Libtards call me for work

LOL guys, some dude saw my van and my stellar advert plastered on the side and knew I was the guy to call. I went and check it out.
They had a sign on the front porch that was hand painted. The top of the sign read "In this house"
It then listed below a dozen liberal tropes beginning with "Black Lives Matter"
>Fat white bearded dude...Prolly IT guy... Wife is a white ditzy sounding mess with glasses so thick they burn spots on her face in the right lighting
I explain how it's impossible to fix adequately without removal of half the room and how it would be pointless to do that since it's substandard anyway and that we should just nail all new floors over it like everyone else would do.
>Fatboy pauses hard (He learned it at the university)
>Fatboy says he really hoped there was something simple that could be done.

So I leave and assure the libtards I'll send them an email
Now here's the fun part

Do I
A)Make the estimate so expensive they go away
B)Ghost them. No further response
C)Explain how the sign caused me to reflect on my white privilege and decide to forgo my opportunity and suggest they hire a more diverse company with immigrant labor who will do the kind of work I do, which Americans don't want to do

Votes count. I have been waiting 10 days so far

Pathetic petite bourgeoisie small business tyrant. Why not commit suicide and stop being a parasite?
Rich contards are not out there saying my job is one that Americans don't want to do. Leftists say this when they say illegals do jobs Americans don't want to do. I had to move from Connecticut because there were so many illegal aliens available it drove the wages down by preventing normal increases in labor pay. I now operate in columbus and I charge 3X the amount I could hope to get in Connecticut.

Cry me a river
Trailer trash don't hire wood floor guys. It's only white privileged people. I have only had two black customers in 35 years. Only rich white people care about wood floors. That's what makes their signs so hilariously hypocritical. They exude white privilege yet they rail against it. LOL

BTW, one of the black customers was a preacher and his house smelled like a church. LOL
The other black customer was Michael Moye
Here's house I did all the floors in back in my late 20s in the early 90s

Remind me never to hire a white contractor, I don't want meth addict trash like you. You shouldn't home to school you resentful pos. It's not immigrants fault your useless economic waste who thinks he deserves welfare in the form of artificially limiting the labor supply so he can be paid more. Imo we need to ban you from working so the illegals can be paid more, they deserve it more. Why how a useless racist pos like you when there are illegals willing to do the work, just a waste.
Huh? It happened, I assure you. They live right next to the campus in Bexley. I'll go take a picture of the sign next time I'm in Bexley. It was hilarious. They have 1 1/2 inch wide oak floors nailed to the framing instead of there being a subfloor. It's impossible to repair individual boards because there's no way to make it tongue and groove so the boards will move and the tops of the grooves will break off and you'll be right back where you started. They didn't want to hear that I couldn't repair the few bad boards. Well, the last time I worked for some op-enly liberal people I didn't get paid. They declared bankruptcy two months after I did work in their home and a fucking judge dismissed my lein on their home because they just a baby. Fuck liberals and liberal states
By the way, I couldn't care less if you believe these people called me for work. I just wanted to share my potential email I want to send. LOL

Lmao I'm so glad you got screwed there
Lmao I'm so glad you got screwed there

Oregon, libtard paradise, is what got screwed. Now I''m paying taxes in another state.
And it's typical of you liberals to cry about the working man while you turn around and cheer when a working man loses out. You guys are just assholes. You should face the fact.
Remind me never to hire a white contractor, I don't want meth addict trash like you. You shouldn't home to school you resentful pos. It's not immigrants fault your useless economic waste who thinks he deserves welfare in the form of artificially limiting the labor supply so he can be paid more. Imo we need to ban you from working so the illegals can be paid more, they deserve it more. Why how a useless racist pos like you when there are illegals willing to do the work, just a waste.

>I don't want meth addict trash like you
Actually, I'm a stoner. I smoke a big ol fatty and go make beautiful floors that will last long after I die. IMG00006-20090805-2102.jpg
now the finished product on the add a border project
>Baked the whole time
Nice work...

I don't care what you do, if it was me though I would do the work, & if you think they will be a pain, you add a lil in there for that~you get the job, great, you don't get the job, great..

my 2cents

LOL I was going green when I lived in portland
Pic realted:
>Going to put the first coat on a big project in SE near Woodstock and 17th
>Riding from Rose City golf course area
Nice work...

I don't care what you do, if it was me though I would do the work, & if you think they will be a pain, you add a lil in there for that~you get the job, great, you don't get the job, great..

my 2cents

I have too much work and I can't find help. I trained a kid last week but he ghosted me. I paid him 20/hr cash and the kid was asking at 2 pm what time we were going home. Thank god he didn't fuck anything up too bad and he actually was on pace for what I paid him in a quantity sense but quality is more important. Anyway, if there's any job I'm gonna drop it'll be some fat bearded libtard soyboy and his coke-bottle glasses clad, ditzy wife and their substandard shithole project

Let me add to this: I used to do what you suggest, but I would still get the jobs. Upside: It helped me raise my prices by 50% and allowed me to make more overall since even my regular contractors didn't balk at the increase.
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I have too much work and I can't find help. I trained a kid last week but he ghosted me. I paid him 20/hr cash and the kid was asking at 2 pm what time we were going home. Thank god he didn't fuck anything up too bad and he actually was on pace for what I paid him in a quantity sense but quality is more important. Anyway, if there's any job I'm gonna drop it'll be some fat bearded libtard soyboy and his coke-bottle glasses clad, ditzy wife and their substandard shithole project

Let me add to this: I used to do what you suggest, but I would still get the jobs. Upside: It helped me raise my prices by 50% and allowed me to make more overall since even my regular contractors didn't balk at the increase.

I learned it the hard way, & if your busy, you don't need any headaches...

TO bad about the kid, but there are others out there..

There are a ton of those ppl working off the books, hiring illegals & under cutting but I avoid them......
gee if you were not a lie gobbling righty you might not have to trash your prospective clients and shit all over the kids who cant stand to be around you