Let's Make A Deal.

Listen shithead. My idea has nothing to do with nuclear physics. It is just that some of the necessary materials were used in nuclear rocket experiments. So with you being so wrong about that, your observations about my real motives are equally flawed. It's true that I would like to see all niggers dead. But I would prefer to just send them back to Africa. But those Homo erectus shitheads would fight that tooth & nail. They've latched onto the White ass like a leech because they know they couldn't make it without White people. They would rather stay here, screw our women, murder our children and commit most of the crimes in this country. What a brainwashed, diseased piece of faggot scum you must be to want that to continue.

Me being friends with any of the mods is as stupid as you being White. Even if you are, you aren't. I bet you listen to that crap rap music and wear the back of your pants down below your ass.

The problem with simple minded, far right extremist trash like you, is that you're too lazy minded to look below the surface level of anything, therefore you never see or understand the nuances or complexities there. All you see are generalities and so you base your knee-jerk reactions on an incomplete picture of reality.

Certainly there are black people like you describe. And I do NOT approve of their behavior. But I also know that they don't represent all or even most blacks. There are over 37 million black people in the US. The number of them that you describe represent a small fraction of the total black population.

So now, let's talk about that small fraction's white counterparts. Low educated white trash rednecks and peckerwoods. Given that white people outnumber black people by about 6 to 1, there are probably more "problem" whites than there are "problem" blacks. Yet dumb fucks like you never talk about, or probably even think about them.

If you took the time to stop and look deeper than your emotional reaction to what you see on the surface, maybe you wouldn't go around saying idiotic shit like how you'd like to see all "ni**ers" dead.
As I already knew, you're an idiot. The furnace part isn't about turning water into steam. It is having it go into an environment so hot that it will go beyond steam and actually combust. Also, if you put steam into it instead of water, the steam won't expand. But it will when the H2O molecules disassociate. This indeed would produce pressure. But as I said, I was told by a college physics professor, the disassociated hydrogen and oxygen atoms would almost immediately recombine into H2O molecules. That means you would lose whatever pressure you gained from their disassociation. The whole point of this is self perpetuating heat to produce steam. There are many ways in which you could build such a device. It could be a closed system or it could be an open system. That is all just a slight technicality depending on however you actually want to build it. The main thing is that you would have a self perpetuating source of heat. After the initial heating of the furnace, no more outside energy would be required.

Yeah. Great. You heat water in a pan ... and it turns to steam ... and it dissipates into the air.
The Energy you want is the point where the one drop of water instantly expands 1,000 times and it is contained within a vessel, like a Boiler.
This steam is usually re-passed through the Furnace to become superheated steam.

Well, Professor. You could probably find a few Investors here at JPP to get you started on becoming the World's Most Wealthy Person with your latest Invention. Good Luck.
And ...... DO NOT REPLY to me!
OK, but this person broke rule #15, No Racial Slurs in Thread Titles, more than once. I'm convinced now that this despicable "yourhighness" is friends with staff or is a staff member.

Look, Steve. There's a nice 'Cat Forum' over thataway ----------------------------------->
If there is anything about my idea that you think won't work, just tell me what it is. If you can.

When you put one unit of work in, you get less than one unit out. It's just how it works on this planet. The quest to find perpetual motion ends once you study the laws of thermodynamics and Newton's laws of motion.
The problem with simple minded, far right extremist trash like you, is that you're too lazy minded to look below the surface level of anything, therefore you never see or understand the nuances or complexities there. All you see are generalities and so you base your knee-jerk reactions on an incomplete picture of reality.

Certainly there are black people like you describe. And I do NOT approve of their behavior. But I also know that they don't represent all or even most blacks. There are over 37 million black people in the US. The number of them that you describe represent a small fraction of the total black population.

So now, let's talk about that small fraction's white counterparts. Low educated white trash rednecks and peckerwoods. Given that white people outnumber black people by about 6 to 1, there are probably more "problem" whites than there are "problem" blacks. Yet dumb fucks like you never talk about, or probably even think about them.

If you took the time to stop and look deeper than your emotional reaction to what you see on the surface, maybe you wouldn't go around saying idiotic shit like how you'd like to see all "ni**ers" dead.

When a turd smells, you don't have to dig deeper into the turd. Though you might. Next, there are about 42 million niggers in the U.S. and about 196 million Whites. But it is niggers who commit most of the crimes! As they do murders. Don't believe it? Read my thread "The negro disease." Next, as to how "stupid" my wanting to see all niggers dead goes, read my thread "Are you guilty of murdering White children?"

