Liberal Democrat Kerry Funny Picture


WE should help those guys... vote Democratic in 06'!

Good idear.
You can go out there and drive them to the poll in your district!

On a serious note Alex, I truly believe that whatever combination of Demopublicans were in power, we would be in Iraq right now. There was talk on both sides of Iraq with WMD, much of it in 1998.
And let's not forget that a Democrat president started the Korean, Vietnam, Kosovo and Haiti wars, with plenty of support from congressional Dems. You guys just do it in the name of humanity rather than security.
On a serious note Alex, I truly believe that whatever combination of Demopublicans were in power, we would be in Iraq right now.

LOL, you can't sell that crap to me Dano.
We would be in Iraq if Gore had been elected... HAHAHA give me a break!
We would be in Iraq if Gore had been elected... HAHAHA give me a break!
Gore had no problem going into Haiti or Kosovo and they had no WMD (or believed to have WMD), no terrorism links (or supposed links), and leaders not as brutal as Saddam.

"Iraq does pose a serious threat to the stability of the Persian Gulf and we should organize an international coalition to eliminate his access to weapons of mass destruction. Iraq's search for weapons of mass destruction has proven impossible to completely deter and we should assume that it will continue for as long as Saddam is in power." -- Al Gore, 2002

Hmm, how do we get Saddam out of power there Fat Albert?
Come on Dano I want to see the list of corrupt demo congressmen too, I have not seen that one for at least 3 days.
The bushies still can't accept the mess they made....
I admit Bush and all the other Demopublicans who thought Iraq had WMD made a mistake. But me showing how Dems wanted Iraq too does not absolve Bush of anything does it?

Unlike you I can blame more than 1 party or person, why because unlike you I am not a party whore.
You try and do a half-ass job of pretending you are not for any particular party, but you show everyday you are nothing more than a typical Democrat party whore.
I admit Bush and all the other Demopublicans who thought Iraq had WMD made a mistake. But me showing how Dems wanted Iraq too does not absolve Bush of anything does it?

Unlike you I can blame more than 1 party or person, why because unlike you I am not a party whore.
You try and do a half-ass job of pretending you are not for any particular party, but you show everyday you are nothing more than a typical Democrat party whore.

ahh the stress of your trying to appear non partisan getting to ya Dano, I see you are back to your old habit of editing within quote boxes again.
Come on Dano I want to see the list of corrupt demo congressmen too, I have not seen that one for at least 3 days.
Well you can always use the "Search" function, this is a little complicated though and requires a little something we here on earth call "energy", so maybe I'm asking too much for a guy who can only muster up unimaginative one-liners...
Why be exceedingly verbose when a one liner will do. After all in math and such don't they try to simplify the problem to it's simplest form ?
Of course those using doublespeak and deception need to use lots of words to hide their deceptions within.
Come on Dano, you can do it just admit buish sucks, and you made a mistake backing him, you can crawl out from under the Bush bus.
Gore had no problem going into Haiti or Kosovo and they had no WMD (or believed to have WMD), no terrorism links (or supposed links), and leaders not as brutal as Saddam.

"Iraq does pose a serious threat to the stability of the Persian Gulf and we should organize an international coalition to eliminate his access to weapons of mass destruction. Iraq's search for weapons of mass destruction has proven impossible to completely deter and we should assume that it will continue for as long as Saddam is in power." -- Al Gore, 2002

Hmm, how do we get Saddam out of power there Fat Albert?

uhhh....we could have funded indiginous Iraqi opposition...there were lots of options shy of invading conquering and occupying.

the fact remains...the republicans in congress were nearly unanimous in their support for the use of force resolution. a majority of democrats voted against it.
Come on Dano, you can do it just admit buish sucks, and you made a mistake backing him, you can crawl out from under the Bush bus.
Bush sucks.
Bush made a mistake.
I only "backed" Bush in 2004 to avoid universal healthKerry and universal collegeKerry. It still amazes me how Demwits who talk shit all day long about the deficit, yet were and are willing to back a guy and a party that's main goal is to start up giant trillion dollar social welfare programs.
Bush sucks.
Bush made a mistake.
I only "backed" Bush in 2004 to avoid universal healthKerry and universal collegeKerry. It still amazes me how Demwits who talk shit all day long about the deficit, yet were and are willing to back a guy and a party that's main goal is to start up giant trillion dollar social welfare programs.

a little closer Dano, but you missed ona couple of issues.
You made a mistake by following a fool.
It still amazes me how rebutlikens who talk shit all day long about the deficit, yet were and are willing to back a guy and a party that's main goal is to start up giant trillion dollar social welfare programs. Da pill bill :)
nation building, etc...