Liberals on this very site admit that Iraq had WMD nuclear program.


Sound impossible to prove?

Consider this, a little while back cypriss posted a link to the New York Times about our government posting Iraqi info on making a nuclear bomb, they criticized it saying that perhaps Iran used some of that info.

So my question to the Liberals here is this: If Iraq had no WMD and no nuclear program, then how could our government had posted that info?

According to you idiots, it doesn't exist, yet somehow magically becomes existant when it appears to hurt Bush admin!?!

This is the biggest ownage ever.
The same papers prove AlQueada linkage and Saddams plans to send bombers to the US. But nevermind them...........LOL
Sound impossible to prove?

Consider this, a little while back cypriss posted a link to the New York Times about our government posting Iraqi info on making a nuclear bomb, they criticized it saying that perhaps Iran used some of that info.

So my question to the Liberals here is this: If Iraq had no WMD and no nuclear program, then how could our government had posted that info?

According to you idiots, it doesn't exist, yet somehow magically becomes existant when it appears to hurt Bush admin!?!

This is the biggest ownage ever.

First, you might want to tell me what this line:

"This is the biggest ownage ever." means.

Second, no matter who says what, it doesn't make it so!

Third, Cypress is no liberal, he doesn't even think that the Democrats are going to take the House.

Fourth, he says that he would vote for Republicans.

Fifth, you don't even know what a "liberal" is.

Sixth, once again you are talking about a topic you know nothing about!

Seventh and most importantly:

So my question to the Liberals here is this: If Iraq had no WMD and no nuclear program, then how could our government had posted that info

They posted info on Iraq's nuke program from the 1980s.

Everybody here knows iraq had a nuke program in the 1980s.
Having a WMD program is not the same thing as having WMD's.

Hell, the Bahamas has a WMD program!
So my question to the Liberals here is this: If Iraq had no WMD and no nuclear program, then how could our government had posted that info

They posted info on Iraq's nuke program from the 1980s.

Everybody here knows iraq had a nuke program in the 1980s.
You are a LIAR. Reread your own link:

"Among the dozens of documents in English were Iraqi reports written in the 1990s and in 2002 for United Nations inspectors in charge of making sure Iraq had abandoned its unconventional arms programs after the Persian Gulf war. Experts say that at the time, Mr. Hussein’s scientists were on the verge of building an atom bomb, as little as a year away."

As little as a year away from 2002 for making the bomb cypriss.

Your little chicken ass is caught lying AGAIN....when are you gonna start telling the truth P?
You are a LIAR. Reread your own link:

"Among the dozens of documents in English were Iraqi reports written in the 1990s and in 2002 for United Nations inspectors in charge of making sure Iraq had abandoned its unconventional arms programs after the Persian Gulf war. Experts say that at the time, Mr. Hussein’s scientists were on the verge of building an atom bomb, as little as a year away."

As little as a year away from 2002 for making the bomb cypriss.

Your little chicken ass is caught lying AGAIN....when are you gonna start telling the truth P?

NY Times: "the site has posted some documents that weapons experts say are a danger themselves: detailed accounts of Iraq’s secret nuclear research before the 1991 Persian Gulf war"
having the plans to make a nuclear weapon is not a nuclear weapon.

If you took the pile of plans, and put them on the steps of the Capitol Building in DC, and ignited them, there would be a little bonfire, not a thermonuclear explosion.

No one is suggesting that Saddam did not have nuclear scientists working for him. No one is suggesting that Saddam did not, in the distant past, have chemical weapons - we know he had them because Rummy saved the receipts.

What democrats like me are suggesting is that Saddam did not have WMD's in 2003...that he did not have any connection to AQ..that he had absolutely NO reason to give WMD's to AQ even if he had them AND such a connection existed.... that there was no reason to invade, conquer and occupy Iraq when we did, and that what has transpired since our ill-advised, ill-fated incursion has been counterproductive across the board and has resulted in America being less safe today than we were in March of 2003.... less safe, poorer and 3000 good men and women fewer....and way more despised than we ever were before.
First, you might want to tell me what this line:

"This is the biggest ownage ever." means.
Try living in this century.

