Liberals Warned Me About MAGA’s Racism. I Didn’t Believe Them—Until Now.

As you know from your science studies, part of the scientific method is to formulate a hypothesis then test it. If valid, not only will the test indicate the hypothesis is true, but the test will be replicable.

It works the same in psychology; formulate a hypothesis about a person's behavior, make a prediction based upon that hypothesis and then see if it bears out.

Stable people are all fairly predictable within normal limits. An example would be that most people are abhorred by the DCA crash and now the Philly crash. They understand these things happen and seek to find a solution to prevent it from happening again. This endeavor requires research to find out all the root causes and, therefore, some patience.

Unstable people are predictable within a range such as floating a conspiracy theory, mentioning buzzwords like "Trans" or "DEI". MAGAts, being inherently unstable like their Orange Jesus, react differently to similar events. In the case of the DCA crash, it's immediately blaming women, DEI, transwomen, blacks, etc. In the case of the Philly crash, they are blaming Mexicans and praising the same medical system they condemned during COVID*. They can be predicted to come up with some stupid, irrational reasoning for a disaster to provide immediate satisfaction as to the cause.

*being irrational such as condemning something when it suits them and praising it when it benefits them is part of being unstable.

Good explanation of the Hitler-Trump phenomenon.

The playbook for gaining power simplified:

1) Convince the sheep that everything is horrible,
2) provide them with outside "enemies" to fear, hate, and blame,
3) assure them that only you can fix it,
4) cast doubt on the free media and on experts' knowledge -- only YOURS is valid,
5) make sure that any others in power fear you so much that they won't intervene as you enact your fascist agenda.

Providing them with fake enemies also helps to distract them from what you're really doing.
  • Quod erat demonstrandum: A Latin phrase that means "that which was to be demonstrated". It is often used at the end of mathematical proofs and philosophical arguments to indicate that the proof is complete.
In other words, QED means that you (or whoever) just provided the proof of what I claimed.

What did you claim?
Ah yes, RB, the same guy who cries when one of us likes one of YOUR posts because it means we're supporting a "racist." In #MAGATSpeak, those who publicly identify racist speech, attitudes, behavior, and people are really racists themselves, as well as "judgmental" and "intolerant." *eyeroll*
Do you deny he's a bigoted racist?
Yeah, obama is half white and half black, so of course he decides to side with his anti-white, anti-Semite buddies with Farrakhan
and the terrorist Muslim world that is also anti American to the core. That dipshit obama hussein tried to transform America into an Hamas looking culture where whites are to be put on the bottom wrung of the ladder. Demented biden followed his plan
by telling the American people that our greatest terror threat is white supremacy. Oh how you leftists are on the wrong side
of everything having to with our American values.
Hater continues to prove he's a hateful POS and anti-American. Sad. Hopefully someone helps put him out of his misery. Maybe if his "liberal brothers" held him down while mom force fed him some tranquilizers?
Good explanation of the Hitler-Trump phenomenon.

The playbook for gaining power simplified:

1) Convince the sheep that everything is horrible,
2) provide them with outside "enemies" to fear, hate, and blame,
3) assure them that only you can fix it,
4) cast doubt on the free media and on experts' knowledge -- only YOURS is valid,
5) make sure that any others in power fear you so much that they won't intervene as you enact your fascist agenda.

Providing them with fake enemies also helps to distract them from what you're really doing.
“The first step in a fascist movement is the combination under an energetic leader of a number of men who possess more than the average share of leisure, brutality, and stupidity. The next step is to fascinate fools and muzzle the intelligent, by emotional excitement on the one hand and terrorism on the other.”

Bertrand Russell: Freedom, edited by Ruth Nanda Anshen, Harcourt Brace, 1940.
Do you deny he's a bigoted racist?
Guno is a fine religious family man who honorably served this nation. He is well-educated, intelligent, compassionate, kind -- and he has very little tolerance for racists, bigots, haters, idiots, fakes, misogynists, anti-Semites, homophobes, and MAGATs (which is redundant, sorry). You post racist stuff as does your toxic GF. Both of you are desperate to hang the racist label on others to deflect attention away from your stained white sheets and MAGAT caps.

It's not working, bubba.
“The first step in a fascist movement is the combination under an energetic leader of a number of men who possess more than the average share of leisure, brutality, and stupidity. The next step is to fascinate fools and muzzle the intelligent, by emotional excitement on the one hand and terrorism on the other.”

Bertrand Russell: Freedom, edited by Ruth Nanda Anshen, Harcourt Brace, 1940.

He saw Trump and the MAGATs coming long ago. Well stated.
Guno is a fine religious family man who honorably served this nation. He is well-educated, intelligent, compassionate, kind -- and he has very little tolerance for racists, bigots, haters, idiots, fakes, misogynists, anti-Semites, homophobes, and MAGATs (which is redundant, sorry). You post racist stuff as does your toxic GF. Both of you are desperate to hang the racist label on others to deflect attention away from your stained white sheets and MAGAT caps.

It's not working, bubba.
You forgot to add he's a scumbag bigoted racist who needs to insult family members and me being adopted.