Liberalism is a 'Mental Disorder'


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Michael Savage correctly believes that many political moves made by liberals undermines the basic tenets of American Life, including
marriage, the U.S. Constitution, the Bill of Rights, The Ten Commandments, and their support of "Islamofascism" making liberalism
a 'Mental Disorder.'

Michael Savage correctly believes that many political moves made by liberals undermines the basic tenets of American Life, including
marriage, the U.S. Constitution, the Bill of Rights, The Ten Commandments, and their support of "Islamofascism" making liberalism
a 'Mental Disorder.'

View attachment 45422
I don't see where he was wrong. What was it called them? Red diaper doper babies
Michael Savage correctly believes that many political moves made by liberals undermines the basic tenets of American Life, including
marriage, the U.S. Constitution, the Bill of Rights, The Ten Commandments, and their support of "Islamofascism" making liberalism
a 'Mental Disorder.'

View attachment 45422

Anyone who accuses those whose politics don't agree with you in such hateful and disparaging terms as that of Michael Sausage, has a mental disorder, it's called 'bigotry'.

Michael Sausage (his real name is Michael Weiner, so blending Savage + Weiner = Sausage) is a flaming bigot, hate monger, liar, and stupid, despite his education in nutrition and biology. Sometimes education doesn't assure wisdom.
Anyone who accuses those whose politics don't agree with you in such hateful and disparaging terms as that of Michael Sausage, has a mental disorder,
Mantra 1d. Lame.
it's called 'bigotry'.
No bigotry. Fallacy fallacy.
Michael Sausage (his real name is Michael Weiner, so blending Savage + Weiner = Sausage) is a flaming bigot, hate monger, liar, and stupid, despite his education in nutrition and biology. Sometimes education doesn't assure wisdom.
No bigotry. Fallacy fallacy.
By this term he is describing leftists.
Exactly, and he would also be describing others on the left that prefer to be called anti-Americans, progressives, socialists, Marxists, Communists, women haters, police de-funders, sanctuary city/state enablers of the criminal aliens, haters of our 1st + 2nd Amendments, anti Christian, anti-Semites, anti our white founding fathers, anti-Merit, pro-Equity, anti-Constitution, and most of all---anti common sense.
Exactly, and he would also be describing others on the left that prefer to be called anti-Americans, progressives, socialists, Marxists, Communists, women haters, police de-funders, sanctuary city/state enablers of the criminal aliens, haters of our 1st + 2nd Amendments, anti Christian, anti-Semites, anti our white founding fathers, anti-Merit, pro-Equity, anti-Constitution, and most of all---anti common sense.
Same folks.
Trump is deliberately tanking America. His economic policies could not be doing more damage. Now he announces more tariffs. He rejected NATO and Ukraine. His policies are pro-dictator and are exactly what Purtin would like to see, President Musk is killing jobs. Why? The dictators of the world are better organized that we thought. Trump/Putin are gerrtting their plans carried out. The new world order is being created.