David Jeffrey Spetch
Verified User
Can the NHL give one valid reason that there is to be proud of a man humping a man or a woman humping a woman? (crickets) Perhaps the NHL can justify how forcing a globalist sock puppet hate groups lies upon the public is something to be proud of? Can the NHL justify how a bunch of compulsive obsessive liars and deceivers attempting to shame and even attempt to make criminal uncles, dads, grandfathers, brothers, males, boys, he, him for being born with a penis is inclusivity? Can the NHL justify how a bunch of compulsive obsessive liars and deceivers attempting to shame and even attempt to make criminal Aunts, moms, grandmothers, sisters, females, girls, she, her for being born with a vagina is inclusivity? (crickets) Can the NHL justify how a hate group of compulsive, obsessive, lying, deceiving bigots can justify how supporting lies for a hate group to force on sports fans is inclusivity or something to be proud of?
Last week there was a story of a hockey player refusing to wear the LGBT hate themed rags (basically a rainbow themed jersey that looks like a skid mark in someone's underwear due to the the compulsive obsessive lying deceiving globalist sock puppet trash it represents) under the guise of pride or inclusivity. I don't applaud the players reason of religious rhetoric as justification because the religious set the example that the lgbt follows which is ignore fact, make up lies, call those lies their belief while trying to force such rubbish upon everyone else and all of these woke groups are now doing exactly that. What is important is that the WEF woke agenda was forced upon western civilizations to help them divide and conquer us by flooding our countries with illegal invasion under the guise of Syrian crisis of which Syria is rebuilding yet western civ boarders are still open to illegal invasion in long after the guise of Syrian crises faded away. While the WEF, their useful idiots and sock puppet main stream media keep us distracted with more woke rubbish while trying to make it out to be a crime for opposing such rubbish, we become flooded with more people than we have homes while they use the Russia Ukraine war as excuse to boost our inflation while useful idiots throw billions away on anything but helping their own citizens to sustain thus we face losing jobs therefor can no longer pay mortgages or rent while we are exiled to homelessness as food prices go out of range and food banks begin to crash while illegal invaders and a surplus of immigrants take our homes to replace us (all kinds of proof of white replacement theory including critical race theory rubbish forced upon society along with systemic racism rubbish). Let's not forget who has investments in weapons to make money at tax payer expense. Oh I am sure useful idiots will eagerly give billions for kick backs to support the Ukraine / Russia depopulation efforts guised as a war. Kind of like the USA Israeli thing going on, for years the USA gives billions but what does the USA ever get back for it, oh right useful idiots mysteriously become rich while citizens are left with massive debt.
Oh why would the NHL give a crap that our own citizens of North America whom are being sent to their deaths while woke garbage keeps us divided and distracted for WEF sociopaths to stalk our countries with illegal invaders and mass immigration to replace us when the the NHL can lie for a WEF easily baited hate group like the LGBT or face useful idiots and their sock puppet media trying to make bad people out of players for not promoting sick and filthy lies!
These sick compulsive obsessive liars like WEF, useful idiots (primarily USA democrats and Canada Liberals here in North America) and their main stream sock puppet media who obviously work together to kill you also work towards silencing you under threat of losing your job or having to pay fines for exposing their sick and filthy, lies deception and shady narratives.
Yeah main stream media always asking why, why why meanwhile are sock puppets working under conditions that state they are not allowed to address the problem or they lose their job for going against WEF sociopaths currently executing a plan to kill us.
Yeah you lose your job for opposing those in on working towards killing you and replacing you. The left loves to force their sick and filthy woke garbage on sports because people lose interest and the population becomes more unhappy but globalists like it that way because it creates chaos thus when we have mental issues thanks to woke garbage thrust on the general population we kill each other for these sick sociopaths.
