Liberal gun bullshit

I will keep bumping this thread for the rest of my natural life or until I get some reasoned liberal response.

Originally Posted by evince
banning the weapons this woman allowed to be accessed by her insane son sure would have made it easier for more to survive this horror
They've tried that Desh. It didn't work. In fact it made the problem worse.
Joe Scarborough: Newtown Shooting Made 'Ideologies Of My Past' On Guns Irrelevant

"I knew that day that the ideologies of my past career were no longer relevant to the future that I want, that I demand for my children. Friday changed everything. It must change everything. We all must begin anew and demand that Washington's old way of doing business is no longer acceptable. Entertainment moguls don't have an absolute right to glorify murder while spreading mayhem in young minds across America. And our Bill of Rights does not guarantee gun manufacturers the absolute right to sell military-style, high-caliber, semi-automatic combat assault rifles with high-capacity magazines to whoever the hell they want.

It is time for Congress to put children before deadly dogmas. It's time for politicians to start focusing more on protecting our schoolyards than putting together their next fundraiser. It's time for Washington to stop trying to win endless wars overseas when we're losing the war at home ... For the sake of my four children and yours, I choose life and I choose change."
Didn't we (the whole fucking world, nevermind the country) lose enough over this issue?

FYI Gore lost because of his (perceived) threat to gun rights. 8 years of criminal rule, advancement of oligarchy, destruction of civil rights, the world perception of a formerly great country, death of hundreds of thousands worldwide. Destruction of a fucntional economy which may never heal.

Don't let a few little election wins turn into a major loss. That feeling of invincibility you have right now? It is fleeting and can be gone faster than you know. Remember the helplessness, the powerlessness of the Dubya administration? When the GOP marched lockstep like Hitler's minions and the dems were impotent?

The second amendment is sancrosant. As Mott pointed out, "assault" weapons were not even popular until after the ban.

Desh's BULLSHIT about gun owners giving up their banned weapons is self delusion of the highest order.
1. It doesn't work that way. Hence the term "pre-ban" which refers to guns owned before the ban (still legal).
2. Despite Dix's many faults, his depiction of how he would handle any attempt to take his guns is fataly accurate.
I have known and been around gun owners my whole life. Though I gave up my own guns many decades ago, I well understand the frame of mind.

The last time I started a thread like this, a couple years ago, I got NO LIBERAL REPLIES.
Well, it is a couple years later. Y'all know by now that I am a real lib and make a valid point now and then.

The redneck wasters and ESPECIALLY their masters (The NRA, THe Cock Bros., whoever the fuck doesn't support human rights) are hoping and praying that the dems make this fatal mistake AGAIN.

Didn't we lose enough when Gore lost over this issue?

As a JFK liberal who has been around for over 6 decades, liberals and Democrats in this country have developed one fatal flaw...they had their spines removed. They have allowed conservatives to not only decide significant issues, but to set the agenda and define the language.

If Jack, Bobby and Ted were still alive, Obama would have been summoned to a weekend at the compound in Hyannis Port for an attitude adjustment and a spinal infusion.
It is time for Congress to put children before deadly dogmas. It's time for politicians to start focusing more on protecting our schoolyards than putting together their next fundraiser. It's time for Washington to stop trying to win endless wars overseas when we're losing the war at home ... For the sake of my four children and yours, I choose life and I choose change."

God damn!
No fucking law that congress can pass could have prevented this!
This was a failure of mental health.
Do you really care about childrens lives? How many children are drowned or have their throats slit by their own mothers?

Congress can act on making mental health care accessible. Congress cannot prevent insane people from killing children.

What matters to you most, the children or your irrational fear of guns?

