Scut Farkus
Verified User
That day was the beginning of the end for Lauer. Then all of a sudden #METOO
yeah. interesting..... hmm... :conspiracytheorist:
That day was the beginning of the end for Lauer. Then all of a sudden #METOO
The whistleblower laws are designed so a person who sees corruption inside an organization can tell about it and not face retribution for doing the right thing. He gets to be anonymous and courts and investigations give them wide leeway, up to and including testifying remotely and with voice being disguised. You rightys are squirting in your BVDs over making him known publicly. That is absolutely a wrong thing to do but you are unable to feel regret and shame for that act. You should. The rightys respect the law as much as Trump does...Zero.
That is not even remotely what the whistleblower act says. Go educate yourself you dumb fuck then come on back.[/QUOTE
Exactly what i said. remote testimony andy what is being considered for protecting the whistleblowers from you rightys. It is exactly what i said, They are considering doing that, all of it. They are entitled to be anonymous from you rightys. All the measures I said are in consideration. You stay wrong, don't you?
The question is, do you think Eric Cairamella is traitor? Were his actions treasonous in nature? I just wanted to consolidate information on him here and then discuss his patriotism (or lack thereof) and motives.
Eric Ciaramella, whom Real Clear Investigations suggests is the likely so-called whistleblower, was part of an Obama administration email chain celebrating the eventual signing of a $1 billion U.S. loan guarantee to Ukraine.
In my opinion, Eric Ciaramella has betrayed his nation and the American people. This man should be protected from physical violence or threats on his life, but our president should have the right to cross examine his accuser. The circus that is going on right now between the liberal politicians and the media has reached a fever pitch. They are hellbent on impeachment at all costs because the liberal ideology (democratic party) is already in ruins, and if Trump get's back in in 2020, that will be the death blow.
The media ignores the fact that there is a serious dispute as to whether Ciaramella even qualifies as a whistleblower under the law. The hysteria over Rand Paul’s threat to disclose Ciaramella’s identity, and Donald Trump, Jr.’s retweet of a story on the topic, was not warranted or based on law. This person should be questioned about his knowledge and activities while having motive and credibility tested. A whistleblower statute is no prohibition on cross-examining a witness.
Very serious political activism is going on right now. The liberal politicians are colluding with the mainstream media to prevent Trump from examining his accuser. And they are denying to the American people what they deserve to know.
You want to see political activism at work? What happened to objective journalism?
-Mainstream media withholding any and all information on Whistleblower Eric Ciaramella
-Fox News bans hosts from using name of alleged whistleblower Eric Ciaramella
-Twitter has started disabling accounts that name the whistleblower, Eric Ciaramella.
-Facebook has scrubbed all references to the whistleblower, Eric Ciaramella
What else do we know about this "so called" whistleblower?
Traitor and fraudulent whistleblower, this man has been part of the rebellion against Trump since day one. Emails show that Ciaramella interfaced about Ukraine with individuals who played key roles in facilitating the infamous anti-Trump dossier produced by Fusion GPS and reportedly financed by Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee.
According to the Washington Examiner, Ciaramella is currently detailed by the CIA to the National Intelligence Committee, where he works as a deputy national intelligence officer for Russia and Eurasia. He reports to Trump’s acting Director of National Intelligence, Joseph Maguire. He likely works closely with Alexander Vindman, the impeachment inquiry witness who is now Ukraine director for the NSC, Ciaramella’s former role.
A former Trump official told the Examiner, “It is close to a mathematical certainty that (Vindman and the whistleblower) know one another and that (the whistleblower) is being used to provide analytical support to the National Security Council on the topics of Russia and Ukraine. And that is where they would have crossed paths. They would know who one another are.” Another former Trump official said Vindman and Ciaramella both spent time at the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine during the Obama administration. And they have both been working on Ukraine issues for several years.
Ciaramella has worked for the Central Intelligence Agency for several years (member of the deep state) and was assigned to the White House during the end of the Obama administration. He worked closely with Biden in his role as an expert on Ukraine. Ciaramella also has ties to Sean Misko, a former NSC co-worker who now works for Representative Adam Schiff and the Intelligence Committee.