Lets not forget our lives being placed in danger also recently under the guise of vaccines. Fake jabs … remember Sept. 10 2021 the day the CDC removed the definition of vaccine and replaced it with their lies then continued to call their crap vaccines and weren't hockey players forced to take such rubbish or face losing their jobs too?! Now we are expected to have the burden of proving that their jab crap messed people up and even killed people meanwhile big pharma had useful idiots sign documentation claiming big pharma not responsible for liability for what their crap did to people while they used the same tactics to try and shame or punish people exposing their rhetoric. The WEF are sick sociopaths with the main stream media feeding the public their rhetoric while useful idiots also plot to shame people calling out these sickos and their many lies and deceptions they try and hide from the public.
The NHL ought to be ashamed of itself for sporting such disgusting filth as the LGBT hate group and their sick and filthy lies and deceptions thus assisting WEF sociopaths in killing us off. The NHL boycotting itself like a stupid idiot meanwhile the sickos try to pass off on the pulic that more work needs to be done to have the NHL promote their sick and filthy LGBT lies and deceptions. Below are many examples of LGBT lies and deceptions pulled from recent releases..
NHL player's boycott of team's Pride night tribute 'disrespectful' to gay community: agent | CBC News
A hockey agent says an NHL player's refusal to take part in his team's LGBTQ+ Pride Night warmup is an indication that more work needs to be done to make the sport more inclusive.
There Is No Such Thing As Cis Because There Is Only One Kind Of Heterosexual
What a heterosexual factually is: An individual who has sex with exclusively one or more of those born with the opposite sex genital that the heterosexual them self is born with.
What a homosexual factually is: An individual who has sex with one or more of those born with the same sex genital that the homosexual them self is born with.
If you have sex with a person born with the same sex genital that you yourself is born with, that is homosexuality no matter if that person is born with the same sex genital pretending to be the opposite sex to try and deceive heterosexuals with such an offensive sick and filthy deception which is inexcusable and unforgiveable because it is a homosexual pretending to be what they are not so they can defecate on what it means to be heterosexual by robbing heterosexuals of our right to be heterosexual along with their globalist puppet masters who seek to make a mockery of especially western civilizations by even replacing genuine definitions of words with their globalist lies and deceptions because they have no validity but they have lies, deceptions and these easily baited sicko dummies eagerly helping them to divide and conquer society.
Not one heterosexual on the planet would knowingly have sex with someone born with the same sex genital that the heterosexual is born with and what proves this fact is that we are not homosexual, we are not bi sexual, we are heterosexual which does not in any way shape or form include having sex with anyone born with the same sex genital that the heterosexual them self is born with. Proof that the lgbt has no respect for heterosexuality is that they have attempted and miserably failed to replace valid definition of heterosexual with such disgusting rubbish as having sex with those born with the same sex genital is what heterosexuality is. The lgbt not only has no respect for what it means to be heterosexual, they have no respect for what it means to be a man, a woman, a grandma, a grandpa, a mother, a father, an uncle, an aunt, a brother, a sister because they are easily baited sock puppets of the globalist crime organization used to divide and conquer primarily western civilizations.
Why would anyone be stupid enough to care that a liar claims it hurts their feelings when you just-fully refuse to go along with their sick and filthy lies and deceptions especially when they are the ones not accepting themselves for what they are in the first place?! I am a man because I am over 18 and born with a penis and I am heterosexual because I exclusively have sex with those born with the opposite sex genital that I am born with and if that hurts your feelings I really don't and never will cease to be disgusted with your pathetic behavior! Heterosexuals are not homosexual guinea pigs. Since the lgbt has no respect for anyone else, why is anyone stupid enough to even consider giving them the time of day?! Oh right a bunch of imbeciles with money known as globalist scum bought up the media and lobby your officials to try and make imbeciles out of all of you (especially your innocent children in school while the children are even instructed to not tell the parents or legal guardians about the sick and filthy lgbt lies and deceptions they are being fed since the 2017 amendment to Canada's Bill C-16 having been lobbied through which is also proof of conspiracy against Canadian citizens along with the citizens of pretty much every western civilization in modern day!