Answer my fucking questions.
Here's my assessment of Rune's suggestions:

I am proposing more than a $500 yearly limit on mental health treatment for insurance policies, like maybe no limit.
Increase the limit maybe?
I am proposing enough hospital beds available that when someone needs help there is somewhere to send them.
Don't know how you go about it, but not a bad idea.
I am proposing training for police so at least sometimes they might recognize a mental health issue instead of opening fire.
I think they do this already.
I am proposing Judges be better educated in mental health issues.
I think this is a good idea, and bring back 'involuntary institutionalization' like we had before 'One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest' when liberals erased these.
I am proposing society accept someone with mental health problems the same way they accept someone with a broken leg, to de-stigmatize the condition.
No problem!
I am proposing single payer insurance so anyone who needs help can get it.
Nope. We simply can't afford this.
I am proposing that school "psychologists" actually be psychologists.
No problem.
I am proposing that society advances to the point where going to a therapist is a good idea, not something to be hidden and not talked about.
Good idea.
I am proposing that psychiatrists have some type of supervision so that when one dies, their patients are not left alone in the world with no one to turn to, and no idea what to do about it.
Fine with it.
I am proposing that practitioners of western medicine be trained to treat or least be aware of the entire patient, and not meet every symptom with a chemical treatment.
I am proposing that social workers and child care providers be paid as if they are responsible for our most precious resources since they are.
Okay with this.
I am proposing that children be asigned some value in society, despite that fact that they can't vote and seldom have much disposable money.
Can we start with the unborn children?
I am proposing that more woman be authority figures, since that is the only correlation I can make to the slight drop in violence we have finally achieved.
No correlation. I disagree.
I am proposing that the ERA be passed, since it's failure was an act of violence itself. How could we as a country possibly judge women as less deserving than men?
I am proposing that the causes of despair and hopelessness be decreased by voting down the GOP in the next election.
Not a political thing.

Now, I think me finding agreement with 2/3 of what was suggested, is pretty good, considering.

I will add a few more...

Stop denouncing "God" every time you have the chance.
Start respecting life by denouncing late term abortion. (infanticide)
Teach the virtue of respect for others.
Speak up when you encounter the "weirdo" kid who isn't right.
Public schools, if we are going to have them, should have 'layered' security like a military base.
Get rid of the violent video games for children.
Get rid of the violent movies for children.
Get rid of the violent music for children.
Institutionalize the mentally unstable... Federally fund it if we have to with taxpayer money.
Have some form of 'armed security' at every school in America.

Let us understand, NONE of the measures mentioned here will guarantee anything. There is still the possibility for tragedy, and there is still the possibility that insane people will do insane things. We can never eliminate that possibility completely, no matter what we do.
God damn!
No fucking law that congress can pass could have prevented this!
This was a failure of mental health.
Do you really care about childrens lives? How many children are drowned or have their throats slit by their own mothers?

Congress can act on making mental health care accessible. Congress cannot prevent insane people from killing children.

What matters to you most, the children or your irrational fear of guns?

Answer my fucking questions.

I have no fear of guns. Now what asshole?
Here's my assessment of Rune's suggestions:

I am proposing more than a $500 yearly limit on mental health treatment for insurance policies, like maybe no limit.
Increase the limit maybe?
Why have any limit on mental health, considering the consequences if untreated? Who decides how much is enough?
I am proposing enough hospital beds available that when someone needs help there is somewhere to send them.
Don't know how you go about it, but not a bad idea.
I am proposing training for police so at least sometimes they might recognize a mental health issue instead of opening fire.
I think they do this already.
I am proposing Judges be better educated in mental health issues.
I think this is a good idea, and bring back 'involuntary institutionalization' like we had before 'One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest' when liberals erased these.
Involuntary hospitalization still happens, it is just much more difficult, i.e. the need must be thouroughly proven, which is as it should be.

