Ms. BP's emotions dominate her ability to reason.
Martin Luther's 95 Theses (OCT 1517), assisted by Gutenberg's printing press (operational 1450ish) helped put Christians in direct contact with the Bible instead of going through the Latin interpreters in the Catholic church.
uther originally had no intention of breaking from the Catholic church, assuming that his call for theological and ecclesiastical reform would be heard, and ordinarily his theses would have been of interest only to professional theologians.
However, various political and religious situations of the time, and the fact that printing had been invented, combined to make the theses known throughout Germany within a few weeks. Luther did not give them to the people, although he did send copies to the archbishop of Mainz and to the bishop of Brandenburg. Others, however, translated them into German and had them printed and circulated. Thus, they became a manifesto that turned a protest about an indulgence scandal into the greatest crisis in the history of the Western Christian church, and ultimately Luther and his followers were excommunicated.