Lets talk about personal responsibility.

I'm with UScitizen, I have no problem with enlisted serviceman 18 and older having the ablility to purchase and drink alcohol after basic training. 21 for the rest of the youth.

The sunday alcohol sales are likely decided on a county by county basis. My county allows alcohol sales. Is it decided by money or morals? Probably morals.

As for the case against the parents with the party at their house, I would think they will be in some legal problems.
I'm with UScitizen, I have no problem with enlisted serviceman 18 and older having the ablility to purchase and drink alcohol after basic training. 21 for the rest of the youth.

The sunday alcohol sales are likely decided on a county by county basis. My county allows alcohol sales. Is it decided by money or morals? Probably morals.

As for the case against the parents with the party at their house, I would think they will be in some legal problems.

but what about the one time exception for sunday booze sales for news years eve this year biker ? Money for sure no morals in that decision.
"Oh yes both parties suck big time"

Very much so. The only thing either of them do well is stir their party members up into a frenzy to hate the other party.
Most all of them seem to have forgotten they are supposed to serve the citizens that elected them not their party.
"Most all of them seem to have forgotten they are supposed to serve the citizens that elected them not their party."

Yet they are not to blame. WE ARE. We are the ones that keep sending the same A-holes to DC over and over again. It is time for term limits.
"Most all of them seem to have forgotten they are supposed to serve the citizens that elected them not their party."

Yet they are not to blame. WE ARE. We are the ones that keep sending the same A-holes to DC over and over again. It is time for term limits.

I support term limits, but I also think that the political parties don't givie us anything to choose from in the way of candidates. Sort of like voting on whether to die of aids or cancer.....Seldom do I see anyone whom I WANT to vote FOR.

I would also like to see anyone leaving congress banned from lobbying for at least 5 years.
On the lobbying thing, one soloution would be to ban ALL paid lobbyists. Lobbyists could only be reimbursed for reasonable expenses under IRS guidelines.
That would work pretty well as well and still allow lobbying, but remove it as an industry.
"On the lobbying thing, one soloution would be to ban ALL paid lobbyists. Lobbyists could only be reimbursed for reasonable expenses under IRS guidelines.
That would work pretty well as well and still allow lobbying, but remove it as an industry."

I agree. But perhaps tweak it. They are allowed to make as much as firefighters/police/military personel. Then perhaps the dumb bastards will actually realize how little those who would put their lives on the line for us daily make.... and maybe do something about it.
"On the lobbying thing, one soloution would be to ban ALL paid lobbyists. Lobbyists could only be reimbursed for reasonable expenses under IRS guidelines.
That would work pretty well as well and still allow lobbying, but remove it as an industry."

I agree. But perhaps tweak it. They are allowed to make as much as firefighters/police/military personel. Then perhaps the dumb bastards will actually realize how little those who would put their lives on the line for us daily make.... and maybe do something about it.

LOL, good one or limit them to minimum wage :D