Liberals on this very site admit that Iraq had WMD nuclear program.

It does not state that in 2002 they were one year away from making the bomb. There were documents from the 1990s AND 2002. And in the documents at some point, experts say that he was 1 year away from making an atom bomb. More than likely it was from the 1990s as the experts in 2002 told us repeatedly they did not find any evidence of a WMD program or stockpile and we still haven't found it.

I interpret it more like Hillary and John Edwards as per their quotes above on seeing the intel and talking about it in 2002. Are they liars, idiots or whatever it is you want to portray me as too for their interpretation?
He's full of shit.
Cypriss is pro-union, pro-welfare, doesn't like tax cuts, for nationalized healthcare, and he calls himself a yellowdog Dem on fullpolitics. I've known him for much longer than this site, he holds not a single Conservative position.

I'll tell you what he is doing, he is doing something many supposed ex-Repubs like to do like mottleydude - they throw a bone to Repubs about something they claim not to like about the current Repub party and gee if they could only change that, they would consider voting for them again. When in reality, if you examine their position on ALL issues, you quickly realize that they have nothing in common whatsoever with current Repubs or Conservatives.
It's deceitful tactic used when you know you can't change your opponents opinion completely so you try and work at changing little by little.

And THAT is the reason I despise cypriss and always have, because he is the most DECEITFUL Liberal that I know, not the most rabid left or the most partisan, but the most just have to observe him carefully and I think even you are smart enough to know cypriss is certainly a Liberal.

BS. Many former moderate republicans have left their party because there is no longer a place for them in it. John Dean says that he has not moved one millimeter in his positions since he was in the Nixon white house, and yet today, he is left of center. Doesn't make him a liberal, not what an honest to God liberal would consider one anyway.

Cypress is like that. If the republicans would ever go back to being the party they used to be, I could see him fitting back in. Whereas I never would.

So you really do not know what a liberal is, you are just another right winger who has been brainwashed by the likes of FOX news into believing you are seeing liberals everywhere.
Try living in this century.

Is this a definition? If so ownage means to "try living in this century."

Are you sure he didn't say: A long time ago he voted for Repubs? Because if you go on, cypriss gives himself the label of yellowdog Democrat, so I think you may be smoking something funny.

Get the bible-thumping hypocrites out of the GOP, and I might vote for some of them again ;-)

That post was from November 3, 2006. Now whose looking pretty damn unknowledgable, Hoosier????

I could go through all the rest with the same level of verve but why bother, you really are not worth the energy it takes to type up rebuttals for your ignorant posts!!! And just in case you are in doubt; that is not a compliment!!!!!!
I interpret it more like Hillary and John Edwards as per their quotes above on seeing the intel and talking about it in 2002. Are they liars, idiots or whatever it is you want to portray me as too for their interpretation?

So in conclusion you interepreted that quote using random other quotes that were convenient to you. Typical.

But at least you admit then that the article does not explicitely say that in 2002 'experts' claimed that Saddam was 1 year away from producing and atom bomb. I trust you'll rescind your claims of ownership.
The republicans that released this info committed treason imo....they intentionally hurt all of us by putting the info on how to make a nuclear bomb on the net so our enemies can easily make one to harm us.... the republicans WANT another attack on us, is how it looks to me....

the ones that insisted on this being released on to the net should be tried for far as I am concerned.... :(
The republicans that released this info committed treason imo....they intentionally hurt all of us by putting the info on how to make a nuclear bomb on the net so our enemies can easily make one to harm us.... the republicans WANT another attack on us, is how it looks to me....

the ones that insisted on this being released on to the net should be tried for far as I am concerned.... :(

shocking..... do you feel the same about the people who leeked wiretap intel and the NIE reports ?
shocking..... do you feel the same about the people who leeked wiretap intel and the NIE reports ?

Bush himself authorized the leaking of an NIE when it suited his purposes; oh, that's right Bush authorized the leaking, I mean posting, of this information too didn't he. I guess it's ok with bob, as long as its Bush doing the leaking. That's why Bush gets the big bucks and the airplane after all, to make those kinds of decisions, when to leak what. But if anyone else leaks, off with their heads.
Bush himself authorized the leaking of an NIE when it suited his purposes; oh, that's right Bush authorized the leaking, I mean posting, of this information too didn't he. I guess it's ok with bob, as long as its Bush doing the leaking. That's why Bush gets the big bucks and the airplane after all, to make those kinds of decisions, when to leak what. But if anyone else leaks, off with their heads.

what is that another assumtion or do you actuly have anything to back that up
shocking..... do you feel the same about the people who leeked wiretap intel and the NIE reports ?

no, I do not...I think that this was information the American public, who is paying for this FIASCO IN IRAQ, deserved to know...SUNSHINE keeps the dirty tricks from being hidden and keeps our government, who can't be trusted, above board.

Releasing information to the terrorists on how to make a dirty bomb or a nuclear bomb is quite SERIOUS, don't you think Bob? iF dEMOCRATS HAD DONE THIS, HOW WOULD you feel ABOUT THIS bob?

What is WORSE?

Wake up, pretty please, and become an American, for a change....

no, I do not...I think that this was information the American public, who is paying for this FIASCO IN IRAQ, deserved to know...SUNSHINE keeps the dirty tricks from being hidden and keeps our government, who can't be trusted, above board.

Releasing information to the terrorists on how to make a dirty bomb or a nuclear bomb is quite SERIOUS, don't you think Bob? iF dEMOCRATS HAD DONE THIS, HOW WOULD you feel ABOUT THIS bob?

What is WORSE?

Wake up, pretty please, and become an American, for a change....


LOL... i never said i thought that was a good idea... i was just shocked that you thought it was treason
I really don't think it falls to the level of treason even though I did mention this ;), though it could be treason if the INTENT to harm us was there, but I do not believe they intended to be so foolish, they just wanted to release this info, HOPING IT WOULD HELP THEM POLITICALLY..., NOT EVEN THINKING ABOUT how it could harm america....either way, they don't deserve to be reelected, because they have shown that they are irresponsible to the American people...for political gain...

not the kind of representative that should be representing us imo...
I really don't think it falls to the level of treason even though I did mention this ;), though it could be treason if the INTENT to harm us was there, but I do not believe they intended to be so foolish, they just wanted to release this info, HOPING IT WOULD HELP THEM POLITICALLY..., NOT EVEN THINKING ABOUT how it could harm america....either way, they don't deserve to be reelected, because they have shown that they are irresponsible to the American people...for political gain...

not the kind of representative that should be representing us imo...

ya welll..... we have a long way to go...
what is that another assumtion or do you actuly have anything to back that up

I guess you have already forgotten the details of how we got into the war with Iraq, haven't you?

Perhaps you can take advantage of the free New York Times archive to look it up, I'm sort of tired of doing other people's research for them. I have enough of my own to do. If you think you can prove me wrong have at it. It's even free this week.