Belief in homosexuality? Kill Children in the womb? Sodom and Gomorrah? Can you show us on a map where SODOM and GOMORRAH exists?
Are you saying you do not believe Homosexuals exist?
Look, Miss high and mighty, Miss Holier-than-thou- the Democrats know Homosexuals exist, always have, and always will- Democrats realize they are human beings- AND THEY HAVE CIVIL RIGHTS THAT ARE EQUAL TO YOURS!
And, embryo's, fetuses, and blastulas are not children! Children do not have umbilical chords- they have navels!
Children are born! Until they are born, they are just a biological growth in a woman's body!
The issue is that the Nazi democrats demand that Homosexuals have rights FAR beyond what the normal people have. The party of Stalin demands that all bow and submit to the trannies. That all must be accomplices to the delusion that a man can decide to be a woman.
I realize that you, like all Marxists, are staunchly anti-science, yet the "Magic Vagina" myth, that somehow the birth canal transmogrifies a blob of inanimate flesh into a baby is a level of ignorance that makes it impossible to treat you as if your were a sentient being. Throughout all of human history there have been those who wanted to kill others they found inconvenient. You are not unique. You, like Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot and so many others, seek to dehumanize your victim to justify the atrocity you promote.
You're nothing special, just run of the mill evil.