Full sources here:
Who else thinks this impeachment attempt is looking more and more like a partisan hack job? Could this be a desperate hail Mary from the liberal democrats?
a valid investigation into an attempted deep state coups, including the presentation of known falsehoods to a judge.
Pretty funny, there already existed an ongoing investigation by the IG into the matter but once he took office billy barr felt we needed two more redundant investigations into the same thing, now why do you suppose that is
schiff is behind the scenes concocting a phony cia plot to bring down our president. that's not patriotic.
Doesnt take much to confirm he is in fact, a traitor. Heck you dont even need the news to identify his treasonous behavior. His actions speak for themselves. Im only using the news sources to consolidate information and develop a background on this guy. He is a deep stater and worked with Obama. Yeah, thats not bias lol.Great, we got opinion pieces pulled from three right wing websites, one proven as factual as the "Onion," and another no one every heard of before, beautiful, and Trumpkins think this is news
This is just a rant it's not directed at you, in fact I totally agree with what you are saying. The whistleblower is nothing more than a treasonous holdover from the Obama administration. He should be delt with accordingly.
We have to face up to the fact that most liberals will never see Trump as a patriot even if he hugs the flag and protects our 2nd amendment and was endorsed by the NRA... They will find reason to explain all of this away. Because their world view and thought process are diametrically opposed to conservatives, 180* in the opposite direction.
Trump could cure cancer and most liberals would probably inject themselves with cancer causing agents. And this last part I am not kidding about: some liberals would die before they support Trump.
Yes, this analogy demonstrates the full extent to which liberals are willing to go to distance themselves from Donald Trump.
Doesnt take much to confirm he is in fact, a traitor. Heck you dont even need the news to identify his treasonous behavior. His actions speak for themselves. Im only using the news sources to consolidate information and develop a background on this guy. He is a deep stater and worked with Obama. Yeah, thats not bias lol.
For the record these news sources are spot on in regards to this so called "whistle-blower" and his connections to the deep state.
This is just some background to get everyone up to speed.
This is just a rant it's not directed at you, in fact I totally agree with what you are saying. The whistleblower is nothing more than a treasonous holdover from the Obama administration. He should be delt with accordingly.
We have to face up to the fact that most liberals will never see Trump as a patriot even if he hugs the flag and protects our 2nd amendment and was endorsed by the NRA... They will find reason to explain all of this away. Because their world view and thought process are diametrically opposed to conservatives, 180* in the opposite direction.
Trump could cure cancer and most liberals would probably inject themselves with cancer causing agents. And this last part I am not kidding about: some liberals would die before they support Trump.
Yes, this analogy demonstrates the full extent to which liberals are willing to go to distance themselves from Donald Trump.
We don't see trump as a patriot because he's been in the public eye for decades and never displayed a scintilla of sincere patriotism. Not to mention he has no idea how government works and has little interest in learning it.
You just don't know how much we are laughing at your nonsense, I have a question , Hillary Clinton was brought in front of your hate party Committees for the same charge 7 times in a row. They leaked lies all through every committee, talking about her guilt but of course were forced to say that she was innocent 7 times in a row, Each time they found her not guilty, your hate group started another committees investigating the same charges, 7 times in a row and you supported that. So that would be your type of politics. Using the letter of the law, we are embarking on charges that scum bag is a criminal, sold out our country and is a ass hole. Well maybe not the last one But he is of course. I would say off hand that the two more critical sellout of the constitution , is Moscow Mitch not bringing Obama's supreme court justice up for a vote in the senate for one full year, so that if one of their Nazi Wannabees got elected they would put their own Nazi wannabee Judge on the supreme court as they did. . and the 7 hate party trials that Clinton had to sit for. Hell this little impeachment is nothing compared to that. No one is trying to piss on the flag as you are from your side of the fence. This is going to make every single one of you the laughing stock of the world , doesn't matter if they give indisputable proof that scum bag raped 13 year olds or murdered 100 baby's, the right will still support him. This right is toast. and it will be shown and proved starting tomorrow. God bless America.It doesn't just look like a partisan hit/hack job, it is a partisan hit/hack job, as was the Russian hoax.
