I'm sorry but you just dont' know what your talking about. That's a sweeping generality and like all such generalities it is wrong. Many of the people you sighted weren't liberals, they were radical revolutionaries far to the left of what you would term a "liberal" today.
Would they be opposed to the modern social well fare state? Probably, but then again, they didn't have to worry about feeding 300 million people.
To many people have been inculcated by the propaganda of the far right which has been determined to marginalize those who oppose their political agenda as "liberals". Well liberal is not a bad thing. It's a very good thing and to generalize liberals as adherents to an all encompassing social welfare state is just spectacularly wrong.
It saddens me that you are not wise to this Goebbels propaganda method.
What is sad is when pseudo intellectuals rewrite history for their own purposes. READ what those great men had to say about government vs liberty. I included both federalists and anti-federalists in my list for a reason. Because despite their differences on forms of government and limits to government, they all followed a common thread of human dignity and right to choose both choose one's destiny AND be RESPONSIBLE for it. (Hence, the probability they would oppose the socialist agenda - whether they had 300 million to worry about or not.)
I am a liberal, and am proud to wear the title of liberal. But I have found myself more and more at odds with others who claim that title as the years have gone by. Admittedly, there are liberals all along the "left" general socio-political spectrum. However there is also a generalized common agenda of modern liberalism. There are many, many who do not agree with all of that agenda. There are many who do. But it is not a generalized group of people to whom I refer, but rather the overall philosophy and agenda when I express my criticism in light of the liberals who founded this nation.
But to specify where modern liberalism goes awry, it is specifically the socialist agenda, trying to heap the responsibility of welfare on the central government. The core problem with that is it is mutually exclusive to a free society. You simply cannot have full control of the economy (which is what socialism requires to have any chance of working) without also controlling other aspects of the society. Social issues and economic issues are too intertwines to expect the ability to control one and leave the other to the vagaries of individuality.
And the agenda of modern liberalism supports that truism. Of note is the manner in which certain liberties, considered sacrosanct by the founders (especially the anti-federalists) are proposed to be "controlled". And not the logical "control" of holding a person responsible if their abuse of free speech causes injury to others, but the direct interference with liberty on the theory that such is needed for the "benefit of society".
IMO, Patrick Henry WOULD spit in the face of a man supporting the so-called "fairness doctrine". He would bitch slap anyone supporting the vast majority of today's gun control laws. And while Hancock would not just out and shoot someone proposing the 2nd Amendment be abolished, he would undoubtedly be sorely tempted.
Now, admitting that not all liberals (especially myself) support the agenda of modern liberalism, look at what modern liberalism DOES support in violation of constitutional protections:
Punitive and prohibitive gun control laws against law abiding citizens. (2nd)
Punitive taxation on purchase of guns, ammunition, and dealers' licenses. (2nd)
Sobriety check points. (4th)
Hate crimes (1st)
Denial of government employees free expression of religion while on the job. (1st)
"Fairness" doctrine. (mentioned before, but still on the list) (1st)
Federal mandates over state authority (10th)
Coerced community, state, and/or federal service (18th)
With a little thought I can add to the above list, but you get the idea. Not exactly a list that would engender approval from the founders, is it?