Lets reflect on today. We can all agree today a very important figure was born


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I would just like to wish everyone well on the birthday of our lord, Dionysus. \o/

As you all know:

- Dionysus was born of a virgin on "December 25th" or the winter solstice.
- He is the son of the heavenly Father.
- As the Holy Child, Bacchus was placed in a cradle/crib/manger "among beasts."
- Dionysus was a traveling teacher who performed miracles.
- He was the God of the wine, and turned water into wine.

- Dionysus rode in a "triumphal procession" on an ass.

- He was a sacred king killed and eaten in an eucharistic ritual for fecundity and purification.

- The god traveled into the underworld to rescue his loved one, arising from the land of the dead after three days.
- Dionysus rose from the dead on March 25th and ascended into heaven.
- Bacchus (dionysus) was deemed "Father," "Liberator" and "Savior."

- Dionysus was considered the "Only Begotten Son," "King of Kings," "God of Gods," "Sin Bearer," "Redeemer," "Anointed One" and the "Alpha and Omega."
- He was identified with the Ram or Lamb.
- His sacrificial title of "Dendrites" or "Young Man of the Tree" indicates he was hung on a tree or crucified.


Then there is of course horace, orsiris, and mithra:

Horus was one of the many Egyptian Gods. This is probably one of the best-known and contested deities that is often compared to Jesus Christ. Some translations and Egyptian myths say that he had 12 disciples, and was born of a virgin in a cave. His birth was announced by a star, and was attended by three wise men. He was baptized at age thirty by Anup the Baptizer. Horus performed miracles, including rising at least one person from the dead and walking on water. He was crucified, buried in a tomb, and resurrected, just like Jesus Christ.

Mithra was an ancient Zoroastrian deity, and along with Horus has some of the most striking similarities to Jesus. Yet another example of virginal birth, Mithra was born to the virgin Anahita on December 25th. He was swaddled and placed in a manger, where he was tended to by shepherds. Like Jesus and Horus, he had 12 companions (which can be interpreted as disciples). He also performed miracles, identified with both the lion and the lamb, sacrificed his life to save the world, was dead for three days before being resurrected, and was known as the messiah, the savior, and “the Way, the Truth and the Light.” His religion also had a Eucharistic-style “Lord’s supper.”

Osiris was the son of one of the many Egyptian Gods. Like Jesus, Osiris was portrayed as a bearded man, and his myth says that he was killed and the resurrected after three days in hell. Also like Jesus, Osiris performed miracles, had 12 disciples, and taught that people could be born again through baptism in water. In addition, Osiris had many titles, including “Lord of Lords,” “King of Kings,” and “Good Shepherd.”


On this holy day, let us not forget the sacrafices all of our gods made for us. Thank you. Happy holidays :D
Jesus was retconned to fit previous mythology. :/

There is nothing new in Christian mythology...the entire concept and story lines were borrowed from dozens of other Mediterranean mythologies fantasies, morality plays and dogmas.
The Dionysus story is only one of many plagiarized by early Christian myth writers.
Hercules comes immediately to mind as well ... Son of God , mortal mother, supernatural powers used for good, mythic adventures and temptations presented and taught as morality lessons etc etc...
all of the false mother/ child religions started at the same place; in genesis 3:15. you must study the context. it is simple. the spirit of antichrist/ Lucifer/ [satan]/ allah. it is simple: the serpent was cursed and knew his damnation was sure and has been attempting to stop the fulfillment of his end since his end was determined. ... http://biblehub.com/kjv/genesis/3.htm. learn it. it is elementary.
I would just like to wish everyone well on the birthday of our lord, Dionysus. \o/

As you all know:

- Dionysus was born of a virgin on "December 25th" or the winter solstice.
- He is the son of the heavenly Father.
- As the Holy Child, Bacchus was placed in a cradle/crib/manger "among beasts."
- Dionysus was a traveling teacher who performed miracles.
- He was the God of the wine, and turned water into wine.

- Dionysus rode in a "triumphal procession" on an ass.

why are atheists so fucking gullible?......

Dionysis was not born of a virgin on December 25th.......he was cut from Zeus' thigh at the summer solstice......

the claims of parallel date from the early 1800s and a German named Friedrich Hölderlin, who had an unfortunate tendency to make shit up.....
There is nothing new in Christian mythology...the entire concept and story lines were borrowed from dozens of other Mediterranean mythologies fantasies, morality plays and dogmas.

sorry boy, you are full of shit and dumber than a box of rocks......none of what you say is supported by fact.....lol...you cited Bruce as a reference you simple minded fool......Bruce, at Religious Tolerance, has a two year degree in engineering and has never studied theology because he's afraid studying it will interfere with his innate talents in the field.......
why are atheists so fucking gullible?......

Dionysis was not born of a virgin on December 25th.......he was cut from Zeus' thigh at the summer solstice......

the claims of parallel date from the early 1800s and a German named Friedrich Hölderlin, who had an unfortunate tendency to make shit up.....

it is still a false antichrist religion of waaay back. correct me if I am wrong.
why are atheists so fucking gullible?......

Dionysis was not born of a virgin on December 25th.......he was cut from Zeus' thigh at the summer solstice......

the claims of parallel date from the early 1800s and a German named Friedrich Hölderlin, who had an unfortunate tendency to make shit up.....

Yes but Zeus' thigh was still virgin at the time...

If gullibility is the question ... What's with this virgin mom thing? You clowns made up a religion based on the word of a 13 year old Jewish minx, who once knocked up, claimed she never had sex...
Too fucking funny...