Lieberman declares War on Iran - And you wanted him as VP

Here is blackascoal calling Joe names and such..yet he failed to declare war on Doniston for using the "N" word in another thread...Hypocrit comes to mind!
yes, I said Negroid AS A RACE big difference, and he knows the difference, apparently you do not.

He used the word "negroid" which, while not a word that is even in my head, is probably an age thing. Be that as it may, you are purposelly trying to give the impression he used another n word. You really are a sneaky bastard.

I am sneaky for calling out those who jump on the "N" word whenever it fits their agenda...Sorry darla but the word he used albeit misspelled...was the forerunner of the "N" word y'all say is so very bad...go figure! Must be a Southern thingee...'eh?
Play dumb blackascoal...would you like me to post his comment per thread #??? Never mind I called you out for what you are a fraud!
I would like to se you post it, just to prove what an idiotic Jackass you really are. but I guess that has already been proven over and over again.


I would like to se you post it, just to prove what an idiotic Jackass you really are. but I guess that has already been proven over and over again.


You really are drunk...! You already admitted to saying it!...doh!

Your post # 21!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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You really are drunk...! You already admitted to saying it!...doh!

I don't believe you were a cop. Because if you were a cop, then somewhere along the way you had a partner. And there is no way I believe that any poor bastard ever rode around with you, trapped, in a car, listening to this shit for 8 hours and didn't shoot your ass.

I don't believe you were a cop. Because if you were a cop, then somewhere along the way you had a partner. And there is no way I believe that any poor bastard ever rode around with you, trapped, in a car, listening to this shit for 8 hours and didn't shoot your ass.

sorry darla...but I had quite a few partners...and they all have absolutely no idea what a brotherhood we have...and I also was a training Officer and a Supervisor...I know this makes you ill and all..but hey what can I say but UP-YOURS...Code Pinko!

addendum: oh by the way ask damo if I was or was not what I claim to have been...another little idiot called me out to test me(ON ANOTHER BOARD)...need I say he lost a cushy job with a government agency...he crossed the line a little more than you did so far...Have a Nice Night!
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I'm telling you that this man was NEVER an officer in the US military and I doubt that he ever graduated from high school. He's too fucking dumb to know the difference between the "N" word and negroid.

Negroid is a largely-archaic term used to describe one of the "three races of man", a view now mostly regarded as an over-simplification of the spectrum of human diversity. Negroids are the most genetically diverse of the historically defined races, including both the world's tallest ethnic group (African Tutsis) and the world's shortest ethnic group (African pygmies).

Donniston was correctly speaking to those 3 classifications of races.


He's an officer, an Apache, and now a cop.


He's none of that other than a drunken uneducated fool.

I'm through wasting time with him ..

The best approach for dealing with trolling clowns is to ignore them as all the want to do is destroy sane conversation about subjects they know nothing about.
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Lieberman has always been a mouthpiece for Israel. The one thing that made him palatable to many was that he was socially liberal .. sort of.

After his support for the mindless miserably failed war in Iraq produced the unintended consequence of empowering Iran beyond their wildest dreams, he then further makes an ass out himself and seeks to kill more American soldiers by single-handedly declaring war on Iran.

"If [the Iranians] don't play by the rules, we've got to use our force, and to me, that would include taking military action to stop them from doing what they're doing."

He's another chicken-hawk coward who has never donned the uniform himself.

If the US attacked Iran the Shite Iraq's would retaliate by attacking US forces in Iraq. The US has had it's hands full just trying to keep the Sunni's off of us, but Lieberman now wants to enrage the Shite majority even further. He couldn't care less about the deaths of our brave men and women in uniform that he seeks to have murdered.

Lieberman was the principal author of the 1998 Iraq Liberation Act, which gave $100 million to now discredited liar extrodinaire Ahmad Chalabi, who provided the lies needed by Lieberman and the Bush horde to invade Iraq, and who was later exposed as a spy for IRAN. The Bush Administration was paying Chalabi $340,000.00 a month.

Even after Chalabi was exposed Lieberman continued to defend him, calling him a "patriotic Iraqi whose counsel was important to us". That counsel was a PROVEN total fraud and turned out to be part of a plan by Iran to get rid of Saddam .. AT OUR EXPENSE. At the expense of tens of thousands of dead and wounded American soldiers. At the expense of hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqis. At the expense of American prestige, honor, respect, and global influence. .. Not to mention almost a trillion dollars.

Lieberman's continued support for Chalabi came about the same time the NSA reported that he told the Iranians that the US had broken Iran's encryption code.

