Liberal hypocrisy

Yeah you will, all your heros will be there. Hitler, Pol Pot, Mussolini, Stalin, Fidel, Che, to name a few.

Sorry Country Boy you're going off the deep end, and throwing away your more respectable guise as a more reasonable poster here. This is what I put on ignore, so please simmer down
You're one to talk, lol. Perhaps you can refute my posts.

Because I made a discussion giving up on arguing gun control, and just venting, and delivering a message about the insanity of it? I'm not stereotyping republicans, like you are liberals. I go on actions of people, liberal, and conservative alike. On top of that your just making bullshit up, and attacking people personally with cracks about tying shoes. Get a grip man. If you want to vent about something we do have at it, leave the added attacks treating us like retarded children behind.
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Country Boy, it seems you've been letting some of the abrasiveness of others bring about a spiteful attitude. I leave it up to actions, and like to treat people person to person. Stereotypes are one of the biggest banes to the human race, and one of my biggest pet peeves. The way they say not to judge a book by it's cover, is exactly what you're doing because it says liberal. Some of the liberals here can be very rude, and unapologetic so. Of course they do it openly, so if it causes issue those are the types you should distance from. You're basing judgements on the fringe, and insulting everyone, as if they were the same.
You're one to talk, lol. Perhaps you can refute my posts.

Why would anyone bother to refute nutzie hyperbole? I'm going to echo Mott, above, and say that if not being like your (group your) ilk means I'm a "hypocritical liberal," then I'm just fine with that label.
You're making a complete fool of yourself, and sinking to the level of other stereotyping scum here.

Here's a perfect example of liberal hypocrisy. Thanks!

You see, it's perfectly acceptable in your mind, to denigrate constitutional conservatives (heaven forbid we actually believe in the Bill of rights) in the most insulting way possible, but "I'm making a fool of myself" for simply pointing out actual, irrefutable hypocrisy.

Jade Dragon said:
No, libs are barely able to muster enough brain power to tie their own shoes, let alone think critically. What amazes me most is how you people even remember to breathe. A small miracle that.

Here are two of your useful idiots

Just as yourself, mindless lemmings. At least the cage builder was smart enough to realize he'd been used. The woman in the interview, your mother, was too ignorant to do so.

Fits nicely with you #Releasethememo morons.
Hey dumb & domer, I can't see what you said, but I am confident it's another textbook example of liberal hypocrisy. Thank for your contribution to the wall of shame.
Here's a perfect example of liberal hypocrisy. Thanks!

You see, it's perfectly acceptable in your mind, to denigrate constitutional conservatives (heaven forbid we actually believe in the Bill of rights) in the most insulting way possible, but "I'm making a fool of myself" for simply pointing out actual, irrefutable hypocrisy.

I'm going after the NRA, and those that won't let any regulation be done to protect life, not consevatives. In fact I don't care left, right, friend, enemy, or even family. This is an abhorrence of America as a whole, and fuck the politics of it. I'm not stereotyping, and making retarded comments about being able to tie shoes. I'm losing my fucking mind with physical misery, and mental strain from this countries abhorrences, so sorry if I thought I'd make a venting discussion, because we can't do anything. I guess I could have left off the maggot part, but it seemed apt, for the parasitic level of selfishness in this country. When I start saying you can't tie your shoes, or making up shit I think you say, or think you believe, because I feel anger, and have biases, please give me hell. I had such expectations for you, and you're embarrassing yourself, and making me feel stupid for the credit I gave you. Life is more important than, what some fucking document says that people distort. Look up what regulated means anyway.
And scum never thank any of your posts? Are you responsible for what scum does? Hey! More liberal hypocrisy! You are really contributing to this thread in a BIG way. Some might even say YUGE.

Why have you become such a sick joke of yourself, I'm so disappointed in you. What snapped in you, to act this way? You're not acting like yourself.
I'm going after the NRA, and those that won't let any regulation be done to protect life, not consevatives. In fact I don't care left, right, friend, enemy, or even family. This is an abhorrence of America as a whole, and fuck the politics of it. I'm not stereotyping, and making retarded comments about being able to tie shoes. I'm losing my fucking mind with physical misery, and mental strain from this countries abhorrences, so sorry if I thought I'd make a venting discussion, because we can't do anything. I guess I could have left off the maggot part, but it seemed apt, for the parasitic level of selfishness in this country. When I start saying you can't tie your shoes, or making up shit I think you say, or think you believe, because I feel anger, and have biases, please give me hell. I had such expectations for you, and you're embarrassing yourself, and making me feel stupid for the credit I gave you. Life is more important than, what some fucking document says that people distort. Look up what regulated means anyway.