Second, no matter who says what, it doesn't make it so!
Nobody said anything, we are talking about info that was posted on Iraq's WMD nuclear program. They are technical docs, not opinions. Do try and keep up Pratkosh.

Third, Cypress is no liberal, he doesn't even think that the Democrats are going to take the House.
Well I think they might...does that make me a Liberal, hmmm I think by your retarded definition it does.
And if you don't think cypriss is a Liberal, why don't you ask him? LOL, this is the stupidest line of the year, you are just so fucking stupid it's unbelievable, I mean even beyond the alexxfla level.

Fourth, he says that he would vote for Republicans.
Are you sure he didn't say: A long time ago he voted for Repubs? Because if you go on, cypriss gives himself the label of yellowdog Democrat, so I think you may be smoking something funny.

Fifth, you don't even know what a "liberal" is.

Sixth, once again you are talking about a topic you know nothing about!

Seventh and most importantly:

Blah blah more stupidity and that's all you are beaten and badly. Maybe next time come back better armed...
Ahem......let the ownage begin:

1) "But in recent weeks, the site has posted some documents that weapons experts say are a danger themselves: detailed accounts of Iraq’s secret nuclear research before the 1991 Persian Gulf war. The documents, the experts say, constitute a basic guide to building an atom bomb. "....................

2) "Among the dozens of documents in English were Iraqi reports written in the 1990s and in 2002 for United Nations inspectors in charge of making sure Iraq had abandoned its unconventional arms programs after the Persian Gulf war."

English Comprehension For Dummies:

1) quote #1 is pretty self explanatory. Saddam WMD program in teh early 1990s has not been disputed by anyone. Please note that 1991 is 12 years BEFORE 2003.

2) quote #2 does not refer to a WMD program as Dano would like to insist. Upon first reading this article and his statement, I was perplexed, where would come to such a conclusion, then I immediately when to the conservative blogs where he gets obviously gets his talking points

Dano you are such a tool.
Try living in this century.

Nobody said anything, we are talking about info that was posted on Iraq's WMD nuclear program. They are technical docs, not opinions. Do try and keep up Pratkosh.

Well I think they might...does that make me a Liberal, hmmm I think by your retarded definition it does.
And if you don't think cypriss is a Liberal, why don't you ask him? LOL, this is the stupidest line of the year, you are just so fucking stupid it's unbelievable, I mean even beyond the alexxfla level.

Are you sure he didn't say: A long time ago he voted for Repubs? Because if you go on, cypriss gives himself the label of yellowdog Democrat, so I think you may be smoking something funny.

Blah blah more stupidity and that's all you are beaten and badly. Maybe next time come back better armed...

No Cypress said just a couple of days ago that if the repubs got rid of the bible thumpers he might vote for them again. Cypress is not someone I would describe as being a "liberal". You don't hate cypress because he's a liberal, you hate him because he often makes a damned fool out of you.
Ahem......let the ownage begin:

1) "But in recent weeks, the site has posted some documents that weapons experts say are a danger themselves: detailed accounts of Iraq’s secret nuclear research before the 1991 Persian Gulf war. The documents, the experts say, constitute a basic guide to building an atom bomb. "....................

2) "Among the dozens of documents in English were Iraqi reports written in the 1990s and in 2002 for United Nations inspectors in charge of making sure Iraq had abandoned its unconventional arms programs after the Persian Gulf war."

English Comprehension For Dummies:

1) quote #1 is pretty self explanatory. Saddam WMD program in teh early 1990s has not been disputed by anyone. Please note that 1991 is 12 years BEFORE 2003.