If you were born with a vagina and claim to be lesbian then according to lgbt logic this means you have sex with a man born with a penis surgically mutilated and stuffed up a cut next to his anus otherwise if you claim that is not what makes you a lesbian then according to the lgbt logic that makes you a transphobe. There is no such thing as a transphobe and perhaps now you understand this and will smarten. Shame on all of you for ever thinking it was funny to help sicko homosexuals with such obvious lies and deception to try and make imbeciles out of heterosexuals.
What cis is, cis is a lie used to assist homosexuals that do not want to accept themselves for what they themselves are with robbing heterosexuals of what we are (let alone these sicko bigots do not want to accept anyone else for what we are as they seek to make a mockery of anyone else in attempt to try and drag everyone else down to their sexually retarded level). Are any of you really that stupid to trust someone pretending to be the opposite sex when they are not willing to accept themselves for what they themselves are in the first place because for starters they live a lie period so what makes you think you can trust any of them other than you are dumb and gullible or cave to globalist threats of being slandered for not going along with such rubbish?!! They have no respect for 99 percent of the population so why would you give a flying crap that you accepting yourself for what you are hurts some liars feelings because you are not willing to lie for these sickos?!! Time to wake up and put your foot down squashing the lgbt mentally redundant rhetoric permanently and globally thus restore much sanity and well being to current and future generations of the life on this planet by accepting fact and refusing to go along with a repulsive group of head cases and their sick and filthy lies and deceptions.
So here we have Canadians suffering with struggling to survive and yet we have Justin Trudeau of which it is amazing he can even breathe with his faced always mashed up globalist buttock funding a globalist divide and conquer hate group who compulsively and obsessively waste Canadians time with their lies and deceptions while also regressing Canada and wasting tax dollars on sick and filthy factually proven lies and deceptions to try and make your kids a bunch of brainless imbeciles who can't even differentiate the difference between male and female because globalists want to divide and conquer you like a bunch of stupid imbeciles.
Enough of this rubbish and this globalist rhetoric of which has blossomed from supporting lgbt lies and deceptions to supporting blm lies and deceptions, antifa lies and deceptions, climate change lies and deceptions, vaccine lies and deception etc. and the list goes on using the same formula because globalists are a bunch of sick and pathetic liars and deceivers with no validity who want to divide and conquer you while using every shady and cheap tactic to do it because they do not stand a chance on a level playing field because again the have no validity! Trudeau quite obviously isn't standing with Canadians and proof is that he supports lies and deceptions used to divide and conquer Canada for a bunch of sickos with no validity what so ever on the foundation of their every issue that I address for starters!
Let's move on to the LGBT hate group going around parading like there is anything to be proud of for a man humping a man or a woman humping a woman. Oh wait a minute, not one person on the planet can give one valid reason that there is to be proud of a man humping a man or a woman humping a woman for decades now yet these compulsive obsessive liars and deceivers go around parading like there is anything to be proud of anyway because really they live a lie and do not want to accept themselves for what they themselves are. The word gay was hijacked decades ago and twisted from meaning giddy and happy to being degraded to the lie of describing homosexuality (of which now the globalists use as a premise because homosexuals got away with hijacking a not so popular word "gay" to remove definitions of words from dictionaries etc. and replace those definitions with lies and deceptions to suit the globalist divide and conquer agenda and they do this because like the lgbt got away with hijacking a word that no one really cared about because it wasn't really used often. Now when globalists have no validity they follow the example that that gays used with an insignificant word to try and fabricate phony validity out of replacing definitions with lies) and now the word they invalidly abuse is used to front a parade of which there is absolutely not anything to be proud of thus demonstrating no validity. Yeah we need to go back to the word gay and reinstate it's valid meaning and separate it from being degraded to homosexually retarded.
The LGBT go around lying to people claiming that homosexual unions equal heterosexual unions and yet the non contestable factual evidence which proves that homosexual unions never did and never will equal heterosexual unions is that thanks to heterosexual unions we all even exist and yet if it were up to homosexual unions to sustain the human race, we would have died off thousands of years ago for weakly being a race of sexually defective imbeciles but this hate group keeps lying for globalists as the easily baited globalist brainless sock puppets they prove to be time and time again.
