Too funny, well I guess then all registered Democrats, forty eight percent of all registered voters in America, are murderers
You guess that based on what I posted, anchovies?
Too funny, well I guess then all registered Democrats, forty eight percent of all registered voters in America, are murderers
Plenty of DEMOCRATS thought no election was required when they prematurely proclaimed Hillary "Madame President", didn't they, TD?
You always know a conservative is done when they have to regurgitate an election nearly two years old now
DEMOCRAT congressional candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said in an interview that the U.S. did not add criminal penalties to immigration law until "about 1999".
Ocasio-Cortez elaborated on her reasons to abolish ICE on NPR’s “Morning Edition”. She said, “It wasn’t until about 1999 that we chose to criminalize immigration at all, and then once ICE was established we really kind of militarized that enforcement to a degree that was previously unseen in the United States.”
The U.S. criminalized unlawful entry in 1929.
Congress made unauthorized entry into the U.S. a criminal offense in 1929.
Aliens who entered the country outside a port of entry or without examination by immigration officials could be charged with a misdemeanor. Previously deported aliens who tried to re-enter the country without authorization could be charged with a felony.
Unauthorized entry and unauthorized re-entry remain misdemeanor and felony charges today.
Before 1929, unauthorized entry was against the law, but not criminalized. Laws passed in the 1990s intensified criminal penalties relating to immigration.
Bill Clinton signed two bills into law in 1996 that vastly increased the number of criminal offenses associated with illegal immigration: the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act (IIRIRA) and the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act (AEDPA).
You do, anchovies?
DEMOCRATS were wrong then. Is there any any valid reason to think they can't be wrong again?
Little Thingy calls that Whataboutism, doesn't he, anchovies?
If you think that's so, why haven't you emigrated yet, anchovies?
Is that so, anchovies?
Ah, no, cause I'm not Scandinavian, and yes
yes, as predictable as the sun rising tomorrow
It's Tucker Carlson's website, next
Oh, now would that be like Trump echoing endlessly "make America great" at one of his gym rallies?"
If you really want to make your innate comparisons, I think the Scandinavian model fits more adequately, which last I kenw, surpasses our own nation in standard of living
And by the way, while on the topic of economics, the United States is, and has been since the 19th Century, partially socialist, every nation in the world is part socialist, mixed economies are what predominate economies not pure capitalism nor socialism
Should we go easy on the elderly white male Nerdberg, TD?
Think so, Nerdberg?
You don't like the idea of making America great? I can't say that I am shocked by that.
It is a lie to argue that Sweden's standard of living surpasses our own. But they are a mostly homogeneous white society with vast natural resources. But even in nations like Sweden they are coming to the realization that they cannot afford their socialism and that it s driving manufacturing away and destroying job creation.
What you want would be more like Venezuela.
It is becoming more so, which is why we have the problems we are seeing exacerbated today. Turning a large part of a society into dependent wards of the State has never worked. Confiscating ever growing amounts of the wealth of those who produce to give to those who do nothing for it has always failed.
What are you afraid of?
Have you been to Sweden? They sure aren't as racist as yourself.
Are you OK? Sure seem to be losing what little you had.
Think so, old man?