it wasnt "MOSTLY TAKEN" it WAS.taken
music wasnt
Racism is relatively rare especially as commonly applied. Most of that is simple bias.
Oddly enough Asians are far more likely to be racists. I think this may have more to do with them having a more closed society than much of the rest of the world. And it didnt help that Europeans saw them as inferior and didnt mind telling them that in colonial times. They clearly didnt care for that as one noted to a european (paraphrasing as I'm not 100% sure of the actual quote) 'we had invented language were doing math while your people were painting yourselves blue and running naked and worshiping oak trees'.
ok. still applies.
While the terms can vary as you wrote about, the key parts are the results; we have cities filled with gang violence and an increasingly disaffected rural segment seeing city problems come to them. Suburbanites usually don't care but the nutty ones joined Q Anon and showed up at the Insurrection...along with some rural militia herding them to the doors and windows.
None of which solves the major problem; poorly educated, under employed Americans disaffected from their own government's promises.
"The most dangerous creation of any society is the man who has nothing to lose.“ - James Baldwin.
They need help but terrorists need to neutralized.
not sure what this has to do with race but ok.
Difference is easy. I'm racially white, but ethnically I'm Dutch/German. Unfortunately for most African Americans, their ethnicity was mostly taken from them coming from slave ancestry and it's a lot harder to have a connection.
unless he's 150 years old, nothing was taken from him.that was taken from him.....
Most of the inner city gangs are minorities. Most of the rural militias are Euro-American.
Difference is easy. I'm racially white, but ethnically I'm Dutch/German. Unfortunately for most African Americans, their ethnicity was mostly taken from them coming from slave ancestry and it's a lot harder to have a connection.
Most of the inner city gangs are minorities. Most of the rural militias are Euro-American.
Difference is easy. I'm racially white, but ethnically I'm Dutch/German. Unfortunately for most African Americans, their ethnicity was mostly taken from them coming from slave ancestry and it's a lot harder to have a connection.
All covered by my certificate.Most of the Dutch Uncles are fat, mean-spirited, delusional fucktards!
OK. We are still referring to rather small populations relative to the full populations they exist within.
unless he's 150 years old, nothing was taken from him.
his ability to think was taken from him......