Not Anyone Had Any Business Voting On Marriage To Begin With & How Globalist Mentalities Work
It's like voting on whether or not the Sun gives off light.
It's like voting on whether or not trees only grow at the bottom of the Mariana Trench.
It's like voting on whether or not rocks grow legs, run like the wind and hurl themselves through the air at globalists back sides in a heroic effort to attempt to prevent Justin Trudeau's face from becoming extremely intimate. As much as some people would like to imagine such happening it just doesn't happen whether you vote on it or not just like voting doesn't and never will change the fact that thousands of years of exclusively heterosexual unions being honoured with marriage proves beyond any shadow of doubt that marriage is about honouring exclusively the significance of heterosexual unions because thanks to heterosexual unions we all even exist which is worth honouring with marriage as thousands of years already proves beyond any shadow of doubt. Opinion does not contest the fact, political party trade offs do not contest the fact, The USA handing it to their Supreme Court of Mockery does not contest the fact, there is no argument when it comes to the fact, the fact is not believed, the fact is either recognized or ignored. That any official fell for such rubbish and actually participated in voting on such is a revealed complete mockery of our political system and shame on all of those who coted to make this soon to be short lived mockery of marriage.
The way globalist head cases weak and pathetic yet selfish, greedy and ignorant as well extremely redundant mentalities work:
For example they will claim that the Sun does not give off light then they'll want countries around the world to have a vote on whether or not the Sun gives off light. They come up with some lame brain story of, for example, how the moon creates the light and the moonlight reflects off of the Sun and the Sun is like a magnifying glass with a mirror behind it and sends the reflected moonlight to the Earth. They then hire hate groups (like lgbt, antifa or blm) to go around trying to shame anyone claiming that the Sun gives off light while demanding that governments make it criminal to claim that the Sun gives off light thus that the governing bodies of the world vote on it. They then use that they bought the main stream media around the world to try and shame anyone who opposes their narrative while also trying to make their hate groups out to be heroes while they lobby officials to side with their shady narrative while also under threat of being slandered by the main stream media for opposing to cast a vote on something so ridiculous that succeeding would assure forcing oppressive rhetoric on the public by simply voting that the Sun does not give off light. Once passed they then try and make it criminal to oppose them by claiming that the Sun gives off light in attempt to prevent to make their so called vote irreversible, they threaten big tech with endless law suits for not DE platforming and or not shadow banning people that claim that the sun gives off light. They then use their useful idiots within governing bodies to defund public education who claim that the sun gives off light while also throwing bonuses to pathetic excuses for educators for claiming that the Sun does not give off light. They also then start demanding that the governments of the world start funding and supporting their hate groups while also further finding ways to make it criminal to claim that the Sun gives off light. They then start fining people for saying that the sun gives off light while calling them Nazis, haters, white supremacists, and what ever other slanderous lies they can come up with. They then come up with some ridiculous story that the moon is going to burn out if they do not visit to replenish the moons energy while creating a tax so that the countries of the world go further into deficit to pay for such rubbish. They claim such things as there can't be as many farmers because it takes too much energy for the moonlight to serve all of the farmers. Meanwhile the next generation gets dumbed down with such pathetic rhetoric as the moon is the source behind the light that some of them actually believe it thus further divides society over lies and deceptions and keeps citizens distracted with such rubbish while countries go broke, famine begins and many start to die over globalist lies and deceptions just like they are doing with their hate groups and narratives in days of now like their climate change rhetoric, their vaccine rhetoric, their blm rhetoric, their antifa rhetoric which all began as a formula they got away with, with their lgbt rhetoric to use obvious lies to force oppression upon the public.
