Lieberman declares War on Iran - And you wanted him as VP


The Force is With Me
This is the guy democrats wanted as VP. One heartbeat or a Mossad bullet from becoming the President. Selecting this clown was the dumbest act Gore could have possibly done, and had he won, I question how much different things would really be.

Lieberman: Iran has declared war on the US

Following a statement issued by the American Forces Press Service accusing Iran's Quds Force of "training, funding and arming the Iraqi groups," as well as Hezbollah operatives in Iraq, Senator Joseph Lieberman (I-CT) released a statement saying that Iran has declared war on America.

"Although no one desires a conflict with Iran, the fact is that the Iranian government by its actions has declared war on us," Lieberman wrote, while urging the United States to keep "open the possibility of using military force against the terrorist infrastructure inside Iran."

"These revelations should be a wake-up call to the United States about the threat posed by the Islamic Republic of Iran," Lieberman continued, "as well as a reminder why Iraq is, in fact, the central front of the global war on terror."

The AFPS article that prompted Lieberman's statement quoted heavily from Brig. Gen. Kevin Bergner, who alleges that the Quds Force sends weapons and $750,000 to $3 million per month into Iraq. According to Bergner, terrorist organizations in Iraq would be "hard pressed" to continue without funding from Iran.

Lieberman seized on the opportunity to criticize fellow members of Congress who have pushed for a withdrawal of US troops from Iraq and repeated the oft-heard White House line that a retreat from Iraq is a victory for terrorists.

"For Congress to mandate a retreat from Iraq will give the Iranians exactly what they want most," Lieberman concluded. "A retreat would not only represent a catastrophic defeat for the United States, but an epic victory for Iran, Hezbollah, and the forces of Islamist terrorism."

Some neoconservatives believe that Lieberman's hard line stance on Iran will ultimately make US military action against that country easier for the White House to sell.

Bill Kristol, the editor of the Weekly Standard, recently told Fox News that Lieberman's campaign against Iran has made "it at least easier for the administration to consider" military action.

He also wants increased spying and surveillance on American citizens

He's to the right of most republicans.
This is the guy democrats wanted as VP. One heartbeat or a Mossad bullet from becoming the President. Selecting this clown was the dumbest act Gore could have possibly done, and had he won, I question how much different things would really be.

Lieberman: Iran has declared war on the US

Following a statement issued by the American Forces Press Service accusing Iran's Quds Force of "training, funding and arming the Iraqi groups," as well as Hezbollah operatives in Iraq, Senator Joseph Lieberman (I-CT) released a statement saying that Iran has declared war on America.

"Although no one desires a conflict with Iran, the fact is that the Iranian government by its actions has declared war on us," Lieberman wrote, while urging the United States to keep "open the possibility of using military force against the terrorist infrastructure inside Iran."

"These revelations should be a wake-up call to the United States about the threat posed by the Islamic Republic of Iran," Lieberman continued, "as well as a reminder why Iraq is, in fact, the central front of the global war on terror."

The AFPS article that prompted Lieberman's statement quoted heavily from Brig. Gen. Kevin Bergner, who alleges that the Quds Force sends weapons and $750,000 to $3 million per month into Iraq. According to Bergner, terrorist organizations in Iraq would be "hard pressed" to continue without funding from Iran.

Lieberman seized on the opportunity to criticize fellow members of Congress who have pushed for a withdrawal of US troops from Iraq and repeated the oft-heard White House line that a retreat from Iraq is a victory for terrorists.

"For Congress to mandate a retreat from Iraq will give the Iranians exactly what they want most," Lieberman concluded. "A retreat would not only represent a catastrophic defeat for the United States, but an epic victory for Iran, Hezbollah, and the forces of Islamist terrorism."

Some neoconservatives believe that Lieberman's hard line stance on Iran will ultimately make US military action against that country easier for the White House to sell.

Bill Kristol, the editor of the Weekly Standard, recently told Fox News that Lieberman's campaign against Iran has made "it at least easier for the administration to consider" military action.

He also wants increased spying and surveillance on American citizens

He's to the right of most republicans.

You're right, and I am more and more shocked every day over how crazy lieberman is. And the fact that the good people of CT sent him back to the Senate, where the R's are using him as cover for their criminal plans, as if he were anything other than just a another neocon killer, is outrageous. But, before Cheney turned the VP office into something above the actual Presidency, the VP didn't have that much power. I seriously question that Lieberman could have strong-armed Gore into giving him the kind of power Cheney has. For all we know, Gore would have kicked him off the ticket in 04, for just this sort of thing.
You're right, and I am more and more shocked every day over how crazy lieberman is. And the fact that the good people of CT sent him back to the Senate, where the R's are using him as cover for their criminal plans, as if he were anything other than just a another neocon killer, is outrageous. But, before Cheney turned the VP office into something above the actual Presidency, the VP didn't have that much power. I seriously question that Lieberman could have strong-armed Gore into giving him the kind of power Cheney has. For all we know, Gore would have kicked him off the ticket in 04, for just this sort of thing.

My concern is that Mossad bullet. If we understand that the neocons and Mossad are 2 pieces of the same faction and we understand how ruthless both are, that bullet would have been too great of an opportunity to pass up.

You're absolutely correct. Lieberman is just another neocon killer .. and a killer of our own troops.

Losing might have been the best thing that could have happened for Gore.
My concern is that Mossad bullet. If we understand that the neocons and Mossad are 2 pieces of the same faction and we understand how ruthless both are, that bullet would have been too great of an opportunity to pass up.

You're absolutely correct. Lieberman is just another neocon killer .. and a killer of our own troops.

Losing might have been the best thing that could have happened for Gore.

Oh, well, that's true. A heart-beat away from the Presidency. Not a place you want Lieberman...especially if you are the President.

