Liberal response to gun control

oh look who is not engaging in derision and insults and look who is taking the high road


i'm not lying he was serious, it is my opinion you dumbfuck.

More backpedaling from the YurTarded liar.

The YurTard can't show anyone precisely where the author's words indicate he was serious, so Yurtsie moves the goalposts and now claims it was his OPINION.


The desperation emanating from Yurtsie is virtually palpable.
where did i claim it was not opinion you dishonest shit fer brains?

watch, this will be another time zappa runs away from another dishonest claim. he always does this when he realizes he is wrong.

btw...cite one lie i've ever told.
Dear Yurt: When you walk, talk, and fall for satire like it's gospel, that makes you a dumbfuck. Ain't no debate to it!

Yeah...once again you were punk'd. What is that? Three times in a week?

I almost feel sorry for the little crybaby.

He can't win in the arena of ideas so he constantly resorts to pathetic diversion and evasion to cloud whatever issue he's "debating".
I almost feel sorry for the little crybaby.

He can't win in the arena of ideas so he constantly resorts to pathetic diversion and evasion to cloud whatever issue he's "debating".

Don't be sorry...I suspect we're about to see a full-fledged Yurplosion!

where did i claim it was not opinion you dishonest shit fer brains?

And once again the standard word parsing begins.

Of course the YurTard can't prove the author was serious, and he still won't link to the author's words the YurTard claims indicate he was in fact serious...

So once again we can conclude it's just another pitiful attempt at clouding the issue by the lying YurTard.

watch, this will be another time zappa runs away from another dishonest claim. he always does this when he realizes he is wrong.

btw...cite one lie i've ever told.

You have stated on these forums that you are employed as: Attorney

B...a Meter Maid

So...which time were you lying?
i knew zappa would run away and never show where said it was anything other than my opinion. what is truly laughable about his "yurt has proved anything" is that he has not proved anything. it is impossible to prove without the author confirming it. all we have are his words and they clearly indicate it was not hyperbole.

no surprise zappas is obessed with my personal life. nothing i say about my personal life is serious, i've repeatedly <-- and i mean REPEATEDLY told you i JOKE about it because of a former member who stalked me. looks like you've taken over his mantle. how proud you must be.

i will note that this is the ONLY lie you claim i've told. lmao. you just proved i don't lie.
i knew zappa would run away and never show where said it was anything other than my opinion. what is truly laughable about his "yurt has proved anything" is that he has not proved anything. it is impossible to prove without the author confirming it. all we have are his words and they clearly indicate it was not hyperbole.

no surprise zappas is obessed with my personal life. nothing i say about my personal life is serious, i've repeatedly <-- and i mean REPEATEDLY told you i JOKE about it because of a former member who stalked me. looks like you've taken over his mantle. how proud you must be.

i will note that this is the ONLY lie you claim i've told. lmao. you just proved i don't lie.


The use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of...
A play, novel, film, or other work that uses satire.

Here's the definition that applies to you:

Lacking intelligence or common sense.
A stupid person (often used as a term of address): "you're not a coward, stupid!".
adjective. foolish - dull - obtuse - dense - fatuous - idiotic
noun. fool - goof - tomfool - booby - dolt - imbecile - Yurtroll
i see howey once again falsely changed a source of his.

i also see howey failed to cite where the author said this was satire.

not a good day for howey.

you are either the most dishonest fuck on the interwebs or just the dumbest...which is it?

your quote from your online dictionary source has an interesting addition:

adjective. foolish - dull - obtuse - dense - fatuous - idiotic
noun. fool - goof - tomfool - booby - dolt - imbecile - Yurtroll

i can't believe you really expect anyone to believe you didn't falsely alter the original to add yurtroll.

The author is a satirist. lol...

Intelligent people "get" that fact when they read his words.

Christ on a stick, you really are that dense, aren't you???

1. assuming you are correct and that he is a satirist, that does not prove this particular piece was satire.

2. if he is a satirist and this piece was all means link up and convince me.
so you were dishonest when you claimed you didn't know what i was talking about...thanks for admitting that. and at least you admit you FALSELY altered your source. zappa would have denied it.

no howey, you made the claim you prove it. you have this real big problem with debate. you think in a debate or discussion that if you claim something, it is up to the other person to prove you wrong. that is not how it works. and you claim to be a debate champion...lmao....another howey fantasy.
Let them know you're ok.


Because the author is a nationally known satirist?

I dimwits are so used to believing FOX and their BS that when a satirist publishes a funny rip on the NRA you believe it?


Stephen Colbert really isn't a conservative.

Does that now mean that Obama is a nationally known liar, seeking as how he promised to close Gitmo?

The author is a satirist. lol...

Intelligent people "get" that fact when they read his words.

Christ on a stick, you really are that dense, aren't you???

He's not dense...just jealous and extremely angry.

He is jealous of the fact he's almost universally reviled on these boards and I am not, and he's angry at being pwned by me every third day or so...a nasty combination that makes for an incredibly rage-filled person.

Note the lengths he's gone to in order to avoid admitting he just got busted lying about what he does for a living.
so you were dishonest when you claimed you didn't know what i was talking about...thanks for admitting that. and at least you admit you FALSELY altered your source. zappa would have denied it.

no howey, you made the claim you prove it. you have this real big problem with debate. you think in a debate or discussion that if you claim something, it is up to the other person to prove you wrong. that is not how it works. and you claim to be a debate champion...lmao....another howey fantasy.