They ignore fact, make up lies, call those lies their belief then start trying to force such rubbish upon everyone else just like all of their hate groups like blm, antifa and the lgbt do as well to try and force oppression while turning citizens against one another, making countries fund their rubbish so they get richer and everyone else gets poorer, slander those who oppose etc. It's transparent, cheap and pathetic and my pleasure to play a key role in exposing while intellectually slaughtering such imbeciles as globalists / the World Economic Forum etc. permanently and globally. Again globalists can't stand a level playing field because they have no validity, they just want to continue to steal, starve off and make oppressed slaves out of those they target thus treating everyone else like we are a bunch of stupid idiots who deserve no better than to cater to their sick and filthy mentally redundant and transparent shady narratives.
(continued ...)
Last week there was a story of a hockey player refusing to wear the LGBT hate themed rags (basically a rainbow themed jersey that looks like a skid mark in someone's underwear due to the the compulsive obsessive lying deceiving globalist sock puppet trash it represents) under the guise of pride or inclusivity. I don't applaud the players reason of religious rhetoric as justification because the religious set the example that the lgbt follows which is ignore fact, make up lies, call those lies their belief while trying to force such rubbish upon everyone else and all of these woke groups are now doing exactly that. What is important is that the WEF woke agenda was forced upon western civilizations to help them divide and conquer us by flooding our countries with illegal invasion under the guise of Syrian crisis of which Syria is rebuilding yet western civ boarders are still open to illegal invasion in long after the guise of Syrian crises faded away. While the WEF, their useful idiots and sock puppet main stream media keep us distracted with more woke rubbish while trying to make it out to be a crime for opposing such rubbish, we become flooded with more people than we have homes while they use the Russia Ukraine war as excuse to boost our inflation while useful idiots throw billions away on anything but helping their own citizens to sustain thus we face losing jobs therefor can no longer pay mortgages or rent while we are exiled to homelessness as food prices go out of range and food banks begin to crash while illegal invaders and a surplus of immigrants take our homes to replace us (all kinds of proof of white replacement theory including critical race theory rubbish forced upon society along with systemic racism rubbish). Let's not forget who has investments in weapons to make money at tax payer expense. Oh I am sure useful idiots will eagerly give billions for kick backs to support the Ukraine / Russia depopulation efforts guised as a war. Kind of like the USA Israeli thing going on, for years the USA gives billions but what does the USA ever get back for it, oh right useful idiots mysteriously become rich while citizens are left with massive debt.
Oh why would the NHL give a crap that our own citizens of North America whom are being sent to their deaths while woke garbage keeps us divided and distracted for WEF sociopaths to stalk our countries with illegal invaders and mass immigration to replace us when the the NHL can lie for a WEF easily baited hate group like the LGBT or face useful idiots and their sock puppet media trying to make bad people out of players for not promoting sick and filthy lies!
These sick compulsive obsessive liars like WEF, useful idiots (primarily USA democrats and Canada Liberals here in North America) and their main stream sock puppet media who obviously work together to kill you also work towards silencing you under threat of losing your job or having to pay fines for exposing their sick and filthy, lies deception and shady narratives.
Yeah main stream media always asking why, why why meanwhile are sock puppets working under conditions that state they are not allowed to address the problem or they lose their job for going against WEF sociopaths currently executing a plan to kill us.
Yeah you lose your job for opposing those in on working towards killing you and replacing you. The left loves to force their sick and filthy woke garbage on sports because people lose interest and the population becomes more unhappy but globalists like it that way because it creates chaos thus when we have mental issues thanks to woke garbage thrust on the general population we kill each other for these sick sociopaths.
Lets not forget our lives being placed in danger also recently under the guise of vaccines. Fake jabs … remember Sept. 10 2021 the day the CDC removed the definition of vaccine and replaced it with their lies then continued to call their crap vaccines and weren't hockey players forced to take such rubbish or face losing their jobs too?! Now we are expected to have the burden of proving that their jab crap messed people up and even killed people meanwhile big pharma had useful idiots sign documentation claiming big pharma not responsible for liability for what their crap did to people while they used the same tactics to try and shame or punish people exposing their rhetoric. The WEF are sick sociopaths with the main stream media feeding the public their rhetoric while useful idiots also plot to shame people calling out these sickos and their many lies and deceptions they try and hide from the public.