Lieberman has been such a disappointment ever since he rolled over & played straight man for Cheney in their VP debate. His stubborn stances on Iraq & now Iran are veering toward "delusional" though. He's hard to watch these days...
From the article:

"These revelations should be a wake-up call to the United States about the threat posed by the Islamic Republic of Iran," Lieberman continued, "as well as a reminder why Iraq is, in fact, the central front of the global war on terror."

Okay. This man has officially been written off by me forever after this statement. He's delusional. Iraq is the central front on terror because we invaded, destabilized the region and caused a power struggle which drew in christofascists.....I mean islamofacists.
Lieberman is an ass.

I honestly don't know if he changed over the years, or if this is how he always was. I never followed his career.

But, people do change. The Barry Goldwater of the 1990s, was not the Barry Goldwater of the 1970s and 1980s. By the end of his life, I think Goldwater was basically a Democrat at heart. He hated the religious right, and the hard right of the republican party, he hated the impeachment of clinton, and, as I remember, he was actually supporting Democratic candidates in Arizona against religious rightwing GOP candidates.
Lieberman is an ass.

I honestly don't know if he changed over the years, or if this is how he always was. I never followed his career.

But, people do change. The Barry Goldwater of the 1990s, was not the Barry Goldwater of the 1970s and 1980s. By the end of his life, I think Goldwater was basically a Democrat at heart. He hated the religious right, and the hard right of the republican party, he hated the impeachment of clinton, and, as I remember, he was actually supporting Democratic candidates in Arizona against religious rightwing GOP candidates.

I don't know either, and I've wondered about it. You'd have to go back years and examine all his public statements, his campaign contributions, and his votes. It's something that, oh, I don't know, a newspaper reporter might do, if they still actually did real reporting.

Here is blackascoal calling Joe names and such..yet he failed to declare war on Doniston for using the "N" word in another thread...Hypocrit comes to mind!
Lieberman has always been a mouthpiece for Israel. The one thing that made him palatable to many was that he was socially liberal .. sort of.

After his support for the mindless miserably failed war in Iraq produced the unintended consequence of empowering Iran beyond their wildest dreams, he then further makes an ass out himself and seeks to kill more American soldiers by single-handedly declaring war on Iran.

"If [the Iranians] don't play by the rules, we've got to use our force, and to me, that would include taking military action to stop them from doing what they're doing."

He's another chicken-hawk coward who has never donned the uniform himself.

If the US attacked Iran the Shite Iraq's would retaliate by attacking US forces in Iraq. The US has had it's hands full just trying to keep the Sunni's off of us, but Lieberman now wants to enrage the Shite majority even further. He couldn't care less about the deaths of our brave men and women in uniform that he seeks to have murdered.

Lieberman was the principal author of the 1998 Iraq Liberation Act, which gave $100 million to now discredited liar extrodinaire Ahmad Chalabi, who provided the lies needed by Lieberman and the Bush horde to invade Iraq, and who was later exposed as a spy for IRAN. The Bush Administration was paying Chalabi $340,000.00 a month.

Even after Chalabi was exposed Lieberman continued to defend him, calling him a "patriotic Iraqi whose counsel was important to us". That counsel was a PROVEN total fraud and turned out to be part of a plan by Iran to get rid of Saddam .. AT OUR EXPENSE. At the expense of tens of thousands of dead and wounded American soldiers. At the expense of hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqis. At the expense of American prestige, honor, respect, and global influence. .. Not to mention almost a trillion dollars.

Lieberman's continued support for Chalabi came about the same time the NSA reported that he told the Iranians that the US had broken Iran's encryption code.

Now, while Bush and nearly all republicans recognize the need to have dialouge with the Iranians, Lieberman declares war.

When those of us protested the selection of Lieberman as Gore's running mate, we were attacked by mainstream democrats who shouted the now idiotic ABB mantra. Had this monster become president, which I'm almost positive he would have and Gore would not have made it through one term alive, he would have been worse than Bush. He would have sided with republicans, followed the bidding of PNAC, Isreal, and the neocons, who are all the same three-headed beast, and launched this nation into complete disaster.

My vote for Nader has never made more sense.

Iran is not just a Israel problemo...if you keep up on the latest news Iran has a "Bounty" posted for US soldiers killed...just food for thought!...Blackascoal!
Here is blackascoal calling Joe names and such..yet he failed to declare war on Doniston for using the "N" word in another thread...Hypocrit comes to mind!

STUPID comes to my mind.

Don't know what thread you're talikng about and I don't care. I think I know enough about Donniston to believe that he wouldn't use that term in a derogatory manner.

Besides, you claim I'm not black. So why would you run and tell?

THIS thread is about Lieberman.

See if you can keep up.

STUPID comes to my mind.

Don't know what thread you're talikng about and I don't care. I think I know enough about Donniston to believe that he wouldn't use that term in a derogatory manner.

Besides, you claim I'm not black. So why would you run and tell?

THIS thread is about Lieberman.

See if you can keep up.

Play dumb blackascoal...would you like me to post his comment per thread #??? Never mind I called you out for what you are a fraud!
Iran is not just a Israel problemo...if you keep up on the latest news Iran has a "Bounty" posted for US soldiers killed...just food for thought!...Blackascoal!

This is what I am talking about said in another thread that your daughter is on her 3rd tour in Iraq...and now say Liberman is wrong about Iran...well why don't you tell this to your daughter...and ask for her response...since she is on the front line of this "Bounty"!!!
Play dumb blackascoal...would you like me to post his comment per thread #??? Never mind I called you out for what you are a fraud!

He used the word "negroid" which, while not a word that is even in my head, is probably an age thing. Be that as it may, you are purposelly trying to give the impression he used another n word. You really are a sneaky bastard.