Our rules once included slavery. By your "reasoning" if we decided again that slavery was ok you'd be just fine with it.
So you aren't very tolerant of people who treat LGBTQIADHGTEVHJDFKJDCIJWKASDFGSDFGRTHOKASDFKASFDIKAEWRFGSDFGSG+ equally. You won't settle for anything less than members of LGBTQIADHGTEVHJDFKJDCIJWKASDFGSDFGRTHOKASDFKASFDIKAEWRFGSDFGSG+ being treated as an entirely privileged class of VICTIMS.
Fuck you. They aren't victims. Their own individual pursuits have nothing to do with anyone else. I reject your intolerance, your virtue-signaling and your attempt to create a two-tiered society. You're a moron.
my rules never included slavery.......those were demmmycrat rules......
Correct. You do not seek equality. You seek privilege for LGBTQIADHGTEVHJDFKJDCIJWKASDFGSDFGRTHOKASDFKASFDIKAEWRFGSDFGSG+ as though they are our betters somehow. Fuck you. You consider me a moron for treating LGBTQIADHGTEVHJDFKJDCIJWKASDFGSDFGRTHOKASDFKASFDIKAEWRFGSDFGSG+ as equals.Equality is hardly two tiered.
Yes. You are a HATER. You do what the HATERS do. HATERS are gonna HATE. I will instead treat LGBTQIADHGTEVHJDFKJDCIJWKASDFGSDFGRTHOKASDFKASFDIKAEWRFGSDFGSG+ as equals, and that means holding them to all the same standards and demanding accountability just like everyone else.You accuse me of doing what the haters or their own children do.
The DNC is the party of slavery. Their objective is to reinstate slavery as soon as possible, beginning with the "blacks" who, they feel, should never have been released from their chains in the first place. The DNC already owns the American Jews, willingly I might add. LGBTQIADHGTEVHJDFKJDCIJWKASDFGSDFGRTHOKASDFKASFDIKAEWRFGSDFGSG+ can't wait to bend over for the DNC. In short, the DNC has discovered that many groups prefer slavery and the ease of permanent "victim" status to the hard work of independent thinking and individual freedom.The point is slavery was at one point legal in America. This is precisely why morals should not be left to humans to define. Also there is nothing in present day leftist ideology that would prevent slavery from being legally reinstated if people are making the rules.
LGBTQ+, and especially believers, remember that God makes all souls equal.
Many have decided to tolerate those who are intolerant to LGBTQ+ souls, while preventing their abortion, to insure they have many to discriminate against.
Talk of make work. Believers have to see God creating a make hate program.
Moral people know to speak up for the unfairly discriminated and persecuted LGBTQ+.
Peoples souls are created equal by God. The same isn't true for behavior. People have perverted Jesus forgiveness of people as Jesus condoning those behaviors. He didn't. But perverts pervert, don't they?
LGBTQ+, and especially believers, remember that God makes all souls equal.
Many have decided to tolerate those who are intolerant to LGBTQ+ souls, while preventing their abortion, to insure they have many to discriminate against.
Talk of make work. Believers have to see God creating a make hate program.
Moral people know to speak up for the unfairly discriminated and persecuted LGBTQ+.
Speaking out against sexual perversions is 'unfair'??
God does not make all souls equal.
Nevertheless, being uncomfortable is my problem, not yours or theirs.
The DNC is the party of slavery. Their objective is to reinstate slavery as soon as possible, beginning with the "blacks" who, they feel, should never have been released from their chains in the first place. The DNC already owns the American Jews, willingly I might add. LGBTQIADHGTEVHJDFKJDCIJWKASDFGSDFGRTHOKASDFKASFDIKAEWRFGSDFGSG+ can't wait to bend over for the DNC. In short, the DNC has discovered that many groups prefer slavery and the ease of permanent "victim" status to the hard work of independent thinking and individual freedom.
If people's souls are created equal by God, why does God give Christ his station but not the rest of us pleebs? Why are some people born to Christian families and receive a knowledge of God, while others are born into families with no knowledge of God, or those who fight against God?
As to perversions, is there such a thing between consenting adults?
Not sure what you mean by God giving Christ "his station but not the rest of us pleebs".
I dont know why those things happen and I am not God's PR man (the very last thing He needs) but I'm not sure how that matters to the creation of people's souls.
Perhaps you should read the Bible at the very least to determine what Christ's station is.
Savior of the world? I am hardly up to that station pleeb or not. If you can't explain your point don't bother responding.
I just did. I guess you weren't paying attention.
I really am struggling to understand what you are trying to communicate. Sorry to be so bold, but that is just they facts
Like the bolded part - what does that even mean?
Who are you claiming isn't minding their own business? Why do you equate the expression of an opinion as somehow "not minding one's own business"?It would be nice if more people minded their own business when there are no victims.