The NHL ought to be ashamed of itself for sporting such disgusting filth as the LGBT hate group and their sick and filthy lies and deceptions thus assisting WEF sociopaths in killing us off. The NHL boycotting itself like a stupid idiot meanwhile the sickos try to pass off on the pulic that more work needs to be done to have the NHL promote their sick and filthy LGBT lies and deceptions. Below are many examples of LGBT lies and deceptions pulled from recent releases..
NHL player's boycott of team's Pride night tribute 'disrespectful' to gay community: agent | CBC News
A hockey agent says an NHL player's refusal to take part in his team's LGBTQ+ Pride Night warmup is an indication that more work needs to be done to make the sport more inclusive.
There Is No Such Thing As Cis Because There Is Only One Kind Of Heterosexual
What a heterosexual factually is: An individual who has sex with exclusively one or more of those born with the opposite sex genital that the heterosexual them self is born with.
What a homosexual factually is: An individual who has sex with one or more of those born with the same sex genital that the homosexual them self is born with.
If you have sex with a person born with the same sex genital that you yourself is born with, that is homosexuality no matter if that person is born with the same sex genital pretending to be the opposite sex to try and deceive heterosexuals with such an offensive sick and filthy deception which is inexcusable and unforgiveable because it is a homosexual pretending to be what they are not so they can defecate on what it means to be heterosexual by robbing heterosexuals of our right to be heterosexual along with their globalist puppet masters who seek to make a mockery of especially western civilizations by even replacing genuine definitions of words with their globalist lies and deceptions because they have no validity but they have lies, deceptions and these easily baited sicko dummies eagerly helping them to divide and conquer society.
Not one heterosexual on the planet would knowingly have sex with someone born with the same sex genital that the heterosexual is born with and what proves this fact is that we are not homosexual, we are not bi sexual, we are heterosexual which does not in any way shape or form include having sex with anyone born with the same sex genital that the heterosexual them self is born with. Proof that the lgbt has no respect for heterosexuality is that they have attempted and miserably failed to replace valid definition of heterosexual with such disgusting rubbish as having sex with those born with the same sex genital is what heterosexuality is. The lgbt not only has no respect for what it means to be heterosexual, they have no respect for what it means to be a man, a woman, a grandma, a grandpa, a mother, a father, an uncle, an aunt, a brother, a sister because they are easily baited sock puppets of the globalist crime organization used to divide and conquer primarily western civilizations.
Why would anyone be stupid enough to care that a liar claims it hurts their feelings when you just-fully refuse to go along with their sick and filthy lies and deceptions especially when they are the ones not accepting themselves for what they are in the first place?! I am a man because I am over 18 and born with a penis and I am heterosexual because I exclusively have sex with those born with the opposite sex genital that I am born with and if that hurts your feelings I really don't and never will cease to be disgusted with your pathetic behavior! Heterosexuals are not homosexual guinea pigs. Since the lgbt has no respect for anyone else, why is anyone stupid enough to even consider giving them the time of day?! Oh right a bunch of imbeciles with money known as globalist scum bought up the media and lobby your officials to try and make imbeciles out of all of you (especially your innocent children in school while the children are even instructed to not tell the parents or legal guardians about the sick and filthy lgbt lies and deceptions they are being fed since the 2017 amendment to Canada's Bill C-16 having been lobbied through which is also proof of conspiracy against Canadian citizens along with the citizens of pretty much every western civilization in modern day!
If you were born with a vagina and claim to be lesbian then according to lgbt logic this means you have sex with a man born with a penis surgically mutilated and stuffed up a cut next to his anus otherwise if you claim that is not what makes you a lesbian then according to the lgbt logic that makes you a transphobe. There is no such thing as a transphobe and perhaps now you understand this and will smarten. Shame on all of you for ever thinking it was funny to help sicko homosexuals with such obvious lies and deception to try and make imbeciles out of heterosexuals.