I am proposing society accept someone with mental health problems the same way they accept someone with a broken leg, to de-stigmatize the condition.
No problem!
I am proposing single payer insurance so anyone who needs help can get it.
Nope. We simply can't afford this.
Opinion, not supported by facts. We can't afford not to teat illness promptly. We either pay a little now, or a lot later. A stitch in time saves nine.
I am proposing that school "psychologists" actually be psychologists.
No problem.
I am proposing that society advances to the point where going to a therapist is a good idea, not something to be hidden and not talked about.
Good idea.
I am proposing that psychiatrists have some type of supervision so that when one dies, their patients are not left alone in the world with no one to turn to, and no idea what to do about it.
Fine with it.
I am proposing that practitioners of western medicine be trained to treat or least be aware of the entire patient, and not meet every symptom with a chemical treatment.
I am proposing that social workers and child care providers be paid as if they are responsible for our most precious resources since they are.
Okay with this.
I am proposing that children be asigned some value in society, despite that fact that they can't vote and seldom have much disposable money.
Can we start with the unborn children?
I am proposing that more woman be authority figures, since that is the only correlation I can make to the slight drop in violence we have finally achieved.
No correlation. I disagree.
What proof do you offer?
I am proposing that the ERA be passed, since it's failure was an act of violence itself. How could we as a country possibly judge women as less deserving than men?
Goes to frame of mind. Rmember, in this case, it was a woman's guns used to commit the crime. Why did she think she needed all those guns?
I am proposing that the causes of despair and hopelessness be decreased by voting down the GOP in the next election.
Not a political thing.
How could it be anything other than political? Goes to the state of affairs of the country.
Now, I think me finding agreement with 2/3 of what was suggested, is pretty good, considering.

I will add a few more...

Stop denouncing "God" every time you have the chance.
Start respecting life by denouncing late term abortion. (infanticide)
Teach the virtue of respect for others.
Speak up when you encounter the "weirdo" kid who isn't right.
Public schools, if we are going to have them, should have 'layered' security like a military base.
Get rid of the violent video games for children.
Get rid of the violent movies for children.
Get rid of the violent music for children.
Institutionalize the mentally unstable... Federally fund it if we have to with taxpayer money.
Have some form of 'armed security' at every school in America.

Let us understand, NONE of the measures mentioned here will guarantee anything. There is still the possibility for tragedy, and there is still the possibility that insane people will do insane things. We can never eliminate that possibility completely, no matter what we do.

Yes, human existence will always involve tragedy, but less voluntary tragedy would help.
Reply to the rest of my comments, not just the bait.

I already did. Liberals need to grow a spine. Even Mayor Bloomberg, the most fervent gun control advocate has not called for taking people's guns away.

Like most liberals, I support the 2nd amendment. But none of our rights come without sanction. I believe every citizen has the right to defend their home and family, use guns for hunting and recreation. But the 2nd amendment does not give citizens the right to own and carry weapons that are manufactured to use in a war zone and have a rate of fire fire of one armor piercing round per second.

When the 2nd amendment was written, the most firepower an individual could garner was a Flintlock Musket. Rate of fire of a musket in the hands of an expertly trained marksman is 3 rounds per MINUTE.

According to the Continental army training manual, there were 13 steps to firing a musket. In short, a soldier had to get a cartridge, tear it open with his teeth, put a little bit of powder in the firing mechanism, put the rest of the powder and a gun ball down the barrel, ram the ball and powder home, cock the musket and fire.

The musket was not an accurate weapon, so even after all that work, the soldier didn’t have the greatest chance of shooting his intended target. ref.
I already did. Liberals need to grow a spine. Even Mayor Bloomberg, the most fervent gun control advocate has not called for taking people's guns away.

Like most liberals, I support the 2nd amendment. But none of our rights come without sanction. I believe every citizen has the right to defend their home and family, use guns for hunting and recreation. But the 2nd amendment does not give citizens the right to own and carry weapons that are manufactured to use in a war zone and have a rate of fire fire of one armor piercing round per second.

When the 2nd amendment was written, the most firepower an individual could garner was a Flintlock Musket. Rate of fire of a musket in the hands of an expertly trained marksman is 3 rounds per MINUTE.

According to the Continental army training manual, there were 13 steps to firing a musket. In short, a soldier had to get a cartridge, tear it open with his teeth, put a little bit of powder in the firing mechanism, put the rest of the powder and a gun ball down the barrel, ram the ball and powder home, cock the musket and fire.

The musket was not an accurate weapon, so even after all that work, the soldier didn’t have the greatest chance of shooting his intended target. ref.

Well, you responded and were reasonable. Thanks.
I will keep bumping this thread for the rest of my natural life or until I get some reasoned liberal response.

lol you are going to be bumping this a lot.

I appreciate your post a lot rune. I am glad that there are at least some liberals that have come off the weekend long fantasy (not saying you were one of them) of banning and taking away guns. Now hopefully reality is starting to sink in that the 2nd amendment is sacred in america and they aren't doing shit.