Romney simply has not proposed an increase in spending. I don't even know how you can possibly spin what he has said into that. So your "rebuttal" begins with a blatant lie, and moves on from there. Kagen and Sotomayor are most certainly a threat to liberty, unless you think more governmental control of our lives is liberty. As far as abortion and gay marriage, you indicate a very LIBERAL viewpoint, not a libertarian one. As I said in another thread, Libertarians are very often confused Liberals. I think you are not confused at all, you are just a liberal who is too inept at arguing your principles to call yourself liberal. To avoid such awkward embarrassment, you call yourself a Libertarian. You're fine and dandy with government taking our freedoms and liberties, as long as they are upholding left-wing liberal ideas, like gay marriage and abortion. So-called "Libertarians" such as yourself, need to realize, not everyone agrees with your Liberal philosophies. Some Libertarians don't believe government should be deciding that abortion and gay marriage are morally acceptable, that should be left to the individual and their community to decide, not the federal government.
The one revealing redemption we can take from your commentary, as well as mudcan's interjections, is that a vote for Johnson is most certainly one less vote for Obama, and does't affect Romney.
You're lying, again. He has promised to increase defense spending.
Kagan and Sotomayor CANNOT possibly threaten our liberty. All they can do is fail to stop some other agent of the state. They are likely to uphold Roe v Wade, Lawrence v Texas, against DOMA and for marriage equality. Those are all libertarian positions. Those positions are represented on the platform and by Gary Johnson.
Where have I stated that I am fine with the government taking away our freedoms and liberty?
You are nothing but a fat lying pos. Now after you attack my integrity with blatant lies and misrepresentation of libertarian positions you will probably whine like a twit about how mean I am for pointing out your lies.
Just stfu before you convince me to vote for the lesser of two evils, ie, Obama.