What cis is, cis is a lie used to assist homosexuals that do not want to accept themselves for what they themselves are with robbing heterosexuals of what we are (let alone these sicko bigots do not want to accept anyone else for what we are as they seek to make a mockery of anyone else in attempt to try and drag everyone else down to their sexually retarded level). Are any of you really that stupid to trust someone pretending to be the opposite sex when they are not willing to accept themselves for what they themselves are in the first place because for starters they live a lie period so what makes you think you can trust any of them other than you are dumb and gullible or cave to globalist threats of being slandered for not going along with such rubbish?!! They have no respect for 99 percent of the population so why would you give a flying crap that you accepting yourself for what you are hurts some liars feelings because you are not willing to lie for these sickos?!! Time to wake up and put your foot down squashing the lgbt mentally redundant rhetoric permanently and globally thus restore much sanity and well being to current and future generations of the life on this planet by accepting fact and refusing to go along with a repulsive group of head cases and their sick and filthy lies and deceptions.
So here we have Canadians suffering with struggling to survive and yet we have Justin Trudeau of which it is amazing he can even breathe with his faced always mashed up globalist buttock funding a globalist divide and conquer hate group who compulsively and obsessively waste Canadians time with their lies and deceptions while also regressing Canada and wasting tax dollars on sick and filthy factually proven lies and deceptions to try and make your kids a bunch of brainless imbeciles who can't even differentiate the difference between male and female because globalists want to divide and conquer you like a bunch of stupid imbeciles.
Enough of this rubbish and this globalist rhetoric of which has blossomed from supporting lgbt lies and deceptions to supporting blm lies and deceptions, antifa lies and deceptions, climate change lies and deceptions, vaccine lies and deception etc. and the list goes on using the same formula because globalists are a bunch of sick and pathetic liars and deceivers with no validity who want to divide and conquer you while using every shady and cheap tactic to do it because they do not stand a chance on a level playing field because again the have no validity! Trudeau quite obviously isn't standing with Canadians and proof is that he supports lies and deceptions used to divide and conquer Canada for a bunch of sickos with no validity what so ever on the foundation of their every issue that I address for starters!
Let's move on to the LGBT hate group going around parading like there is anything to be proud of for a man humping a man or a woman humping a woman. Oh wait a minute, not one person on the planet can give one valid reason that there is to be proud of a man humping a man or a woman humping a woman for decades now yet these compulsive obsessive liars and deceivers go around parading like there is anything to be proud of anyway because really they live a lie and do not want to accept themselves for what they themselves are. The word gay was hijacked decades ago and twisted from meaning giddy and happy to being degraded to the lie of describing homosexuality (of which now the globalists use as a premise because homosexuals got away with hijacking a not so popular word "gay" to remove definitions of words from dictionaries etc. and replace those definitions with lies and deceptions to suit the globalist divide and conquer agenda and they do this because like the lgbt got away with hijacking a word that no one really cared about because it wasn't really used often. Now when globalists have no validity they follow the example that that gays used with an insignificant word to try and fabricate phony validity out of replacing definitions with lies) and now the word they invalidly abuse is used to front a parade of which there is absolutely not anything to be proud of thus demonstrating no validity. Yeah we need to go back to the word gay and reinstate it's valid meaning and separate it from being degraded to homosexually retarded.
The LGBT go around lying to people claiming that homosexual unions equal heterosexual unions and yet the non contestable factual evidence which proves that homosexual unions never did and never will equal heterosexual unions is that thanks to heterosexual unions we all even exist and yet if it were up to homosexual unions to sustain the human race, we would have died off thousands of years ago for weakly being a race of sexually defective imbeciles but this hate group keeps lying for globalists as the easily baited globalist brainless sock puppets they prove to be time and time again.
Not Anyone Had Any Business Voting On Marriage To Begin With & How Globalist Mentalities Work
It's like voting on whether or not the Sun gives off light.
It's like voting on whether or not trees only grow at the bottom of the Mariana Trench.