I will tell you a couple of things that are going on in your brainwashed mind. (Though there are others) The first is the same sort of thing as what happens when a human is there to hatch a duckling out of an egg. The duckling gets imprinted on the human. The way society works has been imprinted on your mind. That doesn't make society or you right. It just means that your "mind" is incapable of any higher reasoning. Secondly, and most importantly, it is just easier to be a pussy than a patriot. And with all of the promotion in the jew controlled media of being a faggot, the pussiness gets reinforced.
When you put one unit of work in, you get less than one unit out. It's just how it works on this planet. The quest to find perpetual motion ends once you study the laws of thermodynamics and Newton's laws of motion.

As I said, both the combustion and then later the recombination of the disassociated hydrogen and oxygen atoms into H2O will produce heat. In the hydrogen and oxygen fueled space shuttle engines, the combining of hydrogen and oxygen atoms is producing H2O as an exhaust. For the most part. The space shuttle engines operate at 6000 F. Which is far more than enough to disassociate the H2O molecules that are injected into the furnace. And as I also said, measures would need to be taken to keep the furnace from becoming too hot and melting. As long as that is done, the furnace will remain perpetually heated. It will not slowly cool down and stop being hot enough. Because it will always be producing more heat than necessary. It isn't perpetual motion. It is just the way things work. It is as if you just kept feeding gasoline into a furnace. The furnace would rise to a certain temperature and stay there. Do you disagree with any of this?
Yeah. Great. You heat water in a pan ... and it turns to steam ... and it dissipates into the air.
The Energy you want is the point where the one drop of water instantly expands 1,000 times and it is contained within a vessel, like a Boiler.
This steam is usually re-passed through the Furnace to become superheated steam.

Well, Professor. You could probably find a few Investors here at JPP to get you started on becoming the World's Most Wealthy Person with your latest Invention. Good Luck.
And ...... DO NOT REPLY to me!

Too bad. I will reply to you anyway. In this reply I will admit that I lied. Surely that will make you happy and glad to have received this reply. The thing I lied about was in leading the people here to believe that this was a secret idea of mine. But it isn't. It is an idea I talked about in a free ebook I wrote about 20 years ago. It is called "Our Holy Hell: The Causes, The Solutions." If I wanted any money for my idea either then or now, I wouldn't have given the idea for free in my free ebook and I wouldn't have told anybody about it here. Because of my patriotism towards my White species of human, all you slaves of the anti-White ZOG and Israel seem to prefer to think of me as an asshole. But the eagle doesn't worry about what the worms think of it.
When a turd smells, you don't have to dig deeper into the turd. Though you might. Next, there are about 42 million niggers in the U.S. and about 196 million Whites. But it is niggers who commit most of the crimes! As they do murders. Don't believe it? Read my thread "The negro disease." Next, as to how "stupid" my wanting to see all niggers dead goes, read my thread "Are you guilty of murdering White children?"

I will tell you a couple of things that are going on in your brainwashed mind. (Though there are others) The first is the same sort of thing as what happens when a human is there to hatch a duckling out of an egg. The duckling gets imprinted on the human. The way society works has been imprinted on your mind. That doesn't make society or you right. It just means that your "mind" is incapable of any higher reasoning. Secondly, and most importantly, it is just easier to be a pussy than a patriot. And with all of the promotion in the jew controlled media of being a faggot, the pussiness gets reinforced.

:blah: :lolup: :blah: :lolup: :blah: :lolup: :blah: :lolup: :blah: :lolup: :blah:

YOU are the only "nigger" around here, BOY. :fu:

And you're a fucking stupid one, too.

Oh look, it's you at home on the street where you live thinking your "deep" thoughts.

:tardthoughts: :trollave:

OK. Now that we have established you're a Bullshit Artist, feel free to entertain the JPP Membership here.
A Word of Caution. There's a guy here called 'Dark Snitch'. Be careful around him. He ratted ol' Jack out and I was kicked off the Island for a month. :(

Too bad. I will reply to you anyway. In this reply I will admit that I lied. Surely that will make you happy and glad to have received this reply. The thing I lied about was in leading the people here to believe that this was a secret idea of mine. But it isn't. It is an idea I talked about in a free ebook I wrote about 20 years ago. It is called "Our Holy Hell: The Causes, The Solutions." If I wanted any money for my idea either then or now, I wouldn't have given the idea for free in my free ebook and I wouldn't have told anybody about it here. Because of my patriotism towards my White species of human, all you slaves of the anti-White ZOG and Israel seem to prefer to think of me as an asshole. But the eagle doesn't worry about what the worms think of it.
They say that freedom of speech is allowed around here. Let's put that to the test with a deal. I will do something to save the planet.
In return, every White person out there go out and kill as many niggers as possible. Though I would also accept doing so to jews and spicks. Sound like a deal? Well agree or not, you are just going to have to accept the fact that my plan comes from a superior White person.

Sounds like this might be tdk X making his last stand...:laugh: