Scut Farkus
and we don't need a culture / heritage checkbox either, dumb jackoff.Culture does not equal race as all rational, intelligent and educated people should know.
Colin Kaepernick is a good example. Genetically, his is primarily a European heritage. He was raised in a middle-class MidWestern Euro-American family in Wisconsin. Culturally, he's Euro-American. It was only when his football career wasn't working out that he chose to embrace African-American culture.
Same for Obama; primarily Euro-American in heritage and culture, but embraces African-American culture. It's a choice. "Race" is not a choice. Same for sex whereas gender is a choice. Re gender, we can't choose who we fall in love with although we can choose who we have sex with. That part of human wiring is still under study and contains a lot of unknowns.
if you think we do, please explain why.