It's like voting on whether or not rocks grow legs, run like the wind and hurl themselves through the air at globalists back sides in a heroic effort to attempt to prevent Justin Trudeau's face from becoming extremely intimate. As much as some people would like to imagine such happening it just doesn't happen whether you vote on it or not just like voting doesn't and never will change the fact that thousands of years of exclusively heterosexual unions being honoured with marriage proves beyond any shadow of doubt that marriage is about honouring exclusively the significance of heterosexual unions because thanks to heterosexual unions we all even exist which is worth honouring with marriage as thousands of years already proves beyond any shadow of doubt. Opinion does not contest the fact, political party trade offs do not contest the fact, The USA handing it to their Supreme Court of Mockery does not contest the fact, there is no argument when it comes to the fact, the fact is not believed, the fact is either recognized or ignored. That any official fell for such rubbish and actually participated in voting on such is a revealed complete mockery of our political system and shame on all of those who coted to make this soon to be short lived mockery of marriage.
The way globalist head cases weak and pathetic yet selfish, greedy and ignorant as well extremely redundant mentalities work:
For example they will claim that the Sun does not give off light then they'll want countries around the world to have a vote on whether or not the Sun gives off light. They come up with some lame brain story of, for example, how the moon creates the light and the moonlight reflects off of the Sun and the Sun is like a magnifying glass with a mirror behind it and sends the reflected moonlight to the Earth. They then hire hate groups (like lgbt, antifa or blm) to go around trying to shame anyone claiming that the Sun gives off light while demanding that governments make it criminal to claim that the Sun gives off light thus that the governing bodies of the world vote on it. They then use that they bought the main stream media around the world to try and shame anyone who opposes their narrative while also trying to make their hate groups out to be heroes while they lobby officials to side with their shady narrative while also under threat of being slandered by the main stream media for opposing to cast a vote on something so ridiculous that succeeding would assure forcing oppressive rhetoric on the public by simply voting that the Sun does not give off light. Once passed they then try and make it criminal to oppose them by claiming that the Sun gives off light in attempt to prevent to make their so called vote irreversible, they threaten big tech with endless law suits for not DE platforming and or not shadow banning people that claim that the sun gives off light. They then use their useful idiots within governing bodies to defund public education who claim that the sun gives off light while also throwing bonuses to pathetic excuses for educators for claiming that the Sun does not give off light. They also then start demanding that the governments of the world start funding and supporting their hate groups while also further finding ways to make it criminal to claim that the Sun gives off light. They then start fining people for saying that the sun gives off light while calling them Nazis, haters, white supremacists, and what ever other slanderous lies they can come up with. They then come up with some ridiculous story that the moon is going to burn out if they do not visit to replenish the moons energy while creating a tax so that the countries of the world go further into deficit to pay for such rubbish. They claim such things as there can't be as many farmers because it takes too much energy for the moonlight to serve all of the farmers. Meanwhile the next generation gets dumbed down with such pathetic rhetoric as the moon is the source behind the light that some of them actually believe it thus further divides society over lies and deceptions and keeps citizens distracted with such rubbish while countries go broke, famine begins and many start to die over globalist lies and deceptions just like they are doing with their hate groups and narratives in days of now like their climate change rhetoric, their vaccine rhetoric, their blm rhetoric, their antifa rhetoric which all began as a formula they got away with, with their lgbt rhetoric to use obvious lies to force oppression upon the public.
They ignore fact, make up lies, call those lies their belief then start trying to force such rubbish upon everyone else just like all of their hate groups like blm, antifa and the lgbt do as well to try and force oppression while turning citizens against one another, making countries fund their rubbish so they get richer and everyone else gets poorer, slander those who oppose etc. It's transparent, cheap and pathetic and my pleasure to play a key role in exposing while intellectually slaughtering such imbeciles as globalists / the World Economic Forum etc. permanently and globally. Again globalists can't stand a level playing field because they have no validity, they just want to continue to steal, starve off and make oppressed slaves out of those they target thus treating everyone else like we are a bunch of stupid idiots who deserve no better than to cater to their sick and filthy mentally redundant and transparent shady narratives.
(continued ...)