
Liberal versions of what education means is actually indoctrination. Democrats do not what an informed electorate; they could never get elected then.

I agree, but they want more than that. Getting the dummies to pay for a semester or two of college means more money in liberals' pockets...
or Sweden, or Norway, or Denmark?

pretty well there, wouldn't you say?

Not the same shit-for-brains. But I am always amused when leftist dunces point to homogenous populations in countries of vast economic resources while ignoring the socialist malaise those countries are experiencing.
yes. they are. and there is only ONE Norwegian nation. It is called "Norway". Didn't they teach you that in school?

I meant Scandinavian you dishonest dunce; but of course you would glom onto a mistake in your desperate efforts to remove any doubt what a buffoon you are.

Cuba, Venezeula and China have nothing in common with Scandinavian countries. Just because a dishonest dunce like you says so, doesn't make it so.
I meant Scandinavian you dishonest dunce; but of course you would glom onto a mistake in your desperate efforts to remove any doubt what a buffoon you are.

Cuba, Venezeula and China have nothing in common with Scandinavian countries. Just because a dishonest dunce like you says so, doesn't make it so.

I see, you would never glom onto a mistake.
In order to survive in Cuba, you basically have to learn how to operate within the black market. I can't imagine that being a very successful system to live within...