Fighting against the drug war? WTF?
YES, Hell yes, it is liberals fighting against the "war on drugs". You mean you need proof of that? Are you telling me that you had no idea that liberals are the ones fighting against the drug war, not conservatives?
Care to compare evidence so we can determine which one of us is stupid?
TheDanold said:
Do you not remember the thread where many Liberals INCLUDING YOU, were in favor of San Fran's move to criminalize smoking in your own friggin house?
I understand that in your desperation to make an actual argument you believe that comparing the war on drugs to tobacco regulation makes sense, but it doesn't. In fact, your entire argument is just silly.
First, the case you cite is from Virginia,
A CONSERVATIVE RED STATE FROM THE SOUTH and a smoke friendly state .. and the case is about the safety of the woman's children .. and based on evidence you want to deny but is obviously recognized as fact even in
That recognition of fact completely destroys your argument in the thread you cite .. as I said in the thread.
More importantly, where, oh where is "liberal" mentioned or implied anywhere in the case you cited? Don't run from this question again, it should be easy for you to answer.
Additionally, There are fines and other penalties attached to smoking regulations that does not include sending someone to prison. You claim if you refuse to obey the court than you get sent to ail .. sure, for not obeying a court order, not for smoking.
The woman in the case you cited got jailed for refusing to obey a court order, not for smoking. No one told her she could smoke, they said she could not harm her children.
Additionally, who do you think is more responsible for exploding prison populations of drug offenders, conservatives or liberals? Once again, if you care to compare conservative positions on the criminalization of drugs to that of liberals, be my guest.
Really? I was under the impression that Liberals biggest thing they are up in arms against right now is when some white idiot racists decided to use their first amendment rights to put nooses in trees.
And this ALSO includes you.
That is the epitome of just dumb.
You have no right to threaten innocent people and if that is your poster case for "liberty" and "rights", it exemplifies your desperation. Sane, civil, and intellectual people do not champion bullshit like that.