Let's talk about S06E01 of Game of Thrones (spoilers all)


As this show starts to deviate from the book more it just gets worse and worse. The Dorne plotline (which is almost entirely show original) especially is just a mess. All of the possibility for intrigue replaced by "Hurr durrr you weak we kill you lolz!" on the part of the Sand Snakes (some of the most talentless and wooden actors on the entire show). I fear that as we go on it's just going to get worse and worse, all of the best twists and such were provided by GRR Martin. D&D's idea of what makes GRR Martin's great seems to be just to kill a bunch of main characters. But they lack any of GRR Martin's nuance.
As this show starts to deviate from the book more it just gets worse and worse. The Dorne plotline (which is almost entirely show original) especially is just a mess. All of the possibility for intrigue replaced by "Hurr durrr you weak we kill you lolz!" on the part of the Sand Snakes (some of the most talentless and wooden actors on the entire show). I fear that as we go on it's just going to get worse and worse, all of the best twists and such were provided by GRR Martin. D&D's idea of what makes GRR Martin's great seems to be just to kill a bunch of main characters. But they lack any of GRR Martin's nuance.
I know, I didn't like the liberties they took last season, so I am a little leery of what is to come.
I ignore dorne completely, other than that I think it's still pretty good. Most of the major plot points they are still getting from Martin
also a lot of people complain about martin's last two books and call them meandering. So lets not act like it's all D&D. as for them killing off main characters and doing twists that martin hasn't done, as far as I know they killed shireen (not a main character), stannis (who is apparently going to die, so that's not a D&D invention) and as for the dorne stuff, well on the show at least they weren't main chars so no one cares about them. I think they are trying to downplay dorne as much as possible at this point tbh
I ignore dorne completely, other than that I think it's still pretty good. Most of the major plot points they are still getting from Martin

Even the other plotlines kind of have the subtlety knocked out of them. Like making Thorne the big bad of the Nights Watch plotline, which masks just how completely Jon Snow had lost the confidence of the Nights Watchmen and makes it seem like it was just all Thorne's doing.

I will say that Brienne's plot is a huge improvement. Her plot in the book was a mess, here she's actually getting shit done and has a massive heroism upgrade.
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I think it's OK, but TV can never really follow a book completely.

I heard that GRRM hasn't written much lately because he's been trolling JPP. True story.
I'm trying to be vague about comparisons to the book, should I just put all of that in spoiler tags?

yeah maybe put overt book spoilers in spoiler, anything that might be drastically different from the show. At this point though all the big spoiler stuff seems to be mostly out of the way.

I mean part of GoT is you have to adapt some things for television. You gotta have some leeway. So far from the reviews i've seen, even the bookreaders gave opening episode a B.

I think you should try to enjoy the show on it's own terms rather than compare everything to the book.
yeah maybe put overt book spoilers in spoiler, anything that might be drastically different from the show. At this point though all the big spoiler stuff seems to be mostly out of the way.

I mean part of GoT is you have to adapt some things for television. You gotta have some leeway. So far from the reviews i've seen, even the bookreaders gave opening episode a B.

I think you should try to enjoy the show on it's own terms rather than compare everything to the book.

Did you beat-off when the witch took off the necklace?
all is forgiven when the bring the Hound back. maybe Bran used some three eyed bird mojo to snatch Jon out of a walk to the light.
Dorne can fall into the sea
yeah maybe put overt book spoilers in spoiler, anything that might be drastically different from the show. At this point though all the big spoiler stuff seems to be mostly out of the way.

I mean part of GoT is you have to adapt some things for television. You gotta have some leeway. So far from the reviews i've seen, even the bookreaders gave opening episode a B.

I think you should try to enjoy the show on it's own terms rather than compare everything to the book.

Everything in the show that's not in the books is noticeably inferior.
i thought some elements of it weren't though and they did it better from what I have heard from other bookreaders