Now, while Bush and nearly all republicans recognize the need to have dialouge with the Iranians, Lieberman declares war.

When those of us protested the selection of Lieberman as Gore's running mate, we were attacked by mainstream democrats who shouted the now idiotic ABB mantra. Had this monster become president, which I'm almost positive he would have and Gore would not have made it through one term alive, he would have been worse than Bush. He would have sided with republicans, followed the bidding of PNAC, Isreal, and the neocons, who are all the same three-headed beast, and launched this nation into complete disaster.

My vote for Nader has never made more sense.

If Gore were prez, there wouldn't be an Iraq war.

That's good enough for me. Even if he did everything else exactly the same as bush, not going into the Iraq War would have been one of the wisest and most prudent decisions EVER made in the HISTORY of this republic.
sorry darla...but I had quite a few partners...and they all have absolutely no idea what a brotherhood we have...and I also was a training Officer and a Supervisor...I know this makes you ill and all..but hey what can I say but UP-YOURS...Code Pinko!

addendum: oh by the way ask damo if I was or was not what I claim to have been...another little idiot called me out to test me(ON ANOTHER BOARD)...need I say he lost a cushy job with a government agency...he crossed the line a little more than you did so far...Have a Nice Night!

Listen Dummy, I'm not asking Damo anything about you, even though you keep begging me to, and keep talking about Damo. I don't bother him with little shit, and you, are one little shit.

Ok? So get that cleared up in your head and stop with your Damo shit.
uH HUH....!

I'm telling you that this man was NEVER an officer in the US military and I doubt that he ever graduated from high school. He's too fucking dumb to know the difference between the "N" word and negroid.

Negroid is a largely-archaic term used to describe one of the "three races of man", a view now mostly regarded as an over-simplification of the spectrum of human diversity. Negroids are the most genetically diverse of the historically defined races, including both the world's tallest ethnic group (African Tutsis) and the world's shortest ethnic group (African pygmies).

Donniston was correctly speaking to those 3 classifications of races.


He's an officer, and Apache, and a cop.

He's none of that other than a drunken uneducated fool.

I'm through wasting time with him ..

The best approach for dealing with trolling clowns is to ignore them as all the want to do is destroy sane conversation about subjects they know nothing about.

Nice try professor...I was what I said I was...and the "N" word was taken from the word "Negro"that was previously used as a classification of longer in use...also the word "Nigger" was a misspelled version of the word "Niger" used on ships manifests showing the "Port of Origination" for cargo from Africa.. of which 'Niger' was the main port of export for slaves...anymore professor BS?

Listen Dummy, I'm not asking Damo anything about you, even though you keep begging me to, and keep talking about Damo. I don't bother him with little shit, and you, are one little shit.

Ok? So get that cleared up in your head and stop with your Damo shit.

Like damo does not read the threads..I just gave you the opportunity to backpeddle...if you were correct about me...damo would have came in and supported your assertion...doh!
I am sneaky for calling out those who jump on the "N" word whenever it fits their agenda...Sorry darla but the word he used albeit misspelled...was the forerunner of the "N" word y'all say is so very bad...go figure! Must be a Southern thingee...'eh?
Not at all misspelled but used properly, and just to p[rove how wrong you are, the following is posted for your edification: Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source
Ne·groid /ˈnigrɔɪd/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[nee-groid] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–adjective 1. of, pertaining to, or characteristic of the peoples traditionally classified as the Negro race.
–noun 2. a member of such peoples.


[Origin: 1855–60; Negr(o)- + -oid] Unabridged (v 1.1)
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006.
American Heritage Dictionary - Cite This Source Ne·groid (nē'groid') Pronunciation Key
adj. Of or being a major human racial classification traditionally distinguished by physical characteristics such as brown to black pigmentation and often tightly curled hair and including peoples indigenous to sub-Saharan Africa. See Usage Note at race1.

n. A member of this racial classification.


the randon house descriptions most nearly duplicates my statement.
Nice try professor...I was what I said I was...and the "N" word was taken from the word "Negro"that was previously used as a classification of longer in use...also the word "Nigger" was a misspelled version of the word "Niger" used on ships manifests showing the "Port of Origination" for cargo from Africa.. of which 'Niger' was the main port of export for slaves...anymore professor BS?

First of all, Nero was taken from the word Negroid, NOT the other way around, Tho for once you are correct in the origin of the word nigger. And at this point no one beleives that you "WAS" what you said you "WAS" (with the exception of maybe a beat policemen.) certainly not a trainer, And your own statements put your insistance that you were an officer in the military to a big fat lie. You simply don't know enough afbout the service for that to be true.