lets tell story's about being embarrassed , and make fun of ourselves


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lets tell story's about being embarrassed , and make fun of ourselves.
time for some story's to make each other giggle regardless of politics.

I lived in the mountains at the time . My grandfather lived on the hill above me and I lived lower down the hill , mountains on both sides and a nice trout stream on the bottom land below me.
I had a from pouch entrance and I built a deck on the back where my bedroom was with a door. I liked sitting out side of the evening having a drink and at night valley was often used by the navy out of Newport news and other places for training for low altitude training flying below the mountains in the valleys.
It was a very secluded part of the nation , remote and mostly national forest . No industry other then sawmills and a ski resort.

Any way it was late fall , just getting day light I had a bit of a upset stomach and got up and went out on the back porch in case I got sick . I had a bit of a hang over also.
A lady friend had stayed the night , much younger then me and she was a a bit wild , very pretty athletic type muscular and big boobs.

Well Im on the back porch naked thinking Im going to throw up when I head a car pull in my drive way. I tried to go back in but the door was locked. I started to panic a bit not knowing who was coming , I'm knocking on the door trying to wake her up and calling out her name , thats when 2 things happen I can hear he start laughing inside like a she had just heard the funnies joke she had ever heard and my grandfather walks around the corner .

He just looks at me and shakes his head as shes cackling away inside , he turns and around and walks off and starts laughing himself .

needless to say I had a long conversation with her after she finally let my frozen ass in the house , and my grandfather never mentioned it but after that he always gave a shout out before he came around the corner of the house.
Well, you certainly did a great job of embarrassing yourself by sharing that story. Congrats.
Sad they don’t tell their story about why they voted for trump and why it’s now embarrassing
Sad they don’t tell their story about why they voted for trump and why it’s now embarrassing

no its not about trump dumb ass its about a bit of humor and seeing who will share and who wont.
Real men are honest about it and don't mind showing different sides of themselves , cowards are to embarrassed to do that
Early in the fall semester my first year at college I was going to the library. The steps were full of students passing out election material for student government. Representatives were elected by college (architecture, engineering,etc.) To me, college was the university I was attending.

As I walked up the steps a young lady asked "what college are you in?" I answered "this one."

Later, as I left the library, I saw the same young lady talking to a group of students. As I passed her I heard her tell them.."I asked him what college he was in and he said 'this one'" and they all laughed.

I have another good one about the library.
No lie all the women I have dated are younger then me

And now that I've seen the video....

....I guess she's sorta young and her boobs are pretty big, too.

They just don't look as big because her stomach is bigger.

Congrats on your hot piece of tail. :good4u:
And now that I've seen the video....

....I guess she's sorta young and her boobs are pretty big, too.

They just don't look as big because her stomach is bigger.

Congrats on your hot piece of tail. :good4u:

nope sorry , the last woman I dated was 125 lbs and my present one is about 135 former dancer , I have dated black women Asian Hispanic and white.
but you post is amusing .
nope sorry , the last woman I dated was 125 lbs and my present one is about 135 former dancer , I have dated black women Asian Hispanic and white.
but you post is amusing .

Funny how every chest-thumping, right-wing, gasbag braggart on this or any other forum always lives in big expensive houses, drives expensive high performance cars and dates strippers or are married to former models/cheerleaders, etc, etc.

IOW, all the components of the typical stupid macho idiot males' he-man fantasy. :palm:

Too bad nobody believes you.

Funny how every chest-thumping, right-wing, gasbag braggart on this or any other forum always lives in big expensive houses, drives expensive high performance cars and dates strippers or are married to former models/cheerleaders, etc, etc.

IOW, all the components of the typical stupid macho idiot males' he-man fantasy. :palm:

Too bad nobody believes you.

Odd I don't drive a high performance car, I have a Toyota tundra and a Toyota chr


Odd I don't drive a high performance car, I have a Toyota tundra and a Toyota chr,I have never dated a model or a cheerleader, have dated former strippers, and my home is worth about 350,000.
funny how you think that about republicans,
I always figured all democrats drove cadddys lived in shacks in crack neighborhoods , sold crack for a living and dated hookers or shemales who were underage.
In my 20s and 30s I always dated older women.

nothing wrong with that dutch , I always perfected younger woman , which is probably a flaw in me.

I prefer , the type who have a lot of tats body piercing, and are kinda the earthy type and very independent .

We all have preferences or types in the opposite sex.
nothing wrong with that dutch , I always perfected younger woman , which is probably a flaw in me.

I prefer , the type who have a lot of tats body piercing, and are kinda the earthy type and very independent .

We all have preferences or types in the opposite sex.

Scott Disick, who my hound is named after, specializes in just barely legal.

Some say too ex wife's sisters.
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nothing wrong with that dutch , I always perfected younger woman , which is probably a flaw in me.

I prefer , the type who have a lot of tats body piercing, and are kinda the earthy type and very independent .

We all have preferences or types in the opposite sex.

Tats and body piercings don't turn me off but they are not an attractant since they say a lot about the person. Strong-willed, intelligent women was always an attractant but most were married.
I.... have dated former strippers...

Got it.




nothing wrong with that dutch , I always perfected younger woman , which is probably a flaw in me.

I prefer , the type who have a lot of tats body piercing, and are kinda the earthy type and very independent .

We all have preferences or types in the opposite sex.

So IOW, you like trashy skanks.

Got it.