2) quote #2 does not refer to a WMD program as Dano would like to insist. Upon first reading this article and his statement, I was perplexed, where would come to such a conclusion, then I immediately when to the conservative blogs where he gets obviously gets his talking points

Dano you are such a tool.

I thought that anyone who had actually been reading the stories about this treason, already knew all of this. He really is stupid.
NY Times: "the site has posted some documents that weapons experts say are a danger themselves: detailed accounts of Iraq’s secret nuclear research before the 1991 Persian Gulf war"
Again, try reading more than the first little bit, you will see that some of the docs were from 2002, where they were thought to be a little less than a year away from making a nuclear bomb.

If you don't believe your own article, ask these guys:

"This December will mark three years since United Nations inspectors last visited Iraq. There is no doubt that since that time, Saddam Hussein has reinvigorated his weapons programs. Reports indicate that biological, chemical and nuclear programs continue apace and may be back to pre-Gulf War status. In addition, Saddam continues to refine delivery systems and is doubtless using the cover of a licit missile program to develop longer- range missiles that will threaten the United States and our allies." -- From a December 6, 2001 letter signed by Bob Graham, Joe Lieberman, Harold Ford, & Tom Lantos among others

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including Al Qaeda members, though there is apparently no evidence of his involvement in the terrible events of September 11, 2001. It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons. Should he succeed in that endeavor, he could alter the political and security landscape of the Middle East, which as we know all too well affects American security." -- Hillary Clinton, October 10, 2002

"Saddam Hussein's regime represents a grave threat to America and our allies, including our vital ally, Israel. For more than two decades, Saddam Hussein has sought weapons of mass destruction through every available means. We know that he has chemical and biological weapons. He has already used them against his neighbors and his own people, and is trying to build more. We know that he is doing everything he can to build nuclear weapons, and we know that each day he gets closer to achieving that goal." -- John Edwards, Oct 10, 2002

Are they all lying cypriss?
As little as a year away from 2002 for making the bomb cypriss.

...dhen are you gonna start telling the truth P?

It does not state that in 2002 they were one year away from making the bomb. There were documents from the 1990s AND 2002. And in the documents at some point, experts say that he was 1 year away from making an atom bomb. More than likely it was from the 1990s as the experts in 2002 told us repeatedly they did not find any evidence of a WMD program or stockpile and we still haven't found it.
It does not state that in 2002 they were one year away from making the bomb. There were documents from the 1990s AND 2002. And in the documents at some point, experts say that he was 1 year away from making an atom bomb. More than likely it was from the 1990s as the experts in 2002 told us repeatedly they did not find any evidence of a WMD program or stockpile and we still haven't found it.

I think you're forgetting that nuclear weapon experts Sean Hannity and Rick Santorium both "found" WMD's in Iraq after 2002.
No Cypress said just a couple of days ago that if the repubs got rid of the bible thumpers he might vote for them again. Cypress is not someone I would describe as being a "liberal". You don't hate cypress because he's a liberal, you hate him because he often makes a damned fool out of you.
He's full of shit.
Cypriss is pro-union, pro-welfare, doesn't like tax cuts, for nationalized healthcare, and he calls himself a yellowdog Dem on fullpolitics. I've known him for much longer than this site, he holds not a single Conservative position.

I'll tell you what he is doing, he is doing something many supposed ex-Repubs like to do like mottleydude - they throw a bone to Repubs about something they claim not to like about the current Repub party and gee if they could only change that, they would consider voting for them again. When in reality, if you examine their position on ALL issues, you quickly realize that they have nothing in common whatsoever with current Repubs or Conservatives.
It's deceitful tactic used when you know you can't change your opponents opinion completely so you try and work at changing little by little.

And THAT is the reason I despise cypriss and always have, because he is the most DECEITFUL Liberal that I know, not the most rabid left or the most partisan, but the most just have to observe him carefully and I think even you are smart enough to know cypriss is certainly a Liberal.