Lets talk about personal responsibility.


Villified User
Ill. Couple Charged for Teen Son's Party

DEERFIELD, Ill. (AP) -- A couple have been charged with allowing their son to have an underage drinking party in their home, after which two teenage partygoers were killed in a car crash.

Jeffrey Hutsell, 53, and Sara Hutsell, 52, were charged with five misdemeanors, including endangering the health of a child and attempting to obstruct justice, police said Tuesday. Both were freed on $5,000 bail after turning themselves in Friday.

Officials allege the Hutsells allowed their teenage son to have a party in their basement where beer and rum were served. Two 18-year-olds who authorities say attended the party, Daniel Bell and Ross Trace, were later killed in a car crash not far from the Hutsells' home.

Bell, who was driving, had a blood-alcohol level of 0.132 percent, according to autopsy results. The legal limit for drivers older than 21 is 0.08. Toxicology reports also show Trace had marijuana in his system.

Prosecutors allege that the Hutsells knew what the teenagers were doing.

"The defendants were home, aware of the gathering, failed to control the party, failed to control access to their home (and) failed to control children's access to alcohol," said Assistant State's Atty. Dan Shanes. "Alcohol was freely and readily available to all the kids who were there, at least a couple dozen who came in and out."

"Are parents responsible for both their actions and those of their underage children ?"

In most cases, yes. ESPECIALLY in their own home.

"Should the age of 21 be changed to legally buy and comsume alcohol?"

The legal age should be the same in ALL circumstances. If an 18 year old can be tried as an adult, can be held to a contract, can vote and most importantly can fight and potentially die for our country... then they deserve to be able to buy and drink an alcoholic beverage.
so what about all the legal alcohol sales exemptions for this Sunday (New Years eve) ?

Morals or money ?
so what about all the legal alcohol sales exemptions for this Sunday (New Years eve) ?

Morals or money ?
Dumb as rocks. However, in my area when we work to repeal that idiotic law the liquor stores and car lots fight it harder than anybody. So, I'd say money.
Or how about another tack, no drafting till 21 ?
I would have loved that, would have missed Nam.
No voting too? Take away their ability to be held to a contract as well? Take away any way to try them as an adult?

Easier to let them drink. Plus there were less kids drinking themselves to death in college when it was legal.
Well those kids sure proved themselves responsible to drink ;)

Where did anyone mention voting Damo ?
Just trying to throw in a bit of BillO there ?
"Or how about another tack, no drafting till 21 ?
I would have loved that, would have missed Nam."

As long as it is the same in all circumstances, then I am fine with whatever age is set. We just can't cherry pick.
"Or how about another tack, no drafting till 21 ?
I would have loved that, would have missed Nam."

As long as it is the same in all circumstances, then I am fine with whatever age is set. We just can't cherry pick.

Yep cherrypicking sucks.
But allowing those under 21 and enlisted in the military to drink could boost enlistment :D
Well those kids sure proved themselves responsible to drink ;)

Where did anyone mention voting Damo ?
Just trying to throw in a bit of BillO there ?
It was up above. Superfreak did.

This post:

"Are parents responsible for both their actions and those of their underage children ?"

In most cases, yes. ESPECIALLY in their own home.

"Should the age of 21 be changed to legally buy and comsume alcohol?"

The legal age should be the same in ALL circumstances. If an 18 year old can be tried as an adult, can be held to a contract, can vote and most importantly can fight and potentially die for our country... then they deserve to be able to buy and drink an alcoholic beverage.

So, basically he's saying that the "legal age" should be the same in those circumstances too. Therefore it would be revoking their right to vote, they could no longer be tried as adults, serve in the military, etc. 18 would be a minor.
"But allowing those under 21 and enlisted in the military to drink could boost enlistment"

I know you are kidding but that is a horrible idea.
Ohh, sorry my mistake. I was only discussing drinking age and possible enlistment waiver. Voting was not on my plate at all.
"But allowing those under 21 and enlisted in the military to drink could boost enlistment"

I know you are kidding but that is a horrible idea.
It was not to me when I got drafted....
But then it turned out that Nam had better stuff than booze anyway....
"Ohh, sorry my mistake. I was only discussing drinking age and possible enlistment waiver. Voting was not on my plate at all."

No worries. Mistakes are very much expected from Dems. :D