Want to get up to speed. Then understand every damn thing the whistleblower has supposed to have said has been corroborated by about 15 testimonies. The deep state talk makes you look foolish.
You just don't know how much we are laughing at your nonsense, I have a question , Hillary Clinton was brought in front of your hate party Committees for the same charge 7 times in a row. They leaked lies all through every committee, talking about her guilt but of course were forced to say that she was innocent 7 times in a row, Each time they found her not guilty, your hate group started another committees investigating the same charges, 7 times in a row and you supported that. So that would be your type of politics. Using the letter of the law, we are embarking on charges that scum bag is a criminal, sold out our country and is a ass hole. Well maybe not the last one But he is of course. I would say off hand that the two more critical sellout of the constitution , is Moscow Mitch not bringing Obama's supreme court justice up for a vote in the senate for one full year, so that if one of their Nazi Wannabees got elected they would put their own Nazi wannabee Judge on the supreme court as they did. . and the 7 hate party trials that Clinton had to sit for. Hell this little impeachment is nothing compared to that. No one is trying to piss on the flag as you are from your side of the fence. This is going to make every single one of you the laughing stock of the world , doesn't matter if they give indisputable proof that scum bag raped 13 year olds or murdered 100 baby's, the right will still support him. This right is toast. and it will be shown and proved starting tomorrow. God bless America.
Wow... so let me get this straight: Hillary is pure as the driven snow, (her and BJ's massive net worth and Clinton crime family's ma$$ive foundation is just an accident as they invented something important), not pay to play.
Your party of slavery, kkk, and jim crow has always loved corrupt pols, all the way from Teddy Oldsmobile to BJ Clinton's 11 felonies while in office.
The impeachment farce yer salivating over is similar to the old Soviet Union's show trials based totally on second third and forth party hearsay, speculation and horse shit.
I'd take a look in the mirror as yer spewing yer hate.
Trump will crush yer Marxist dim wit Democrat party in 2020. Ya heard it here first: door knob. burp...
Bullshit, you wimp based Nazi wannabees make up everything that comes out of your Nazi wannabee mouth , your thought's are useless in the real world , in fact they only make sense to you haters .This is a fact "The whistleblower laws are designed so a person who sees corruption inside an organization can tell about it and not face retribution for doing the right thing." So Norberg is 100% right and you are 100% stupid.That is not even remotely what the whistleblower act says. Go educate yourself you dumb fuck then come on back.
Idiot , it's very simple, Hillary has nothing to do with this, we aren't even talking about her, we are talking about what a pile of shit scum bag is. She could have murdered half the population of the world and it still doesn't change the fact that your God and leader is scum and in no way justify what scum bag does, You people are total idiots . You people are so full of shit , that somehow when talking about your pile of shit leader, the actions of others are your excuse's for your pile of shit's actions , Scum bag rapes 13 year olds , ya but Obama lied, Scum Bag is a complete total criminal, well Clinton got Impeached for pussy grabbing. Scum bag is a pussy grabber , ya but Obama lied, You people are total idiots , brain dead idiots,
Wow... so let me get this straight: Hillary is pure as the driven snow, (her and BJ's massive net worth and Clinton crime family's ma$$ive foundation is just an accident as they invented something important), not pay to play.
Your party of slavery, kkk, and jim crow has always loved corrupt pols, all the way from Teddy Oldsmobile to BJ Clinton's 11 felonies while in office.
The impeachment farce yer salivating over is similar to the old Soviet Union's show trials based totally on second third and forth party hearsay, speculation and horse shit.
I'd take a look in the mirror as yer spewing yer hate.
Trump will crush yer Marxist dim wit Democrat party in 2020. Ya heard it here first: door knob. burp...
I won't except the leadership of scum. So until we get a real American into office this country has no leader. None unless you except shit piles as your leader.The Trump government, is not our government.