LGBT = The Dumbest And Most Repulsive WEF Sock Puppets On The Planet

The only real cancer is this trans shit. At least queers never tried to convince people they were a whole new category of human beings like the trans-assholes. They demand that we believe someone with a penis is actually a woman because that person "feels" like a woman. They are thoroughly fucked in the head.

Demanding you believe someone with a penis is actually a woman does not mean you have to believe it. Believe what you want and let them believe what they want. Live and let live.
Demanding you believe someone with a penis is actually a woman does not mean you have to believe it. Believe what you want and let them believe what they want. Live and let live.

I couldn't agree more but that's not what fucking happens.
Why? Because I fail to hate with the same gusto as the other poster?
Because you pivot from the thread topic to gaslight someone ... and to virtue signal. It makes you a shitty person.

When you think about it, you are a HATER. You hate those with whom you disagree, and you HATE enough to gaslight them even though they have never done anything to you.

You're a HATER who virtue signals that he isn't a HATER. You're dishonest. That's pretty shitty.
I was bowling on a Sunday in Detroit, After bowling, a girl and I had a couple of drinks. Then the bowling alley became chock full of a gay and trans bowling leagues. They filled 40 lanes. That is when I found out there are a lot more gays than I thought. They are jut people having fun and living their lives as well as they can.

Did you tell the homosexual males that them being homosexual means they have sex with those born with a vagina ripped out of their body and attached to a pump otherwise according to lgbt logic they are transphobes?!
I am impressed at your hate-filled screed followed by "Love".
You didn't read his post for comprehension. You probably didn't even read the post at all. Your response indicates that you're only in it for the perceived virtue-signalling opportunity.
Did he speak to you?
You just did what is called a "pivot." You should have simply confessed that you didn't read the post and that you just bashed away because you are a dishonest prick who needs to reach his virtue-signalling quota.
The lying retard certainly fell into that even though it was just explained. A natural repulsion is not an irrational fear. This one obviously does not even know what a phobia is. What you believe doesn't change primary fact. Your opinion doesn't change primary fact and you being retarded like the lgbt doesn't change primary fact.

This retard doesn't even realize that the subject isn't about being gay or not, it's about the lgbt being compulsive obsessive liars and deceivers while being too stupid to realize that such sick behavior will never allow such retards to be an accepted part of society etc (read the composition beginning this very thread ignoramus.)

It is not a natural repulsion. lots of us feel it is live and let live. They are acting as they were born. If you believe in god, he made them that way. Who are you to hate what god made? They are not the problem. You are.
You just did what is called a "pivot." You should have simply confessed that you didn't read the post and that you just bashed away because you are a dishonest prick who needs to reach his virtue-signalling quota.

Not a pivot. Just trying to figure out why you support the post I was responding to. Clearly it spoke to you.
Not a pivot.
Yes, it was a pivot. You were desperate to divert attention away from your juvenile dishonesty.

Just trying to figure out why you support the post I was responding to.
My only commentary was of your OBEDIENCE to your thought-masters. There was not enough information provided for you to ascertain my position/assessment of the post in question.

Oh, and you did not respond to the content of the post. You gaslighted the author of the post.
The lgbt goes around offending, infuriating, disgusting, repulsing the general public with factually proven foundations of sick and filthy lies and deceptions.

Then then LGBT goes around calling the same people they offend, infuriate, disgust and repulse with their sick and filthy lies and deceptions as haters.

Then they are stupid enough to wonder why they will never be an accepted part of society or why people become infuriated when being lied too or deceived.

How much dumber could a group of easily baited WEF sock puppet hate group of imbeciles possibly get?!

It’s about the World Economic Forum baiting the most repulsive and sick mentally redundant imbeciles on the planet to use to force disgusting and filthy lies on the public = an attempt at forcing oppression on western civilizations and proof of such in Canada is the 2017 amendment to Bill C-16 proposed by the useful idiot Tom Mulcair.

A natural repulsion is not an irrational fear, a phobia is an irrational fear and not a natural repulsion.

If a bunch of compulsive, obsessive liars and deceivers want to be an accepted part of society then they would quite obviously stop lying and deceiving the public but the lgbt is quite obviously way too stupid and mentally regressive to figure out something so obvious all by themselves.


Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Collingwood Ontario Canada
Ps. Be good be strong!

So you're on the Down Low!
It is not a natural repulsion.
Are you saying that someone can have a synthetic repulsion?

lots of us feel it is live and let live.
You are another one who obviously did poorly on the SAT.

Your attitude is what is called an "attitude." It is not a "reaction" of which "repulsion" is merely a subset.

They are acting as they were born.
... as are the people who are feeling repulsion.

Who are you to hate what god made?
Now you have reverted back to gaslighting and to assigning bogus positions that are not held. He does not hate what God made. He hates the lying done by what God made.

As I have become aware of your cognitive shortcomings, I'm considering giving you a pass. I should not have expected you to have understood the post in the first place.
That word is offensive.


Well, I guess things have changed since I was there last.

"Key West is not very gay anymore. The 70s and 80s and early 90s were when you saw a majority of gays in Key West. "

I do have a couple of pretty cool shipwreck maps.

One guy got the biggest bestest one not long ago. Then I think he had to give most to Spain. What a crock!
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