the holocaust was deliberative. Manifest Destiney was an unstoppable process. I do agree events within manifest destiny were horrific.
Might makes right, good nazi girl
the holocaust was deliberative. Manifest Destiney was an unstoppable process. I do agree events within manifest destiny were horrific.
might drives events -right or wronglyMight makes right, good nazi girl
might drives events -right or wrongly
well there are police killings and then their un-just police killings. Unarmed or not, people that flee put themselves at risk.
I'm no fan of rogue cops, but street justice is just that. and I'm not excusing it -cops need to face justice-
but if you wind up dead by fleeing...what did you expect?
But I agree cases like Sandra Bland are horrific, and all we can do is go after the cops.
Hopefully it gets better is my point on self-corrections. a few years ago we weren't even talking about it.
as to Trump? We're never going to agree he has some good ideas. Deportation on a mass scale is never going to happen.
Border security can be improved, but also this notion is out there that the US has an open border is
because we do not just turn people away without due process, and the due process winds up with ridiculous outcomes like
giving illegals summons to appear -along with a bus ticket to a relatives.. how stupid is that?
Illegal entry needs to be treated with the presumption that the entry means a prompt removal.
It's an insult to legal immigrants too -who go thru the process and enter lawfully.
Trump isn't helping though, I agree. his bellicosity makes the issues more difficult to solve
Conservatives are so last century
so you're a nazi?Just as bad as what the Germans did to the Jews
Here's to your century, Top.
so you're a nazi?
But I wasnt kicked out of the American military
hard to be kicked out of something you were too cowardly to join, don't you think?
Wait kids like you who are too dumb to go to college sign up, and you were to dumb too stay in.
Cable guy
many simple minded morons, like you, believe the same. i'm ok with your idiotic preconceived notions since they are nothing but bullshit.
You obviously haven't studied Frontier history of North America. That's simply not true. The French had a remarkable and peaceful relationship with the Natives and they often integrated with them and the French post colonial record in North America indicates strongly that they would not have dispossessed or militarily conquered Native Americans.natives were doomed if not by Americans then the French or the Brits. The western white man did it.
Wait kids like you who are too dumb to go to college sign up, and you were to dumb too stay in.
Cable guy
Like hell it was. You're like 3D...where do you come up with this stuff?the holocaust was deliberative. Manifest Destiney was an unstoppable process. I do agree events within manifest destiny were horrific.