LGBT Hate Group Makes NHL Their Bitch = Boycott NHL

A Genius, the Only True Homo Sapiens, Is the Only Supernatural Being

Religion is not responsible for those wars, even those thrill-killings, like the jihad, waged in the name of religion. Religion is responsible, though, for claiming to bring peace and harmony and being incapable of doing anything that it would be able to do if it had a supernatural power on its side. in fact, it is also responsible for creating a cowardly escapist pacifism that let predatory races overrun its territories. As Gibbon proved, the adoption of weakling Christianity caused the Fall of the Roman Empire

. Third, it is responsible for the subhuman humanitarianism that influenced superior races to hand their colonies back to the savages. Fourth, it is responsible for thinking that natural resources and most of all, the superior human resources that give them any value, are just gifts from God. The backward Arabs have no right to their oil; it belongs to the advanced nations that were the only ones capable of giving the latent resources the developed value they have.

But that self-denial also comes from religion making people look for "God's representatives on Earth." So the secular theists deify the investors, instead of the inventors who created all their wealth. A superficial reading of Prometheus Bound makes it an insult to genius, because it claims that a god gave us every invention; the inventors, if recognized at all, were merely passive instruments who deserved no personal credit.


Yet none of that detracts from the fact that factually proven foundations of filthy religious lies have lead to thousands of years of war and divide and to the death of millions if not billions to this very day. Your take on what you refer to as sub humans etc. is a completely different issue.
If You've Heard of Someone, Don't Listen to Him

The deficiencies in your ideas are derived from inferior but powerful sources. Anti-semitism is a cowardly and slavish refusal to stand up to the clear and present tyrants who appoint themselves our bosses, gurus, and legislators. Anti-semitism always leaves a yellow stain.

let's have an example to back your vacant un backed claim ... deficiencies in my ideas eh ... you made the claim so let's have an example.

The anti-semitism scam:

OK I'll explain this in a nut shell, I probably could come up with a better example but this is just to give you an idea of what the jews do with this anti-semitism rhetoric.

Lets say for example an island of people rely heavily on fishing and so fishermen are highly valued. Let's say a boat load of people (let's say the boat load represent jews) come across the paradise island and figure out that the fishermen are highly valued so the manipulate, bribe, and perhaps even kill some fishermen to take their jobs so that the island values the boat load of people now known as the fishermen.

One of the boat load of people (new arrivals) steals from the people of the island and when someone points the finger at the boat person arrival all of the boat load of people ban together and incite anti-fisherman as the issue while threatening to cut the island off from fishing. One person says what does you being a fisherman have to do with you stealing from us and the response is I am a fisherman. Another of the boat load of people goes around raping the islands women and the people become infuriated and go to get justice and are met with the boat load of new arrivals claiming anti fisherman. One of the island inhabitants asks what does being a fisherman have to do with raping women and the response is I am a fisherman as they threaten to cut the island off of fish for being anti-fishermen. One of the new arrivals from the boat load of people goes around killing island inhabitants and the island inhabitants become infuriated and go to get the murderer only to be met with the fishermen claiming anti-fishermen and so on and so on.

Antisemitism is such a cheap and pathetic scam to try and control you to evade you from placing blame on religious low life scum bags where it belongs and try and make you out to be the bad guy for exposing their sick behaviour while they use it to get away with their filthy religious practice which obviously pisses people off and it really is quite pathetic that they get away with such rhetoric especially when filthy religious lies have already lead to thousands of years of war and divide.

The Jewish antisemistism get out of jail free card has expired / soon to expire because it is now exploited.