trump virus but didnt it start in china and spread world wide ?
It is not about color but educational and job opportunities. But I do not expect bigots to understand that.

Okay, so what does that have to do with the number of people on food stamps by race? Oh, by the way, the TYT video was about food stamps and race...
yea educated parts of the country NYC the financial and cultural capital, wonder why on 9-11 they attacked the educated parts of the country and not the christer hick shit hole parts of the country

praise jebus

Whats a christer shat hole ?

guno, the hateful racist Journeyman Machinist with a Master's Degree in Mechanical Engineering, is bi-lingual also. A damn Einstein, I tell ya...
it is about 1% over two years....... That is not huge, that is a lie..............

Unfortunately some project their biases not bothering to even look if they are true or not...........

It is a reflection of the Trump economic mess that has taken so many jobs. Over 100,000 businesses have closed. Estimates are 85 percent of restaurants are gone, permanently.. If Biden can get the country past Trump's mess, there will be lots of opportunities to start businesses. But that takes time.
TYT? Okay, whatever... Anyway... The video is a Tu Quoque fallacy combined with cherry picking or more formally, a fallacy of incomplete or suppressed evidence. What Cenk Uygur does here (yes, that's his name) is select the most extreme example he can find of a non-Democrat location on food stamps and then compares the about 5,000 citizens in this Kentucky county to Detroit, Baltimore, New York City, California in general, etc. where tens of millions live and are on food stamps to try and argue it's Republicans and their supporters that are the ones mostly using this government program.

This is the sort of "Whataboutism" that only the poorly educated and unthinking fall for or use to make their point.

Cenk goes on to say more Whites than Blacks get food stamps. In sheer numbers, he's correct. But this to is a fallacy of using loaded statistics.


What his claim does is dilute the reality of food stamps by selective use of statistics. Let me explain. Now, before I proceed, this is rough. I didn't try to get exact numbers, but it isn't important for this example. Rounding off or being a little off shows clearly what is needed to be shown.

There are about 330 million people in the US today. About 66% are White and a bit over 12% are Black. This means there are about 218 million Whites and 40.6 million Blacks in the US. Using the above graph that means that about 18.5 million Whites and about 11.8 million Blacks are on food stamps. There are about 46 million total food stamp recipients in the US.
For Whites this represents about 8.5% of the total population (46 x .402 / 218)
For Blacks this represents about 30% of the total population (46 x .257 /40.6)
That means Blacks are over three times as likely as Whites to be receiving food stamps. Cenk is either a liar or an idiot. He might just be a talking head that's oblivious, but in any case he has no fucking idea what he's talking about. His video is absolute rubbish. But I would expect that from the The Young Turks...


Will you discussing that county w/ the highest welfare some time??

Will you discussing that county w/ the highest welfare some time??

Sure. Let's start with this:


You might note that the counties shown are dominated by Native Americans living on reservations and rural mostly Black counties across the South.